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grains (other than rice)
麦冬 ophiopogon [root]
麦冬汁 fresh ophiopogon [tuber] juice
麦奴 infested wheat
麦瓜 pumpkin
麦角 ergot
麦味地黄丸 Ophiopogon and Rehmannia Pill
麦芽 barley sprout
麦芽曲 barley leaven
麦门冬 ophiopogon [root]
麦门冬茎叶 ophiopogon stem and leaf
麦门冬汤 Ophiopogon Decoction
麦门冬饮子 Ophiopogon Drink
麦夏枯 prunella [spike]
麦粒型皮内针 wheat-grain intradermal needle
麦粒肿 hordeolum
麦撇花藤 mappianthus [stem]
麦麸草 slender false nettle
麦穗夏枯草 prunella [spike]
麦蓝子 vaccaria [seed]
麦蘗 barley sprout
麦蘗面 malt flour
麦虋冬 ophiopogon [root]
tingling\HALT \ADJ, \NOUN
numbness\HALT \NOUN
麻子 cannabis fruit
麻子仁 cannabis fruit
麻子仁丸 Cannabis Fruit*& Pill
麻仁 cannabis fruit
麻仁丸 Cannabis Fruit*& Pill
麻仁滋脾丸 Cannabis Fruit Spleen-Enriching Pill [NIS]
麻木 numbness (and tingling)
麻布七 tall aconite
麻皮 hemp fiber
麻竹笋 ma bamboo shoot
麻杏甘石汤 Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Licorice, and Gypsum Decoction
麻杏石甘汤 Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction
麻杏薏甘汤 Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, and Licorice Decoction
麻杏薏甘汤 Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, and Licorice Decoction
麻沸散 anesthetic powder
麻油 sesame oil
麻油调敷 apply mixed with sesame oil
麻芝糊 adenostemma
麻花 hemp flower
麻花艽 mahuajiao gentian
麻促脉 frenzied sesame seed pulse
麻前散 Nux-Vomica Powder
麻剌利亚 malaria
麻柳果 wing nut fruit
麻柳叶 wing nut leaf
麻柳树根 wing nut root
麻毒 measles toxin
麻毒入营 measles toxin entering construction
麻毒陷肺 measles toxin falling into the lung
麻科活人全书 Life-Saving Collected Works on the Treatment of Measles
麻风 numbing wind
麻风 leprosy
麻风 leprosy
麻根 hemp root
麻桂石膏汤 Ephedra, Cinnamon Twig, and Gypsum Decoction
麻疹 measles
麻疹 measles papules
麻疹 measles
麻疹不透 non-eruption of measles
麻疹失音 loss of voice in measles
麻疹逆证 unfavorable measles pattern
麻疹透发不出 non-eruption of measles
麻疹透发不出 non-outthrust of measles
麻疹闭证 measles block pattern
麻疹喉痛 sore throat in measles
麻疹发不畅 inhibited eruption of measles papules
麻疹顺证 favorable measles pattern
麻疹险证 critical measles pattern
麻疹难透 difficult outthrust of measles
麻雀 sparrow
麻黄 ephedra
麻黄加朮汤 Ephedra Decoction Plus White Atractylodes*&
Ep hedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction
Ep hedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, and Licorice Decoction
麻黄附子甘草汤 Ephedra, Aconite, and Licorice Decoction
Ep hedra, Aconite, Asarum, and Licorice Decoction [NIS]
麻黄附子细辛汤 Ephedra, Aconite, and Asarum Decoction
麻黄根 ephedra root
麻黄细辛附子汤 Ephedra, Asarum, and Aconite Decoction
E phedra, Forsythia, and Rice Bean Decoction
麻黄汤 Ephedra Decoction
麻滓 sesame seed residue
麻痹 paralysis
麻叶 hemp leaf
麻疯 numbing wind
麻疯 leprosy
麻疯树 jatropha [leaf and bark]
麻腐 sesame curd
麻苡 jute leaf
麻秸 sesame stem
麻菇 straw mushroom
麻痹 paralysis
麻蕡 hemp spike
傍针刺 one-beside needling
| a surname
傅山 Fu4 Shan1>
傅仁宇 Fu4 Ren2-Yu3>
傅青主女科 Fu4 Qing1-Zhu3>'s Gynecology
place at the ready
备急千金要方 A Thousand Gold Pieces Emergency Formulary
割人藤 Japanese hop
割治法 excision therapy
创伤 wound
创伤出血 bleeding from wounds
创伤出血 bleeding wound
创新门 Creative Gate
taxation\HALT \NOUN
劳水 worked water
劳水 worked water
劳怯 taxation timidity
劳注 taxation influx
劳者温之 taxation is treated by warming
劳则气耗 taxation causes wearing of qi4
劳咳 taxation cough
劳倦 taxation fatigue
劳倦过多 excessive taxation
劳宫 PC-08\w
劳宫 Palace of Toil
劳堂骨 fibula
劳淋 taxation strangury
劳累 fatigue
劳累过多 overwork
劳复 taxation relapse
劳逸不当 imbalance of activity and rest
劳伤 taxation damage
劳伤月经过多 taxation damage profuse menstruation
劳伤咳嗽 taxation damage cough
劳损 taxation detriment
劳损证 taxation detriment pattern
劳嗽 taxation cough
劳疟 taxation malaria
劳蒸 taxation steaming
劳热 taxation heat [effusion] (fever)
劳热骨蒸 taxation heat [effusion] (fever) steaming bone
劳聋 taxation deafness
劳蒩 Chinese fieldnettle
prevail\HALT \VERB, prevalent \ADJ, prevalence \NOUN
overcome\HALT \VERB
胜春红 China tea rose
胜红蓟 ageratum
胜复 overcoming and retaliation
胜湿 overcome dampness
胜湿汤 Dampness-Overcoming Decoction
胜舄菜 plantago
博落回 macleaya
reversal\HALT \NOUN
reverting\HALT \ADJ
厥心痛 reversal heart pain
厥冷 reversal cold
厥疝 reversal mounting
厥俞 BL-14
厥俞 Reverting Transport
厥气 reverse qi4
厥逆 reverse flow
厥逆无脉 reverse flow with no pulse
厥逆头痛 reverse-flow headache
厥骨 GV-01
厥骨 Jue2 Bone
厥脱 reversal desertion
厥阴 reverting yin1
厥阴化风 reverting yin1 transforming into wind
厥阴多血少气 reverting yin1 has copious blood and scant qi4
厥阴肝火 reverting yin1 liver fire
厥阴俞 BL-14\w
厥阴俞 Reverting Yin1 Transport
厥阴为合 reverting yin1 is the closing
厥阴病 reverting yin1 disease
厥阴病证 reverting yin1 disease pattern
厥阴寒厥 reverting yin1 cold reversal
厥阴寒厥证 reverting yin1 cold reversal pattern
厥阴蛔厥 reverting yin1 roundworm reversal
厥阴蛔厥证 reverting yin1 roundworm reversal pattern
厥阴热厥 reverting yin1 heat reversal
厥阴热厥证 reverting yin1 heat reversal pattern
厥阴头痛 reverting yin1 headache
厥厥 bobbing
厥阳 BL-58
厥阳 Reverting Yang2
厥杨 BL-58
厥杨 Reverting Poplar
厥热 reversalheat
厥热胜复 overcoming and retaliation of reversal and heat
厥头痛 reversal headache
厥证 reversal pattern
厥聋 reversal deafness
喀出 expectorate
喀血 hacking of blood
喧扰不宁 noisy behavior
喝水多 drink large amounts of water
d rink several times the normal amount of water
pant\HALT \VERB, panting \NOUN
喘不得息 panting with inability to catch one's breath
喘不得气 panting with inability to catch one's breath
喘四君子汤 Four Gentlemen Panting Decoction
喘促 hasty panting
喘促不能平卧 hasty panting with inability to lie flat
喘促不得卧 hasty panting with inability to lie down
喘咳 panting and cough
喘咳上气 panting and cough with qi4 ascent
喘咳气逆 qi4 counterflow panting and cough
喘急 rapid panting
喘哮兼咳 panting and wheezing with cough
喘家 person who suffers from panting
喘息 panting
喘息 Panting
喘息抬肩 panting with raised shoulders
喘息倚肩 panting with raised shoulders
喘逆 panting counterflow
喘悸 panting and palpitations
喘胀 panting and distention
喘嗽 panting and cough
喘满 panting and fullness
喘满热咳 heat cough with panting and fullness
喘鸣 panting rale
喘鸣 panting and rale
喘证 panting patterns
thrive by
喜欠 frequent yawning
喜冷饮食 liking for cold foods and drinks
喜忘 forgetfulness
喜则气缓 joy causes qi4 to slacken
喜怒 susceptibility to anger
喜怒伤气 joy and anger damage qi4
喜按 like pressure
喜按喜暖 liking for pressure and warmth
喜食异物 predilection for strange foods
喜笑不休 incessant laughing
喜马拉雅紫茉莉 Himalayan mirabilis [root]
喜凉 liking for coolness
喜凉怕热 liking for coolness and fear of heat
喜暖 liking for warmth
喜暖畏冷 liking for warmth and fear of cold
喜温 that likes warmth
喜呕 frequent retching
喜梦 frequent dreaming
喜热 like heat
喜热喜按 liking for heat and pressure
喜热饮食 liking for hot colds and foods
喜热敷 liking for warm compresses
喜树 camptotheca
喜静 liking for quietness
喜惊 susceptibility to fright
loose\HALT \VERB; loss \NOUN
喃喃自语 muttering to oneself
喃喃独语 muttering to oneself
单刀根 lysidice root
单手进针法 single-handed needle insertion
单方 simple formula
单式补泻手法 simpple supplementation and drainage manipulation
单行 acting singly
单行 going alone
单乳蛾 single nipple moth
单味 single medicinal
单炒 plain stir-fry
单炒 stir-fry without adjuvants
单按 pressing with one finger
单指压 single-finger press
单根木 ervatamia root
单根木叶 ervatamia leaf
单纯_+herpes simplex
her pes simple keratitis
单侧 hemilateral
单条草 candid lysimachia
单腹胀大 simple abdominal distention
单腹鼓 simple abdominal drum
单腹臌 simple abdominal drum distention
单蛾 single [baby] moth
单鼓 simple drum
单蒸 plain-steam
单蒸 steam without adjuvants
单头紫菀 turbinate aster
单头紫菀根 turbinate aster root
单双乳娥 single and double baby moths
单臌胀 simple drum distention
spittle\HALT \NOUN
唾血 spitting of blood
唾为肾液 spittle is the humor of the kidney
| surname
喻昌 Yu4 Chang1>
乔木紫珠 tree beauty-berry
larynx\HALT \NOUN, laryngeal \ADJ
throat\HALT \NOUN
喉中 CV-23
喉中 Larynx Center
喉中水鸡声 frog rale in the throat
喉中如水鸡声 frog-like rale in the throat
喉中有水鸡声 frog rale in the throat
喉中有痰声 sound of phlegm in the throat
喉中作声 throat rale
喉中梗阻 blockage of the throat
喉中痰鸣 phlegm rale in the throat
喉中痰声 phlegm rale in the throat
喉切除术 laryngectomy
喉甘子 emblic
喉岩 throat rock
喉底 back of the throat
喉炎 laryngitis
喉炎 laryngitis
喉咳 throat cough
喉咽 laryngopharynx
喉咽干燥 dry throat
喉科指掌 A Guidebook of Laryngology
喉科草 Chinese smartweed
喉科擒疗法 laryngological holding massage
喉科擎拿疗法 laryngological holding massage
喉风 throat wind
喉息肉 throat polyps
喉核 throat node
喉疳 throat gan
喉闭 throat block
喉痛 sore throat
喉菌 throat mushroom
喉菌 laryngeal mushroom
喉间痰声漉漉 phlegm gurgling in the throat
喉蛾 throat moth
喉鸣有声 throat rale
喉瘤 tumor of the throat
喉头发痒 itchy throat
喉龙干毛 tickly dry throat
喉燥咽干 dry throat
喉关 throat pass
喉关痈 throat pass welling-abscess
喉咙 throat
喉咙草 umbellate rock jasmine
喉咙痛 sore throat
喉咙肿痛 sore swollen throat
喉痒 itchy throat
喉癣 throat lichen
喉吤 sensation of something stuck in the throat
喉疔 clove sore of the throat
喉喑 loss of voice
喉痧 laryngeal sand
喉痹 throat impediment
喉痹不能言 throat impediment preventing speech
喉痹咽痛 throat impediment and sore throat
喉痈 welling-abscess of the throat
围针刺 encirclement needling
围药 encircling
报刺 report needling
报伤点 trauma pointer
报标 heralding tip
报点 heralding speckle
壶瓶草 siphonostegia
壶腹 ampulla
壶芦 bottle gourd
寒下 cold precipitation
寒中 cold strike (stroke)
寒中少气 cold strike (stroke) with shortage of qi4
寒化 transformation into cold
寒化 cold formation
寒少热多 more heat [effusion] (fever) than [aversion to] cold
寒心痛 cold heart pain
寒水互结 cold and water binding together
寒水石 glauberite
寒包火 cold enveloping fire
寒包热 cold enveloping heat
寒可去热 cold [medicinals] can eliminate heat
寒瓜 watermelon
寒吐 cold vomiting
寒因寒用 treating cold with cold
寒冷腹痛 cold abdominal pain
寒呃 cold hiccup
寒豆 (1) broad bean
寒豆 (2) pea
寒邪 cold evil
寒邪化热 cold evil transforming into heat
寒邪犯胃 cold evil invading the stomach
寒邪犯胃证 pattern of cold evil invading the stomach
寒邪直中 direct strike by cold evil
寒邪阻滞 cold evil stagnation
寒邪客肺 cold evil settling in the lung
寒邪眩晕 cold evil dizziness
寒夜啼 cold night crying
寒府 GB-33
寒府 Cold House
寒性收引 cold by nature causes contraction and tautness
寒性的气痛 cold-type qi4 pain
寒性凝滞 cold by nature causes congealing and stagnation
寒疝 cold mounting
寒的证候 cold patterns
寒者热之 cold is treated with heat
寒则收引 cold causes contracture and tautness
寒则气收 cold causes qi4 to contract
寒为阴邪 cold is a yin1 evil
寒重热轻 severe [aversion to] cold and mild heat [effusion]
寒食散 powder taken cold
寒栗 cold shudders
寒栗鼓颌 cold shudders and chattering jaws
寒格 repelling cold
寒气腹痛 cold qi4 abdominal pain
寒气呕吐 cold qi4 vomiting
寒气凝滞 congealing cold and stagnant qi4
寒秘 cold constipation
寒能制热 cold can counteract heat
寒蚓 earthworm
寒阵 cold array
寒从中生 cold arising from the center
寒阴上逆 yin1 cold ascending counterflow
寒雀粪 squirrel's droppings
寒胜则浮 when cold prevails, there is swelling
寒胜热 cold more pronounced than heat
寒厥 cold reversal
寒厥心痛 cold reversal heart pain
寒喘 cold panting
寒暑伤形 cold and summerheat damage the body
寒无犯寒 avoid the mistake of using cold against cold
寒无浮,热无沉 no cold [medicinals] float, no hot [medicinals] sink
寒痢 cold dysentery
寒痛 cold pain
寒痉 cold tetany
寒结 cold bind
寒结胸 cold chest bind
寒结胸 cold chest bind
寒胀 cold distention
寒饮 cold rheum
寒饮上逆 cold rheum ascending counterflow
寒饮伏肺 cold rheum lying latent in the lung
寒饮停肺 cold rheum collecting in the lung
寒饮停肺证 pattern of cold rheum collecting in the lung
寒伤形,热伤气 cold damages the physical body; heat damages qi4
寒栗 cold shudders
寒栗鼓颌 cold shudders and chattering jaws
寒极生热 extreme cold engenders heat
寒极似热 extreme cold resembling heat
寒温不适 excessive cold or warmth
寒瘀 cold stasis
寒痰 cold phlegm
寒痰阻肺 cold phlegm obstructing the lung
寒痰阻肺 cold phlegm obstructing the lung
寒痰阻肺证 pattern cold phlegm obstructing the lung
寒痰咳喘 cold phlegm cough and panting
寒痰证 cold phlegm pattern
寒号虫粪 squirrel's droppings
寒嗽 cold cough
寒呕 cold vomiting
寒实 cold repletion
寒实结胸 cold repletion chest bind
寒滞肝脉 cold stagnating in the liver vessel
寒滞肝脉证 pattern of cold stagnating in the liver vessel
寒滞经脉 cold stagnating in the channels
寒滞经脉 cold stagnating in the channels
寒疟 cold malaria
寒精 cold semen
寒膈 cold occlusion
寒热 cold and heat
寒热 heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold
寒热 heat [effusion] (fever) and aversion to cold
寒热大作 great heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold
寒热互结痞 binding cold and heat glomus
寒热交作 alternating [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion]
寒热如疟 heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold as in malaria
寒热夹杂 cold-heat complex
寒热往来 alternating heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold
寒热往来 alternating heat [effusion] (fever) and aversion to cold
寒热往来 alternating cold and heat
寒热真假 true and false cold and heat
寒热起伏 alternating [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion]
寒热间作 intermittent heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to cold]
寒热疟 cold-heat malaria
寒热辨证 cold-heat pattern identification
寒热错杂 cold-heat complex
寒热错杂证 cold-heat complex pattern
寒凝 congealing cold
寒凝肝脉 cold congealing in the liver vessel
寒凝胞宫 cold congealing in the uterus
寒凝胞宫证 pattern of cold congealing in the uterus
寒凝气滞 congealing cold qi4 stagnation
寒凝气滞 congealing cold and stagnating qi4
寒凝证 congealing cold pattern
寒剂 cold formula
寒战 shivering
寒积 cold accumulation
寒积腹痛 cold accumulation abdominal pain
寒积腹痛 cold accumulation abdominal pain
寒霍乱 cold cholera
寒湿 cold-damp
寒湿久痹 cold-damp enduring impediment
寒湿中阻 cold-damp obstructing the center
寒湿内阻 cold-damp causing internal obstruction
寒湿困脾 cold-damp encumbering the spleen
寒湿困脾证 patternofcold-damp encumbering the spleen
寒湿身肿 cold-damp generalized swelling
寒湿性黄疸 cold-damp jaundice
寒湿侵袭 cold-damp invasion
寒湿客于中焦 cold damp settling in the center burner
寒湿眩晕 cold-damp dizziness
寒湿痢 cold-damp dysentery
寒湿痰 cold-damp phlegm
寒湿腰痛 cold-damp lumbar pain
寒湿脚气 cold-damp leg qi4
寒湿滞气 cold-damp qi4 stagnation
寒湿凝滞 congealing cold-damp
寒湿凝滞痛经 congealing cold-damp menstrual pain
寒湿凝滞筋骨 cold-damp congealing in the sinews and bones
寒湿凝滞经闭 congealing cold-damp menstrual block
寒湿头痛 cold-damp headache
寒湿证 cold-damp pattern
寒湿痹 cold-damp impediment
寒泻 cold diarrhea
寒癖 cold aggregation
寒证 cold pattern
寒证腹痛 cold-patern abdominal pain
寒露 Cold Dew
寒颤 shivering
寒痹 cold impediment
寒澼 cold afflux
寒痫 cold epilepsy
| surname
富贵豆 Yokohama bean
寻骨风 mollissima
寻常性鱼鳞病 ichthyosis vulgaris
寻常性银屑病 psoriasis vulgaris
寻常疣 verruca vulgaris
mountain forest vapor (qi4)
帽兰 stewartia (root) bark
廊茵 thorny knotweed
restore\HALT VERB; restorative \ADJ
复中 recurrence of strike
复元活血汤 Origin-Restorative Blood-Quickening Decoction
复元通气散 Origin-Restoring Qi4-Freeing Powder
复方 compound formula
复方黄连膏 Compound Formula Coptis Paste
复白 KI-07
复白 Returning White
复行 Moving Again
复明散 Light-Restoring Powder
复明汤 Light-Restoring Decoction
复气 retaliatory qi4
复气 retaliatory qi4
复脉 restore the pulse
复脉汤 Pulse-Restorative Decoction
复康 rehabilitation
复发 recurr
复发性口疮 recurrent aphthae
peria denitis mucosa necrotica recurrens
复感外邪 further contraction of external evil
复溜 KI-07\w
复溜 Recover Flow
复润 repeated moistening
channel rubbing
循衣摸床 picking at bedclothes
循衣摸床 carphology
循衣摸床 carphologia
循经穴 affected-channel point
循经取穴 selection of points by the affected channel
循经传 sequential passage
循际 ST-25
循际 Cycle Border
循摄法 channel-freeing manipulation
malign\HALT \ADJ, malignity \NOUN
aversion to\HALT \NOUN-\PREP
恶人 aversion to people
恶子 aversion to child
恶心 nausea
恶心欲呕 nausea and desire to retch
恶心呕吐 nausea and vomiting
恶水 aversion to water
恶光羞明 aversion to light
恶光羞明 aversion to light
恶肉 malign flesh
恶色 malign complexion
恶血 malign blood
恶血不去 non-elimination of malign blood
恶冷 aversion to cold
恶见灯火 aversion to lights and fire
恶阻 malign obstruction
恶阻 morning sickness
恶阻病 malign obstruction disease
恶疥 malign scab
恶风 aversion to wind
恶风寒 aversion to wind or cold
恶食 aversion to food
恶气 malign qi4
恶臭 malign odor
恶寒 aversion to cold
恶寒肢冷 cold limbs and aversion to cold
恶寒发热 aversion to cold with heat [effusion] (fever)
恶寒战栗 aversion to cold with shivering
恶寒战栗 aversion to cold with shivering
恶实 arctium [seed]
恶热 aversion to heat
恶疮 malign sore
恶鸡婆 Japanese thistle
恶露 lochia
恶露不下 retention of the lochia
恶露不下 lochiometra
恶露不已 persistent flow of lochia
恶露不已 lochiorrhea
恶露不止 persistent flow of lochia
恶露不止 lochiorrhea
恶露不行 retention of the lochia
恶露不行 lochiometra
恶露不绝 persistent flow of lochia
恶露不绝 lochiorrhea
恶露不尽 persistent flow of lochia
恶露不尽 lochiorrhea
恶露不断 persistent flow of lochia
恶露不断 lochiorrhea
恶露去少 scant elimination of the lochia
恶露未尽 incomplete elimination of the lochia
恶露量少 scant lochia
恶露涩少 scant disfluent flow of lochia
sorrow\HALT \NOUN
悲则气消 sorrow causes qi4 to disperse
悲喜不常 abnormal sorrow and joy
悲伤欲哭 sorrow and desire to weep
悲优伤肺 sorrow and anxiety damage the lung
悲观 pessimism
oppression\HALT \NOUN
闷痛 oppressive pain
闷润 covered moistening
闷头花 genkwa [flower]
惠民局 Imperial Benevolence Dispensary
惺惺 GV-16
惺惺 Clearheadedness
惺惺散 Clever Powder
戟叶石苇 Walton's lepisorus
掣痛 pulling pain
掌中 PC-08
掌中 Center of the Palm
掌中热 heat in the palms
掌心毒 palm heart toxin [sore]
掌心风 palm heart wind
掌骨 metacarpal bones
掌侧指静脉 palmar digital veins
掌侧静脉弓 palmar arch
pick out
拣香 top grade frankincense
揉法 rubbing
揉捻法 rubbing and twisting
揉眼 rub the eyes
揉眼 eye-rubbing
揆度奇恒 assessment of the normal and abnormal
插药 medicinal stick insertion
raise\HALT \VERB
提母 anemarrhena [root]
提托穴 Pull-Up Hole
提肌 levator
提肛肌穴 Anal Sphincter
提肛散 Rectum-Lifting Powder
提法 raising
提泡 blistering
提胃 Stomach Lifter
提捏进针法 skin-pinching needle insertion
提捏进针法 pinch-and-lift needle insertion
提神 raise the spirit
提壶揭盖 lift the pot and remove the lid
提插 lifting and thrusting
提插补泻 lift-and-thrust supplementation and drainage
提插补泻手法 lifting and thrusting supplementation and drainage manipulation
提汤菊 tithonia
提脓去腐 draw pus and eliminate putridity
提脓拔毒 draw out pus and toxin
挥发油 volatile oils
援土固胎汤 Earth-Rescuing Fetus-Securing Decoction
换气过度 hyperventilation
换齿 change of teeth
扬手掷足 flailing of the arms and legs
扬手踯足 flailing of the arms and legs
扬氏家藏方 Yang2's Familiy Heritage Formulas
扬玄操 Yang2 Xuan2-Cao1>
扬刺 raising up needling
敦盛草 Tibetan lady's slipper [root]
powder\HALT \NOUN
dissipate\HALT \VERB, dissipation \NOUN
散中有收 contraction within dissipation
散内寒 dissipate internal cold
散火 dissipate fire
散火消肿 dissipate fire and disperse swelling
散火汤 Fire-Dissipating Decoction
散血 dissipate the blood
散血活瘀 dissipate blood and quicken stasis
散血消痰 dissipate blood and disperse phlegm
散血草 Clarke's boea
散血莲 bamboo fern
散迂瘀J 活血 dissipate stasis and quicken the blood
散邪 dissipate evil
散刺 scatter-pricking
散法 dispersing
散者收之 dissipation is treated by contracting
散胃寒 dissipate stomach cold
散郁结 dissipate binding depression
散郁调气 dissipate depression and regulate qi4
散风 dissipate wind
散风止痒 dissipate wind and relieve itching
散风明日 dissipate wind and brighten the eyes
散风活络丸 Wind-Dissipating Network-Quickening Pill [NIS]
散风清热 dissipate wind and clear heat
散风热 clear wind-heat
散笑 Disseminating Laughter
散脉 dissipated pulse
散脉 scattered pulse
散阵 dissipating array
散偏汤 Hemilateral Headache Decoction
散阴疽 dissipate yin1 flat-abscesses
散寒 dissipate cold
散寒化饮 dissipate cold and transform rheum
散寒化痰 dissipate cold and transform phlegm
散寒化痰药 cold-dissipating and phlegm-transforming medicinal
散寒止痛 dissipate cold and relieve pain
散寒止呕 dissipate cold and check vomiting
散寒除湿 dissipate cold and eliminate dampness
散寒解表 dissipate cold and resolve the exterior
散寒药 cold-dissipating medicinal
散寒祛湿 dissipate cold and dispel dampness
散发性脑炎 sporadic encephalitis
散结 dissipate binds
散结定疼汤 Bind-Dissipating Pain-Relieving Decoction
散结消肿 dissipate binds and disperse swelling
散瘀 dissipate stasis
散瘀血 dissipate static blood
散瘀和伤汤 Stasis-Dissipating Injury Decoction
散瘀消肿 dissipates stasis and disperses swelling
散瘀葛根汤 Stasis-Dissipating Pueraria Decoction
散肿溃坚汤 Swelling-Dispersing Hardness-Breaking Decoction
散疟母 dissipate ``mother of malaria''
散种 dissipate swelling
散热 dissipate heat
散剂 powder preparation
散剂 powder (preparation)
macule\HALT \NOUN
斑毛 mylabris
斑竹花 madake bamboo flower
斑竹根 madake bamboo root
斑竹壳 madake bamboo sheath
斑秃 patch balding
斑秃 alopecia areata
斑疹 maculopapular eruption
斑疹透露 outthrust of macules and papules
斑疹隐约可见 faintly visible macules or papules
斑疹隐隐 faint maculopapular eruptions
斑疹隐隐欲现 faint macules and pupules trying to appear
斑叶兰 goodyera
斑叶兰根 goodyera root
斑鸠 turtledove [flesh]
斑鸠木 nightshade vernonia
斑鸠占 downy premna [root and leaf]
斑鸠饭 Chinese smartweed
斑猫 mylabris
斑龙丸 Striped Dragon Pill
斑鸡鱼 spotted grunter
斑鳍白姑鱼 pawak croaker
斑蝥 mylabris
斑蝥通经丸 Mylabris Channel-Freeing Pill
斑蝥通经丸 Mylabris Menstruation-Promoting Pill
普洱茶 pu-er tea
普通感冒 common cold
普济方 Universal Salvation Formulary
普济消毒饮 Universal Salvation Toxin-Dispersing Beverage
芩黄连方 Universa
l Salvation Toxin-Dispersing Beverage Minus Cimicifuga,
Bupleurum, Scutellaria, \& Coptis
晶体 lens
晶体悬韧带 suspensory ligament of the lens
_+ miliaria crystallina
景天三七 alpine stonecrop
景天三七根 alpine stonecrop root
景岳全书 Jing3-Yue4>'s Complete Compendium
景岳化痰丸 Jing3-Yue4's Phlegm-Transforming Pill [NIS]
summerheat\HALT \NOUN
暑邪 summerheat evil
暑性升散 summerheat by nature ascends and dissipates
暑性炎热 summerheat by nature causes flaming heat
暑易挟湿 summerheat easily combines with dampness
暑易扰心 summerheat easily harasses the heart
暑泄 summerheat diarrhea
暑咳 summerheat cough
暑风 summerheat-wind
暑风成惊 summerheat wind turning into fright
暑兼寒湿 summerheat with cold-damp
暑病 summerheat disease
暑产 summerheat delivery
暑厥 summerheat reversal
暑痢 summerheat dysentery
暑痉 summerheat tetany
暑伤元气 summerheat damaging original qi4
暑伤心肾 summerheat damaging the heart and kidney
暑伤肺胃 summerheat damaging the lung and stomach
暑伤肺胃证 pattern of summerheat damaging the lung and stomach
暑伤肺络 summerheat damaging the lung and stomach
暑伤肺络证 pattern of summerheat damaging the lung and stomach
暑伤津气 summerheat damaging liquid and qi4
暑伤津气证 pattern of summerheat damaging liquid and qi4
暑温 summerheat warmth
暑温夹疠 summerheat warmth with pestilence complication
暑温伤卫 summerheat warmth damaging defense
暑疟 summerheat malaria
暑热 summerheat-heat
暑热内郁 summerheat-heat lying depressed internally
暑热内郁证 pattern of summerheat-heat lying depressed internally
暑热消渴 summerheat-heat dispersion-thirst
暑热胁痛 summerheat-heat rib-side pain
暑热动风 summerheat-heat stirring wind
暑热动风证 pattern of summerheat-heat stirring wind
暑热伤气 summerheat-heat damaging qi4
暑热证 summerheat-heat pattern
暑霍乱 summerheat cholera
暑湿 summerheat-damp
暑湿正气丸 Summerheat-Damp Qi4-Righting Pill
暑湿困阻中焦 summerheat-damp encumbering the center burner
暑湿夹滞 summerheat-damp complicated by stagnation
暑湿泄泻 summerheat-damp diarrhea
暑湿流注 summerheat-damp streaming sore
暑湿郁困 depressed encumbering summerheat-damp
暑湿郁蒸 depressed steaming summerheat-damp
暑湿眩晕 summerheat-damp dizziness
暑湿证 summerheat-damp pattern
暑湿袭表 summerheat-dampness assailing the exterior
暑湿袭表证 pattern of summerheat-dampness assailing the exterior
暑泻 summerheat diarrhea
暑秽 summerheat foulness
暑证 summerheat pattern
暑痧 summerheat sand
暑瘵 summerheat consumption
暑痫 summerheat epilepsy
暑疖 summerheat boil
智利毛 GV-12
智利毛 Wisdom's Advantage Hair
智能落后 mental retardation
智齿 wisdom tooth
some time in the past
| surname
曾青 layered azurite
期门 LV-14
期门 Cycle Gate
royal or imperial court
朝天椒 red cluster pepper
朝天巅 GV-01
朝天巅 Heavenward Looking Summit
朝代 dynasty
朝食幕吐 vomiting in the evening of food eaten in the morning
朝凉暮热 evening heat [effusion] (fever) abating in the morning
朝热暮凉 morning heat [effusion] (fever) abating the evening
朝鲜参 Korean ginseng [root]
朝鲜蓟 artichoke
棕木 sappan [wood]
棕儿茶 white cutch
棕板 trachycarpus stipule
棕炭 charred trachycarpus [petiole]
棕炭 charred trachycarpus [NID]
棕骨 trachycarpus stipule
棕树心 trachycarpus wood
棕树根 trachycarpus root
棕榈 trachycarpus [petiole]
棕榈子 trachycarpus fruit
棕榈皮 trachycarpus [petiole]
棕榈花 trachycarpus flower
棕榈炭 charred trachycarpus [petiole]
棕榈叶 trachycarpus leaf
| plant name
棠梨 sweet crabapple
棠梨枝叶 sweet crabapple twig and leaf
棠梂子 crataegus [fruit]
棠球 Cherokee rose fruit
棘刺花 spiny jujube flower
棘针 spiny jujube thorn
棘叶 spiny jujube leaf
枣子 (1) jujube
枣子 (2) Indian jujube
枣仁 spiny jujube [kernel]
枣皮 cornus [fruit]
枣肉 jujube flesh
枣核 jujube pit
枣核 spiny jujube [kernel]
枣叶 jujube leaf
枣叶饮子 Jujube Leaf Beverage
枣树皮 jujube bark
枣树根 jujube root
枣槟榔 unripe areca [nut]
枣矾丸 Jujube and Melanterite Pill
棒子毛 corn silk
棒草 licorice [root]
| plant name
棣棠花 Japan globeflower
植物名实图考 Plants and Their Names Illustrated
植物油 vegetable oil
椒目 zanthoxylum seed
椒红 zanthoxylum [husk]
椒面粥 Zanthoxylum and Flour Gruel
椒梅汤 Zanthoxylum and Mume Decoction
椒饼灸 moxibustion on pepper cake
椒疮 peppercorn sore
椎骨弓 vertebral arch
_+ SI-18
_+ Hammer Bone-Hole
棉子油 cottonseed oil
棉花 cotton wool
棉花子 cotton seed
棉花根 cotton root
棉花壳 cotton hull
棉茵陈 virgate wormwood
棉螳螂 xanthium [fruit]
paper mulberry
楮桃 paper mulberry fruit
楮茎 paper mulberry stem
楮叶 paper mulberry leaf
楮实 paper mulberry fruit
楮实子 paper mulberry fruit
楮树白皮 paper mulberry bark
楮树根 paper mulberry root
楮树间白汁 paper mulberry sap
楮头红 sarcopyramis
receive cordially
款冬花 coltsfoot
款冬花散 Coltsfoot*& Powder
款冬花汤 Coltsfoot*& Decoction
款花 coltsfoot
remaining (after wear and tear)
残槁_+ glutinous lit, sea
残灯复明 last flicker of a dying lamp
壳木鳖 momordica [seed]
壳莲子 lotus fruit
壳莲子 lotus fruit
壳蔻 cardamom
wandering\HALT \NOUN
游走 wandering
游走疼痛 wandering pain
游风 wandering wind
游草 ricegrass
湔湖 peucedanum [root]
eject\HALT \VERB, ejection \NOUN
涌吐 eject
涌吐 ejection
涌吐禁例 contraindications for ejection
涌泉 KI-01\w
涌泉 Gushing Spring
涌泉散 Gushing Spring Powder
涌泉疔 Gushing Spring clove sore
涌痰醒脑 eject phlegm and arouse the brain
凑理空疏 loose empty interstices
渣瘤 bean curd dregs tumor
减退 loss
湖花 rose
decoction\HALT \NOUN
| surname
汤水难咽 difficulty in swallowing fluids
汤火灼伤 burns and scalds
汤火伤 burns and scalds
汤火烫伤 burns and scalds
汤液 decoction
汤液 liquor
汤液本草 Herbal Foundation for Decoctions
汤泼火烧 burn
汤剂 decoction (preparation)
汤头 decoction
汤头歌诀 Decoctions in Rhymes
渴不多饮 thirst without large fluid intake
渴不欲饮 thirst with no desire to drink
渴多饮 thirst with increased fluid intake
渴欲饮水 thirst with desire to drink water
渴喜凉饮 thirst with a liking for cool drinks
渴喜热饮 thirst with a liking for hot drinks
渴饮 thirst with intake of fluid
浑浊 turbid
enrich\HALT \VERB
滋水制火 enrich water to restrain fire
滋水清肝饮 Water-Enriching Liver-Clearing Beverage
滋水涵木 enrich water to moisten wood
滋而不腻 enriching but not slimy
滋血润肠汤 Blood-Enriching Intestine-Moistening Decoction
滋肝明目 enrich yin1 and brighten the eyes
滋肝荣筋 enrich the liver and enhanc the sinews
滋肺清肠 ernich the lung and and clear the intestine
滋肺阴 enrich lung yin1
滋益肝肾 enrich the liver and kidney
滋阴 enrich yin1
滋阴大补丸 Yin1-Enriching Major Supplementation Pill
滋阴止血 enrich yin1 and stanch bleeding
滋阴平肝 enrich yin1 and calm the liver
滋阴平肝潜阳 enrich yin1, calm the liver, and subdue yang2
滋阴生津 enrich yin1 and engender liquid
滋阴地黄丸 Yin1-Enriching Rehmannia Pill
滋阴安神 enrich yin11 and quite the spirit
滋阴收涩 enrich yin1 and promote astriction
滋阴至宝汤 Yin1-Enriching Supreme Jewel Decoction
滋阴利湿 enrich yin1 and disinhibit dampness
滋阴柔肝 enrich yin1 and emolliate the liver
滋阴降火 enrich yin1 and downbear fire
滋阴降火汤 Yin1-Enriching Fire-Downbearing Decoction
滋阴益胃 enrich yin1 and boost the stomach
滋阴益气 enrich yin1 and boost qi4
滋阴清化丸 Yin1-Enriching Clearing Transforming Pill
滋阴清肺 enrich yin1 and clear the lung
滋阴清热 enrich yin1 and clear heat
滋阴清热剂 yin1-enriching heat-clearing formula
滋阴涵阳 enrich yin1 and moisten yang2
滋阴疏肝 enrich yin1 and course the liver
滋阴补血 enrich yin1 and supplement the blood
滋阴补肾 enrich yin1 and supplement the kidney
滋阴补阳 enrich yin1 and supplement yang2
滋阴解表 enrich yin1 and resolve the exterior
滋阴熄风 enrich yin1 and extinguish wind
滋阴潜阳 enrich yin1 and subdue yang2
滋阴润肺 enrich yin1 and moisten the lung
滋阴润燥 enrich yin1 and moisten dryness
滋阴养血 enrich yin1 and nourish the blood
滋阴药 yin1-enriching medicinal
滋肾 kidney enrichment
滋肾丸 Kidney-Enriching Pill
滋肾固冲汤 Kidney-Enriching Thoroughfare-Securing Decoction
滋肾固齿 enrich the kidney and secure the teeth
滋肾明目汤 Kidney-Enriching Eye-Brightening Decoction
滋肾降火 enrich the kidney and downbear fire
滋肾通耳汤 Kidney-Enriching Ear-Freeing Decoction
滋肾通关丸 Kidney Enriching Gate-Opening Pill
滋肾阴 enrich kidney yin1
滋肾养肝 enrich the kidney and nourish the liver
滋补 enriching and supplementing
滋补心肺 enrich kidney yin1
滋补心阴 enrich heart yin1
滋补心肾 enrich the heart and kidney
滋补片 Enriching Supplementation Tablet
滋补肝胃 enrich the liver and stomach
滋补肝阴 enrich liver yin1
滋补肝肾 enrich the liver and kidney
滋补肝肾药 medicinals that supplement the liver and kidney
滋补肺胃 enrich the lung and stomach
滋补肺阴 enrich liver yin1
滋补肺肾 enrich the lung and kidney
滋补强壮药 enriching and invigorating medicinals
滋补肾阴 enrich kidney yin1
滋补肾精 enrich kidney essence
滋补脾胃 enrich the spleen and stomach
滋补脾阴 enrich spleen yin1
滋补敛邪 supplement to constrain the evil
滋补药 enriching medicinals
滋荣活络汤 Construction-Enriching Network-Quickening Decoction
滋荣益气复神汤 Construction-Enriching Qi4-Boosting Spirit-Returning Decoction
滋膏 orally taken paste
滋润通便 free the stool by moistening
滋润药 enriching and moistening medicinal
滋养肝肾 enrich (and nourish) the liver and kidney
滋养胃阴 enrich (and nourish) stomach yin1
滋养气血 nourish qi4 and blood
滋养阴津 nourish yin1 liquid
滋养精血 enrich and nourish essence-blood
滋腻害胃 rich and slimy, and damaging to the stomach
滋燥饮 Dryness-Enriching Beverage
滋燥养营汤 Dryness-Enriching Construction-Nourishing Decoction
滋膵饮 Pancreas-Enriching Beverage
涣散 dissipate
stone-bake\HALT \VERB
焙炕 baking slab
deflagrate\HALT \VERB, deflagration \NOUN
parch\HALT \VERB, parched \ADJ
burn\HALT \VERB, burner \NOUN
scorch\HALT \VERB
scorch-fry\HALT VERB
焦三仙 scorch-fried three immortals [NID]
焦山楂 scorch-fried crataegus [NID]
焦六曲 scorch-fried medicated leaven
焦四仙 scorch-fried four immortals [NID]
焦白朮 scorch-fried white atractylodes [NID]
焦神曲 scorch-fried medicated leaven [NID]
焦麦芽 scorch-fried barley sprout [NID]
焦槟榔 scorch-fried areca [NID]
焰消 niter
焰硝 niter
have not
无力 forceless
无力 feeble
无力抽搐 feeble convulsion
无力倦怠 fatigue and lack of strength
无子 childlessness
无心草 equisetum
无比山药丸 Matchless Dioscorea Pill
无水羊脂 dehydrated goat's (or sheep's) fat
无出 absence of sweating
无犯胃气 do not harm stomach qi4
无石子 Aleppo gall
无名子 pistachio
无名木皮 pistachio bark
无名穴 Innominate Point
无名指 ring finger
无名异 pyrolusite
无名肿毒 innominate toxin swelling
无汗 absence of sweating
无汗 without sweating
无灰酒 limeless wine
无灰酒 limeless wine [NID]
无尿 anuria
无形 formless
无形 insubstantial
无形 intangible
无乳 agalactia
无花果 fig
无花果根 fig root
无花果叶 fig leaf
无胃气 absence of stomach qi4
无音 loss of voice
无食子 Aleppo gall
无娘藤米米 cuscuta [seed]
无时冷泪 sporadic cold tearing
无根苔 rootless fur
无气滞血滞 absence of qi4 and blood stagnation
无眠 sleeplessness
无眠 insomnia
无常 abnormal
无患子 soapberry
无患子中仁 soapberry seed
无患子皮 soapberry husk
无患子根 soapberry root
无患子叶 soapberry leaf
无患树皮 soapberry bark
无患树_ soapberry root
无爷藤 cassytha
无梦而遗 seminal emission without dreaming
无梦而遗精 seminal emission without dreaming
无漏子 date
无精子 azoospermia
无热 absence of heat
无瘢痕灸 non-scarring moxibustion
无齿 anodontia
无头疽 headless flat-abscess
无权 failure to perform its office
无权 breakdown
无权 impairment
无权 impairment
无莿根 Cantonese ampelopsis
然谷 KI-02\w
然谷 Blazing Valley
然骨 blazing bone
然骨 KI-02
然骨 Blazing Bone
煮食 boil and eat
煮食 cook as food
煮散 boiling powder
犀牛皮 rhinoceros skin
犀牛黄 bovine bezoar
犀地清络饮 Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Network-Clearing Beverage
犀地清络饮 Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Network-Quickening Beverage
犀肉 rhinoceros meat
犀角 rhinoceros horn
犀角丸 Rhinoceros Horn Pill
犀角地黄汤 Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction
犀角粉 powdered rhinoceros horn [NID]
犀角散 Rhinoceros Horn Powder
Rhinoceros Horn and Sichuan Coptis Qi4-Coordinating Decoction
犀黄丸 Rhinoceros Bezoar Pill
猴子枣 macaque stone
猴丹 macaque stone
猴疳 monkey gan1
猴枣 macaque stone
猴枣散 Macaque Stone Powder
猴头 hedgehog fungus
猴头菌 hedgehog fungus
猴头蘑 hedgehog fungus
猴菇 hedgehog fungus
猴樝 crataegus [fruit]
猩红热 scarlet fever
琥珀 amber
琥珀末 amber powder
琥珀安神汤 Amber Spirit-Quieting Decoction
琥珀抱龙丸 Amber Dragon-Embracing Pill
琥珀粉 amber powder
琥珀散 Amber Powder
琥魄 amber
琴弦笛鲷 gold-striped snapper
琴叶榕 fiddle-leaf fig root
画石 talcum
画眉草 pilose eragrostis
番木瓜 papaya
番木瓜叶 papaya leaf
番木香 non-Chinese saussurea
番瓜 pumpkin
番石 talcum
番石榴 guava
番石榴干 dried guava
番石榴皮 dried guava (root) bark
番石榴叶 guava leaf
番杏 New Zealand spinach
番芋 sweet potato
番豆 peanut [kernel]
番柿 tomato
番红花 saffron
西红柿 tomato
番荷菜 mint
番椒 hot pepper
番薯 sweet potato
番薯叶 sweet potato leaf
番薯藤 sweet potato stem and leaf
番泻叶 senna [leaf]
disease of the scalp
痢止蒿 Forrest's bugle
痢疾 dysentery
痢疾后重 dysentery with rectal heaviness
痢疾敏感点 Dysentery Sensor Point
痢疾杆菌 \ic{Bacillus dysenteriae}
pain\HALT \NOUN, painful \ADJ
sore\HALT \ADJ
ache\HALT \ADJ
痛不可近 pain exacerbated by the slightest pressure
痛如刀刺 pain like the stabbing of a knife
痛如刀割 pain like the cutting of a knife
痛如针刺 pain like the stabbing of a needle
痛如锥刺 pain like the piercing of an awl
痛有定处 pain of fixed location
痛有定处 pain of fixed location
痛风 pain wind
痛风 gout
痛风病 gout
痛无定处 pain of unfixed location
痛楚 pain
痛经 menstrual pain
痛经 painful menstruation
痛经 menalgia
痛经 dysmenorrhea
痛泻 painful diarrhea
痛泻要方 Pain and Diarrhea Formula
痛灵 Pain Spirit
痛痹 painful impediment
tetany\HALT \NOUN
痉病 tetany
痉厥 tetanic reversal
痉挛 spasm
痉挛 spasm
痉挛性疼痛 spasmodic pain
痘疹方论 On Pox Formulas
痘浆 pox fluid
痘疮 pox sore
痘瘖 loss of voice due to pox
glomus\HALT \NOUN
痞根 Glomus Root
痞气 glomus qi4
痞硬不喜按 glomus and hearness that does not like pressure
痞塞 glomus blockage
痞块 lump glomus
痞满 glomus and fullness
痞满不快 glomus, fullness, and discomfort
登豆疮 pox sores
登革热 dengue fever
登高而歌 climbing to high places and singing
effuse\HALT \VERB, effusion \NOUN
erupt\HALT \VERB, eruption \NOUN
emerge\HALT \VERB, emergence \NOUN
occur\HALT \VERB, occurrence \NOUN
发汗 promote sweating
发汗 effuse sweat
发汗 sweat
发汗 sweating
发汗 perspire
发汗 perspiration
发汗法 sweating
发汗豉粥 Sweat-Effusing Fermented Soybean Gruel
发汗禁例 contraindications for sweating
发作 occur\HALT \VERB
发作 episode\HALT \NOUN
发作有时 occurring at set times
发冷 feel cold
发狂 mania
发育不良 poor development
发育性白内障 congenital cataract
发乳 effusion of the breast
发泡 blistering
发泡灸 blister moxibustion
发泡疗法 blistering therapy
发炎 inflammation
发芽 sprouting
发表 effuse the exterior
发表 exterior effusion
发表不远热 exterior effusion does not shun heat
发青 green-blue complexion
发背 effusion of the back
发背疽 flat-abscess effusion of the back
发背对口膏 Effusion of the Back and Mouth-Level Nape Flat Abscess Paste
发背痈 welling-abscess effusion of the back
发音 quality of voice and enunciation
发音困难 dysphonia
发音嘶哑 hoarse voice
发音嘶嗄 hoarse voice
发病 onset\HALT \NOUN
发病原因 cause of disease
发病期 initial stage
发疹 eruption of papules
发麻 numbness (and tingling)
发寒热 heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold
发散 effuse and dissipate
发散 dissipate
发散风寒 dissipate wind-cold
发散风寒药 wind-cold-effusing medicinal
发散风热 dissipate wind-heat
发散风热药 wind-heat-effusing medicinal
发斑 macular eruption
发痉 tetany
发越水气 bring the water qi4 up and out
发黄 yellowing
发脑 effusion of the brain
发酵 ferment\HALT \VERB, fermentation\NOUN
发热 heat effusion
发热 fever
发热 fever
发热夜重 heat [effusion] (fever) becoming more pronounced at night
发热起伏不定 fluctuating heat [effusion] (fever)
发热无汗 heat [effusion] (fever) without sweating
发热腹痛 heat effusion and abdominal pain
发烧 fever
发颐 jowl effusion
发痒 itch
发绀 turn blue
发痧 sand
发痧藤 Anderson's vernonia [stem and root]
盗汗 night sweating
短刺 short needling
短气 shortness of breath
短气乏力 shortness of breath
短气倦怠 shortness of breath and fatigue
短脉 short pulse
短暂缺血发作 transient ischemic attack (TIA)
短暂脑缺血发作 transient ischemic attack (TIA)
| mineral name
硝石 niter
硝石矾石散 Niter and Alum Powder
硝菔通结汤 Mirabilite and Radish Seed Bind-Freeing Decoction
硝黄败毒散 Mirabilite and Rhubarb Toxin-Vanquishing Powder [NIS]
硬皮病 scleroderma
硬紫草 hard puccoon
硬饭 smooth greenbrier [root]
硬滑石 talcum
硬叶女娄菜 firm-leaved melandrium
硬膜 dura mater
硬飘拂草 rigid fimbristylis [root]
| surname
程氏萆薢分清饮 Cheng's Fish Poison Yam Clear-Turbid Separation Beverage
程氏蠲痹汤 Cheng's Impediment-Alleviating Decoction
稀涎降痰 thin the drool and precipitate phlegm
稀涎散 Drool-Thinning Powder
稀饭 gruel
稀饭 congee
窗龙 SI-16
窗龙 Window Dragon
窗耸 SI-16
窗耸 Lofty Window
窗笼 SI-16
窗笼 Window Basket
童子益母草 young leonurus
童玄 LU-07
童玄 Child Mystery
童便 child's urine
童便炙 mix-fry with child's urine
童参 pseudostellaria [root]
such like
等分 in equal proportions
笔仔草 golden hair grass
笔管癣 brush stick lichen
笔罗子 rigid meliosma [fruit]
sinew\HALT \NOUN
_+ sinew scrofula
筋之府 house of the sinews
筋失所养 sinews deprived of nourishment
筋失滋养 sinews deprived of nourishment
筋失濡养 sinews deprived of nourishment
筋肉强直 rigidity of the sinews and flesh
筋束 GV-08
筋束 Sinew Binder
筋疝 sinew mounting
筋急 tension of the sinews
筋急拘孪 hypertonicity of the sinews
筋气 sinew qi4
筋病 diseases of the sinews
筋疳 gan1 of the sinew
筋疳 sinew gan1
筋脉 sinew
筋脉 sinews and vessels
筋脉 veins
筋脉收缩 contraction of the sinews
筋脉拘急 tension of the sinews
筋脉拘孪 hypertonicity of the sinews
筋脉活动不利 inhibited sinew movement
筋脉麻木 numbness of the sinews
筋脉瘫痪 paralysis of the sinews
筋骨折断 broken sinews and bones
筋骨疼痛 sinew and bone pain
筋骨草 (1) ciliate bugle
筋骨草 (2) bending bugle
筋骨软弱 weak sinews and bones
筋骨麻木 numbness of sinews and bones
筋骨痿软 limp wilting sinews and bones
筋骨酸痛 aching sinews and bones
筋骨痹弱 weakness and impediment of the sinew and bone
筋惕肉_ jerking sinews and twitching flesh
筋惕肉_+ jerking sinews and twitching flesh
筋寒 cold sinews
筋痛 sinew pain
筋络 sinew network vessels
筋裂 split sinew
筋伤骨错 damage to sinew and bone
筋会 meeting place of the sinew
筋会 GB-34
筋会 Sinews' Meeting
筋极 extreme of the sinew
筋溜 sinewy tumor
筋痿 sinew wilting
筋瘤 sinew tumor
筋缓 slack sinews
筋膜 sinew membrane
筋膜 fascia
筋缩 GV-08\w
筋缩 Sinew Contraction
筋断 ruptured sinew
筋孪 hypertonicity of the sinews
筋挛 hypertonicity of the sinews
筋痹 impediment of the sinew
筋瘿 sinew goiter
粟奴 smutted millet
粟米 millet
粟米泔汁 millet water
粟芽 millet sprout
粟壳 poppy husk
粟疮 millet sore
粟糖 millet sugar
gruel\HALT \NOUN
绞痛 gripping pain
绞肠痧 intestine-gripping sand
bind\HALT \VERB, \NOUN, bound \PP, \ADJ
结代脉 bound and intermittent pulses
结血蒿 hairy artemisia
结者散之 binding is treated by dissipation
结核穴 Node Point
结核性睪丸炎 tuberculious orchitis
结核性脑膜炎 tuberculous meningitis
结痂 crust\HALT \VERB; crusting \NOUN
结胸 chest bind
结胸证 chest bind pattern
结脉 bound pulse
结脉 slow irregularly interreputed pulse
结球白菜 celery cabbage
结扎法 ligation therapy
结扎疗法 ligation therapy
结连石 linking stone
结阴 binding in yin1
结喉 laryngeal prominence
结阳 binding in yang2
结块 lump
结肠 colon
结肠肝曲 hepatic flexure
结肠炎 colitis
结肠造口术 colostomy
结肠脾曲 splenic flexure
结缔组织 connective tissue
结膜 conjunctiva
结膜炎 conjunctivitis
expire\HALT \VERB, expiry \NOUN
绝子 childlessness
绝孕 Infertility
绝孕 CV-05
绝孕 Infertility
绝汗 expiry sweating
绝汗如油 oily expiration sweating
绝骨 severed bone
绝骨 GB-39\w
绝骨 GB-38
绝骨 Severed Bone
绝骨 Severed Bone
绝阳 LI-01
绝阳 Yang2 Extremity
绝阳 expiration of yang2
绝阳 cut-off yang2
绝经前后诸证 menopausal syndrome
紫丹参 salvia [root]
紫云英子 Chinese astragalus seed
紫云膏 Purple Clouds Plaster
紫玉簪 blue plantain lily [flower]
紫玉簪根 blue plantain lily root
紫玉簪叶 blue plantain lily leaf
紫甘蓝 red cabbage
紫白癜风 purple and white patch wind
紫石英 fluorite
紫石汤 Flourite Decoction [NIS]
紫石煮散 Flourite Decocting Powder [NIS]
紫印 purple mark
紫地榆 sanguisorba [root]
紫朱 hematite
紫竹根 black bamboo root
紫舌 purple tongue
紫杜鹃 purple rhododendron [flower, leaf, root bark]
紫杉 Japanese yew twig and leaf
紫贝 purple cowrie
紫河车 placenta
紫河车 placenta
紫花地丁 violet
紫花芥 malcolmia [seed]
紫花鱼灯草 purple corydalis
紫金丹 Purple Gold Elixir
紫金牛 Japanese ardisia
紫金牛根 Japanese ardisia root
紫金皮 tripterygium
紫金砂 pternopetalum root
紫金粉 Purple Gold Powder
紫金标 lesser ceratostigma [root]
紫金莲 ceratostigma [root]
紫金龙 dactylicapnos root
紫青藤根 Guling berchemia [root]
紫背天葵 (1) purple gynura
紫背天葵 (2) tea begonia
紫背天葵 (3) semiaquilegia
紫背天葵 (4) purple senecio
紫背天葵子 semiaquilegia root
紫背天葵子 purple gynura [NID]
紫背天葵草 purple senecio
紫背天葵草根 purple senecio root
紫背鱼腥草 houttuynia
紫茉莉子 four-o'clock seed
紫茉莉根 four-o'clock tuber
紫茉莉叶 four-o'clock leaf
紫苑 aster [root]
紫宫 CV-19\w
紫宫 Purple Palace
紫根 arnebia/lithospermum
紫根牡蛎汤 Arnebia/Lithospermum and Oyster Shell Decoction
紫桂 cinnamon bark
紫桂丸 Purple Cinnamon Pill
紫珠 beauty-berry leaf
紫珠草 beauty-berry leaf
紫珠叶 beauty-berry leaf
紫脉 purple vessel
紫荆丫 abelia fruit or flower
紫荆木 cercis wood
紫荆皮 cercis bark
紫荆皮散 Cercis Powder
紫荆果 cercis fruit
紫荆花 cercis flower
紫荆根皮 cercis root bark
紫草 arnebia/lithospermum
紫草承气汤 Arnebia/Lithospermum Qi4-Coordinating Decoction [NIS]
紫草油 Arnebia/Lithospermum*& Oil
紫草根 arnebia/lithospermum
紫草茸 lac
紫草茸汤 Lac Decoction
蒙蔽 clouding
| plant name
蒲公英 dandelion
蒲公英汤 Dandelion Decoction
蒲公英粥 Dandelion Gruel
蒲瓜 bottle gourd
蒲州豉 Puzhou fermented soybean
蒲灰 charred typha pollen
蒲芹 wild celery
蒲花 typha pollen
蒲桃壳 rose apple
蒲桃种子 rose apple seed
蒲草花 typha pollen
蒲草黄 typha pollen
蒲棒 typha fruit
蒲棒花粉 typha pollen
蒲黄 typha pollen
蒲黄炭 charred typha pollen
蒲黄滓 typha pollen residue
蒲葵 Chinese fan palm
蒲种壳 sweet gourd rind
蒲芦 bottle gourd
蒲厘花粉 typha pollen
蒲蒻 typha root
蒜仔 garlic [bulb]
蒜梗 garlic stem
蒜黄 blanched garlic leaf
蒜脑藷 lily bulb
蒜葱 shallot
蒜头 garlic [bulb]
盖骨 covering bone
盖润 covered moistening
steam\HALT \VERB
蒸化 distill
蒸制 steam
蒸食 steam and eat
蒸食 eat steamed
蒸气吸入疗法 steam inhaling therapy
蒸眼一方 Eye Steaming Formula
蒸饼 steamed wheat cake
蒸馏水 distilled water
蒸露 distill
苍子 xanthium [fruit]
苍子 xanthium [fruit]
苍朮 atractylodes [root]
苍朮白虎汤 Atractylodes White Tiger Decoction
苍朮除湿汤 Atractylodes Dampness-Eliminating Decoction
苍白 somber white
苍白秤钓风 diploclisia [stem]
苍耳 xanthium herb
苍耳子 xanthium [fruit]
苍耳子散 Xanthium Powder
苍耳花 xanthium flower
苍耳根 xanthium root
苍耳散 Xanthium Powder
苍耳蠹虫 xanthium grub
苍耳蒺藜 xanthium [fruit]
苍耳蒺苈 xanthium [fruit]
苍附导痰丸 Atractylodes and Cyperus Phlegm-Abducting Pill
苍郎种 xanthium [fruit]
苍郎种 xanthium [fruit]
苍条鱼鳖 saxiglossum
苍莎导痰丸 Atractylodes and Cyperus Phlegm-Abducting Pill [NIS]
苍棵子 xanthium [fruit]
苍棵子 xanthium [fruit]
苍黄 somber yellow
苍蝇草 Hancock's indigo
蓑草根 eulaliopsis [root]
蜿蟺 earthworm
蜜丸 honey pill
蜜父 pear
蜜甘 licorice [root]
蜜杷叶 honey-fried loquat leaf [NID]
蜜炙 mix-fry with honey
蜜炙桑白皮 honey-fried mulberry root bark [NID]
蜜炙桑白皮 honey-fried mulberry root bark [NID]
蜜炙紫菀 honey-fried aster [NID]
蜜炙黄+ honey-fried astragalus [NID]
蜜陀僧 litharge
蜜草 licorice [root]
蜜紫菀 honey-fried aster [NID]
蜜脾 longan flesh
蜜煎导法 thickened honey enema
蜜煎导法 Honey Enema
蜜蜂子 bee's larva
蜜银花 top grade lonicera flower
蜜浆 syrup
蜜糖 honey
蜜蜡 bee's wax
蜻蜒 dragon fly
蜥蜴 (1) sand lizard
蜥蜴 (2) lizard
蜘蛛 spider
蜘蛛抱蛋 aspidistra root
蜘蛛果 long-leaved campanumoea [root]
蜘蛛香 valeriana root
蜘蛛蜕壳 spider's molting
蜘蛛鼓 spider drum
蜘蛛网 spider's web
蜘蛛疮 spider sore
蜘蛛膜 arachnoid
蜘蛛臌 spider drum distention
蚀恶肉 consume malign flesh
蜩甲 cicada molting
裹帘 bandage
制成片剂 make into tablets
speak\HALT \VERB speech \NOUN
语言 speech
语言不休 incessant talking
语言不休 garrulousness
语言不利 inhibited speech
语言时断时续 halting speech
语言无力 feeble enunciation
peaking kindly or malevolently regardless of whom is being
语言错乱 deranged speech
语言颠倒 topsy-turvy speech
语言蹇涩 difficult sluggish speech
语音低微 faint low voice
语无伦次 incoherent speech
语迟 slowness to speak
语涩 difficult speech
语声 sound of the voice
语声低怯 timid low voice
语声低微 faint low voice
语声洪亮 sonorous voice
语声重浊 deep turbid voice
语声粗壮 rough strident voice
误下 inappropriate precipitation
误汗 inappropriate sweating
误治 inappropriate treatment
说话声低 low voice
说糊话 talking nonsense
豪猪毛刺 porcupine bristle
豪猪肉 porcupine flesh
豪猪肚 porcupine's stomach
| surname
赵学敏 Zhao4 Xue2-Min3>
赶风柴 naked-flower beauty-berry
辅料 adjuvant
辅骨 assisting bone
辅骨 radius
辅骨 fibula
side parts of a carriage
| conjunction, same as {ji2}
辄筋 GB-23\w
辄筋 Sinew Seat
light\HALT \ADJ
轻方 light formula
轻可去实 light [medicinals] can eliminate repletion
轻宣肺气 diffuse lung qi4 with lightness
轻宣肺热 light diffuses lung heat
轻宣润燥 moisten dryness by light diffusion
轻度浮肿 slight puffy swelling
轻按 press lightly
轻按 apply light pressure
轻粉 calomel
轻清宣化 clear light diffusion and transformation
轻清疏解 clear and course with light [medicinals]
轻腰汤 Lumbus-Lightening Decoction
轻剂 light formula
轻证 mild pattern
轻证 mild pattern
轻脏腑热 clear organ heat
轻瘫 paresis
辣子 hot pepper
辣子草 galinsoga
辣米菜 rorippa
辣角 hot pepper
辣豆瓣酱 hot bean paste
辣虎 hot pepper
辣茄 hot pepper
辣桂 cinnamon bark
辣椒 hot pepper
辣椒酊 hot pepper tincture
辣椒茎 hot pepper stem
辣椒头 hot pepper root
辣菜子 white mustard [seed]
辣蓼 (1) smartweed
辣蓼 (2) willow-leaved smartweed
辣蓼 (3) Oriental smartweed
辣蓼草 willow-leaved smartweed
远血 distal bleeding
远志 polygala [root]
远志丸 Polygala Pill
远志木蓝 polygala indigo
远志肉 polygala [root]
远志流浸膏 liquid extract of polygala [root]
远志筒 polygala [root]
远志饮 Polygala Beverage
远近配穴法 combining local and distant points
远侧面 distal surface
远部选穴 selection of distant points
远视 farsightedness
远视 hyperopia
远视++ seeing dimly afar
远视++ nearsightedness
远道刺 distant needling
远道取穴 selection of distant points
远痹 persistent impediment
wander freely
酵母 yeast
sour\HALT \ADJ, sourness \NOUN
acid\HALT \ADJ, acidity \NOUN
sore\HALT \ADJ, soreness \NOUN
酸重疼痛 aching heavy pain
酸痛 aching pain
酸痛 soreness
酸入肝 sourness enters the liver
酸不溜 sour knotweed
酸不溜根 sour knotweed root
酸水浸心嘈 clamor from sour water soaking
酸水草 perfoliate pondweed
酸甘化阴 sweet and sour yin1 formation
酸石榴 sour pomegranate [fruit]
酸石榴皮 pomegranate rind
酸收甘缓安中 quite the center by sour contraction and sweet relaxation
酸米菜 purslane
酸角 tamarind
sour or salty [medicinals] bear upward, no sweet or acrid
[medicinals] bear downward
酸查 crataegus [fruit]
酸苦涌泄为阴 sour and bitter upwelling and discharging [medicinals] are yin1
酸苋 purslane
酸枣 crataegus [fruit]
酸枣仁 spiny jujube [kernel]
酸枣仁汤 Spiny Jujube Decoction
酸枣核 spiny jujube [kernel]
酸枣根皮 spiny jujube root bark
酸菜 sour pickled mustard [leaf]
酸榴皮 pomegranate rind
酸模 sour dock root
酸模叶 sour dock leaf
酸浆 lantern plant
酸浆根 lantern plant root
酸浆菜 mountain sorrel
酸赭 sanguisorba [root]
酸涩止血 sour, astringent, and stanching bleeding
酸涩收敛 sour and astringent
酸藤木 sour-leaved embelia
酸藤果 sour-leaved embelia fruit
酸碱伤目 damage to the eye by acid or alkali
银口 Silver Mouth
银不换 bearded cyclea
银瓜 melon
银朱 vermilion
银老梅 Dahurian dasiphora
银耳 tremella
银杏 ginkgo [nut]
银杏肉 ginkgo [nut]
银杏无忧散 Mercury and Apricot Kernel Carefree Powder
银花 lonicera [flower]
银花子 lonicera seed
银花甘草汤 Lonicera and Licorice Decoction
银花提取物 lonicera [flower] extract
银花汤 Lonicera Decoction
银花藤 lonicera stem
银扁担 incurved columbine
银星独见 lone silver star
银胡 stellaria
银柴 stellaria
银柴胡 stellaria
银粉 calomel
银纹笛鲷 gray snapper
银条参 glehnia [root]
银鱼 icefish
银硝 niter
银黄片 Lonicera and Scutellaria Tablet
银苇合剂 Lonicera and Phragmites Mixture
银箔 silver leaf
银线草 Japanese chloranthus
银线草根 Japanese chloranthus root
银黝 silver residue
Lonicera, Forsythia, Sargentadoxa, and Patrinia*& Toxin-
Resolving Decoction
银翘马勃散 Lonicera, Forsythia, and Puffball Powder
银翘散 Lonicera and Forsythia Powder
银翘汤 Lonicera and Forsythia Decoction
银棯 dracontomelon fruit
T he Bronze Statue Illustrated Canon of Acupuncture Points
铜骨七 David's anemone
铜棒锤 narrow-leaved yellow corydalis [tuber]
铜绿 copper rust
铜绿散 Green Copper Rust Powder
铜筛 copper sieve
铜钱麻黄 Chinese shuteria [root]
铜钱癣 copper coin lichen
铜锤玉带草 pratia
铜锤草 lavender sorrel
铜罗伞 comely indigo
铜罐 brass cup
铜棰子 China tea rose
hold in the mouth
female (of birds)
雌黄 orpiment
韶子 rambutan
transport by barge
驳骨丹 gendarussa [stem and leaf]
驳骨草 Siam psychotria
魁蛤壳 ark shell
ethereal soul\HALT \NOUN
魂不藏 ethereal soul failing to be stored
魂门 BL-47\w (BL-42)
魂门 Hun Gate
ringing\HALT \NOUN
tinnitus\HALT \NOUN
rumbling\HALT \NOUN
kite (kind of bird)
鸢尾 iris [root]
鸢油 kite's fat
鸢翅骨 kite's wing bone
鸢脚爪 kite's talon
鸢脑髓 kite's brain
鸢嘴 kite's beak
鸢胆 kite's gallbladder
鸢鲙 melon-seed grouper
凤仙 garden balsam
凤仙子 garden balsam seed
凤仙花 garden balsam flower
凤仙根 garden balsam root
凤仙透骨草 garden balsam
凤尾草 phoenix-tail fern
凤尾参 lousewort root
凤尾贯众 phoenix-tail aspidium
凤尾猪鬃 Yun2nan2 spleenwort
凤尾蕉花 cycas flower
凤尾蕉叶 cycas leaf
凤冠草 sword brake
凤凰 phoenix
凤凰衣 chicken's egg membrane
凤凰蜕 eggshell
菠萝 pineapple
菠萝豆豉 pickled pineapple
菠萝草 lippia
凤眼子 ailanthus fruit
凤眼果 noble bottle tree seed
凤眼果壳 noble bottle tree husk
凤眼草 ailanthus fruit
凤搜山虎 arthromeris [root]
nasal\HALT \ADJ
鼻人中 GV-26
鼻人中 Nose Human Center
鼻上生酒醉风 liquor wind on the nose
鼻子 nose
鼻干 dry nose
鼻干咽燥 dry nose and throat
鼻中干 dry nose
鼻中出血 nosebleed
鼻孔 nostril
鼻孔干燥 dry nostrils
鼻孔中痛 pain in the nostrils
鼻孔生疮 nostril sores
鼻孔作煽 flaring nostrils
鼻孔扇张 flaring nostrils
鼻水 clear runny snivel (nasal mucus)
鼻出血 nosebleed
鼻出血 epistaxis nosebleed
鼻出热气 hot breath issuing from the nose
鼻血草 melissa
鼻冲 BL-04
鼻冲 Nose Flush
鼻赤 red nose
鼻炎 rhinitis
鼻咽 nasopharynx
鼻咽癌 nasopharyngeal carcinoma
鼻柱 nose pillar
鼻柱坏 decay of the stem of the nose
鼻洪 nose flood
鼻流 Runny Nose
鼻流涕 running nose
鼻流清涕 runny nose with clear snivel (nasal mucus)
鼻流腥臭脓涕 runny nose with fishy-smelling purulent snivel
鼻苗 nasal vaccine
鼻苗 nasal inoculation
鼻息肉 nasal polyp
鼻息肉 nasal polyp
鼻涕清稀 clear thin snivel (nasal mucus)
鼻涕黄稠 thick yellow snivel (nasal mucus)
鼻涕黄浊 turbid yellow snivel (nasal mucus)
鼻涕团 crataegus [fruit]
鼻病 diseases of the nose
鼻疳 gan1 of the nose
鼻臭 bad nose breath
鼻针 nasal acupuncture
鼻针疗法 nasal acupuncture
鼻骨 nasal bone
鼻副窦 paranasal sinuses
鼻崩 collapse of the nose
鼻张 flaring nostrils
鼻掀 flaring nostrils
鼻掀胸挺 flaring nostrils and outthrust chest
鼻梁 nose beam
鼻梁 stem of the nose
鼻渊 deep-source nasal congestion
鼻泪管 nasolacrimal duct
鼻痔 nose pile
鼻窒 nasal congestion
鼻窒不闻 nasal congestion with loss of smell
鼻通 Clear Nose
鼻造形术 rhinoplasty
鼻痛 pain in the nose
鼻腔填塞疗法 nose-stuffing method
鼻嗅疗法 smelling therapy
鼻塞 nasal congestion
鼻塞不通 nasal congestion
鼻塞不闻香臭 nasal congestion inhibiting the sense of smell
鼻塞流涕 nasal congestion and runny nose
鼻塞流清涕 nasal congestion with clear snivel
鼻塞无闻 nasal congestion with loss of smell
鼻损伤 injury of the nose
鼻准 tip of the nose
鼻准 GV-25
鼻准 Tip of the Nose
鼻烟 snuff
鼻肿 swollen nose
鼻饲法绐药 administration by nasal feeding
鼻槁 desiccated nose
鼻槁腊 dried-meat nose
鼻煽 flaring nostrils
鼻煽胸高 flaring nostrils and raised chest
鼻闻焦臭 smelling of burnt odor
鼻酸 sour-sore nose
鼻鸣 noisy nose
鼻疮 sore of the nose
鼻隧 nasal passages
鼻头 bulb of the nose
鼻燥 dry nose
鼻翼煽动 flaring nostrils
鼻鼾 snoring
鼻窍不利 inhibited nose orifices
鼻痒 itchy nose
鼻窦 paranasal sinuses
鼻窦炎 sinusitis
鼻窦痰包 phlegm pouch in the nasal sinuses
鼻聋 loss of smell
鼻疔 clove sore of the nose
鼻衄 nosebleed
鼻衄血 nosebleed
鼻瘜肉 nasal polyp
鼻頞 bridge of the nose
鼻鼽 sniveling nose
鼻疖 nose boil
鼻疖 furuncle of nose
鼻齆 nasal congestion
鼻齄 drinker's nose
+invisible worm sore of the nose
齐刺 one-either-side needling
齐德之 Qi2 De2-Zhi1>
deviated\HALT ADJ; deviation \NOUN
僵仆 sudden collapse
僵蚕 silkworm
剧烈 severe
剧痛 severe pain
| surname
刘完素 Liu2 Wan2-Su4>
刘涓子鬼遗方 Liu2 Juan1-Zi3>'s Ghost-Bequeathed Remedies
刘寄奴 anomalous artemisia
刘寄奴草 anomalous artemisia
刘昉 Liu2 Fang3>
剑花 hylocereus [flower]
剑突 xiphoid process
剑脊蛇 black-striped snake
剑针 sword needle
剑麻 sisal leaf
剑叶莴苣 Indian lettuce
剑菖 acorus [root]
厉兑 ST-45\w
厉兑 Severe Mouth
嘴里发苦 bitter taste in the mouth
嘴唇 lip
噎食 dysphagia
噎塞 dysphagia
噎膈 dysphagia-occlusion
喷嚏 sneezing
喷雾疗法 spray therapy
嘶嗄 hoarse
increase\HALT \VERB
增水行舟 refloat the grounded ship
增生性脊柱炎 metaplastic spondylitis
增快 accelerate
增乳 increase milk
增明 Increase Brightness \#2
增液 increase humor
增液行舟 increase humor to move the grounded ship
增液承气汤 Humor-Increasing Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
增液汤 Humor-Increasing Decoction
增液润下 increase humor and precipitate with moistness
增液润下 humor-increasing moist precipitation
增液泻下 humor-increasing draining precipitation
增速 accelerate
增进食欲 enhance the appetite
增损八物汤 Modified Eight Agents Decoction
sag\HALT \VERB, sagging \ADJ
downbear\HALT \VERB
坠血明目饮 Blood-Downbearing Eye-Brightening Beverage
坠痰 downbear phlegm
坠痰下气 downbear phlegm and precipitate qi4
坠睛 dropped eye
堕死胎 abort the dead fetus
堕胎 miscarriage
堕伤 injury from falling
small house
寮刁竹 paniculate cynanchum [root]
loosen\HALT \VERB
宽中 loosen the center
宽中汤 Center-Loosening Decoction
宽胸 loosen the chest
宽胸消胀 loosen the chest and disperse distention
宽胸散结 loosen the chest and dissipate binds
宽筋壮骨 loosen the sinews and strengthen the bones
宽筋藤 Chinese tinospora [stem]
宽叶独行菜 broad-leaved cress
审因施治 ascertain the cause and administer treatment
审因施治 administer treatment according to cause
审因论治 ascertain the cause and determine treatment
审因论治 determine treatment according to cause
审苗窍 ispection of sprouts and orifices
审视瑶函 Jade Case of Perspicacity
审证求因 assess the patterns and seek the cause
审证求因 seek the cause from patterns identified
广 broad
广 | short for 广东 <Guang3dong1> (and loosely the south of China)
广口玻璃瓶 glass jar
广木香 costusroot
广豆根 bushy sophora [root]
广防己 southern fangji [root]
广明 broad and bright
广东人参 American ginseng
广东土牛膝 Chinese eupatorium [root]
广东升麻 serratula [root]
广东金钱草 desmodium
广东商陆 crape ginger [root]
广东凉茶 Cantonese Cool Tea
广东莴苣 curled lettuce
广泛抗菌作用 broad antibacterial effect
广柑皮 ??
广寄生 southern mistletoe
广陈皮 (1) southern tangerine peel
广陈皮 (2) mandarin peel
广温疫论 On Warm Epidemics Expanded
广肠 rectum
广郁金 southern curcuma [root]
广藿香 patchouli
弹丸 sling pellet
弹石脉 flicking stone pulse
弹针 needle flicking
弹筋 sinew flicking
弹拨法 plucking method
Germany\HALT \NOUN; German \ADJ
德国麻疹 rubella
征象 sign
anxiety\HALT \NOUN
忧思 anxiety and thought
忧虑不决 anxiety and indecision
憎寒 abhorrence of cold
摩法 friction
摩风 abrasive wind
摩风 leprosy
摩勒香 frankincense
摩腰丹 Lumbar Rub Elixir
撞击伤目 damage to eye by external impact
apply (powder)
扑粉 apply powder
sprinkle\HALT \VERB
gather together
撮口 pursed lips
撮口 pursed mouth
撮空 groping in the air
撮空理线 groping in the air and pulling invisible strings
撮风散 Pursed Mouth Powder
抚芎 Fu3zhou1 chuanxiong [root]
撬开 pry open
揿针 thumbtack needle
敷眼疗法 eye compress therapy
敷贴 dressing
敷贴疗法 plaster therapy
敷剂 dressing
敷脐疗法 umbilical compress therapy
frequent\HALT \ADJ
rapid\HALT \ADJ
数欠 frequent yawning
数欠气 frequent yawning
数脉 rapid pulse
数岁不语 not talking for several years
数坠胎 habitual miscarriage
数堕胎 repeated abortion
数噫 frequent belching
暮食朝吐 vomiting in the morning of food eaten in the evening
暮热早凉 heat [effusion] (fever) in the evening that abates by the morning
temporary\HALT \ADJ; temporari
t ransient ischemic attacks (TIA)
暂起僵仆 collapse on attempting to stand up
sudden\HALT \ADJ
fulminant\HALT \ADJ
暴不知人 sudden loss of consciousness
暴仆 sudden collapse
暴吐 fulminant vomiting
暴昏 fulminant clouding
暴注 fulminant pouring
暴盲 sudden blindness
暴怒伤肝 sudden violent anger damages the liver
暴迫下注 fulminant distressing downpour
暴风客热 fulminant wind and visiting heat
暴病 fulminant disease
暴马子 Amur lilac seed
暴崩 fulminant flooding
暴脱 fulminant desertion
暴厥 fulminant reversal
暴喘 fulminant panting
暴发火眼 fulminant fire eye
暴饮暴食 voracious eating and drinking
暴热 fulminant heat [effusion] (fever)
暴泻 fulminant diahrrea
暴聋 sudden deafness
暴喑 sudden loss of voice
暴瘖 sudden loss of voice
樟木 camphor wood
樟材 camphor wood
樟柳头 crape ginger [root]
樟梨 avocado
樟脑 camphor
樟树子 camphor fruit
樟树皮 camphor bark
樟树叶 camphor leaf
pivot\HALT \NOUN
枢中 GB-30
枢中 Pivot Center
枢合中 GB-30
枢合中 Pivot Union Center
枢边 Beside the Pivot
标本 root and tip
标本中气 tip, root, and center qi4
标本同治 treating the root and tip simultaneously
标本同治 simultaneous treatment of root and tip
标本兼治 treating both tip and root
标本兼顾 taking care of both tip and root
标幽赋 Song to Elucidate Mysteries
乐适舒 W.T.T.C.
thin fluid
浆水 sour millet water
浆水散 Millet Water Powder
浆膜 serous membrane
| short for 潼关 <Tong2guan1> in 陕西, <Shan3xi1>
潼蒺藜 complanate astragalus seed
潼蒺藜 complanate astragalus seed [NID]
澄茄 cubeb
澄澈清冷 clear, pure, and cold
cleanse\HALT \VERB
洁净腑 cleanse the clean bowel
洁洁 clean
subdue\HALT \VERB
潜行散 Hidden Marching Powder [NIS]
潜肝阳 subdue liver yang2
潜阳 subdue yang2
潜阳熄风 subdue yang2 and extinguish wind
潜镇 subdue and settle
tidal\HALT \ADJ
潮红 tidal reddening
潮热 tidal heat [effusion] (fever)
澎湖丝瓜 angled luffa gourd
sound of water flowing
潺菜 Malabar spinach
open\HALT \ADJ
rupture\HALT \NOUN
溃疡 ulcerating sore
溃疡 ulcer
溃疡穴 Ulcer Point
溃疡性结肠炎 ulcerative colitis
溃疡病 ulcers
溃疡散 Ulcer Powder
溃烂 ulceration
moist\HALT \ADJ, moisten \VERB
润下 moist precipitation
润下 precipitate with moistness
润下药 moist precipitating medicinal
润心肺 moisten the lung and heart
润肌膏 Flesh-Moistening Paste
润肺 moisten the lung
润肺化痰 moisten the lung and transform phlegm
润肺化痰药 lung-moistening phlegm-transforming medicinal
润肺止咳 moisten the lung and suppress cough
润肺安心 moistens the lung and quiets the heart
润肺清火 moisten the lung and clear fire
润肺散 Lung-Moistening Powder
润肺滋阴 moisten the lung and enrich yin1
润肺泽肌 moisten the lung and moisturize the skin
润便滑肠 moisten the stool and lubricate the intestines
润苔 moist fur
润容 moisturize the complexion
润神散 Spirit-Moistening Powder
润肠 moisten the intestines
润肠丸 Intestine-Moistening Pill
润肠通便 moisten the intestines and free the stool
润肠汤 Intestine-Moistening Decoction
润肠泻火 moisten the intestines and drain fire
润养心肺 moisten and nourish the heart and lung
润燥 moisten dryness
润燥化痰 moisten dryness and transform phlegm
润燥安胎汤 Dryness-Moistening Fetus-Quieting Decoction
润燥法 dryness-moistening method
润燥益阴汤 Dryness-Moistening Yin1-Boosting Decoction
润燥通便 moisten dryness and free the stool
润燥通便药 dryness-moistening and stool-freeing medicinal
润燥腐腻 moistness, dryness, putridity, and sliminess
润燥剂 dryness-moistening medicinal
润燥药 dryness-moistening medicinal
| see {shu2}
processed\HALT \ADJ
熟大黄 cooked rhubarb
熟干地黄 cooked rehmannia [root]
熟干地黄 cooked rehmannia [root]
熟石灰 slaked lime
熟石膏 cooked gypsum
熟地 cooked rehmannia [root]
熟地 cooked rehmannia [root]
熟地黄 cooked rehmannia [root]
熟地黄 cooked rehmannia [root]
熟艾 mugwort floss
熟艾 mugwort floss
熟附子 cooked aconite [accessory root]
熟附子 cooked aconite [accessory root]
熟军 cooked rhubarb
熟军灰 charred rhubarb
熟食 eat cooked
熟苡米 cooked coix [NID]
熬膏 boil to a paste
heat\HALT \NOUN; hot \ADJ
heat [effusion] (fever)\HALT \NOUN
热入心包 heat entering the pericardium
热入血分 heat entering the blood aspect
热入血室 heat entering the blood chamber
热入血室证 pattern of heat entering the blood chamber
热入气分 heat entering the qi4 aspect
热入膜原 heat entering the membrane source
热入营分 heat entering the construction aspect
热入营血 heat entering construction-blood
热中 heat strike (stroke)
热少寒多 more [aversion to] cold than heat [effusion] (fever)
热心痛 heat heart pain
热火暑的证候 heat, fire, and summerheat patterns
热可去寒 hot [medicinals] can eliminate cold
热伏冲任 deep-lying heat in the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
热因热用 treating heat with heat
热在上焦 heat is in the upper burner
热在骨间 heat is in the bone
热汗 heat sweating
热呃 heat hiccup
热灼肾阴 heat scorching kidney yin1
热狂 heat mania
热邪 heat evil
热邪入心 heat evil entering the heart
热邪内闭 internal heat evil block
热邪内闭 heat evil blocked internally
热邪阻肺 heat evil obstructing the lung
热邪结滞 stagnating heat evil
热邪传里 heat evil passing into the interior
热邪传里 heat evil interiorizing
热邪伤津 damage to liquid by the heat evil
热邪壅肺 heat evil congesting the lung
热邪炽盛 intense heat evil
热夜啼 heat night crying
热府 BL-12
热府 GB-20
热府 House of Heat
热府 House of Heat
热性 hot nature
热性胃痛 hot-type stomach pain
热性病 febrile disease
热性传染病 febrile infection
热服 take hot
热者寒之 heat is treated with cold
热则气泄 when there is heat, qi4 discharges
热咳 heat cough
热毒 heat toxin
热毒下血 heat toxin precipitation of blood
热毒内陷 heat toxin falling indward
热毒内陷证 pattern of heat toxin falling indward
热毒充斥 rampant heat toxin
热毒攻舌 heat toxin attacking the tongue
热毒攻舌证 pattern of heat toxin attacking the tongue
热毒攻喉 heat toxin attacking the throat
热毒攻喉证 pattern of heat toxin attacking the throat
热毒赤痢 heat toxin red dysentery
热毒停滞于中焦 heat toxin collecting and stagnating in the center burner
热毒闭肺 heat toxin blocking the lung
热毒闭肺证 pattern of heat toxin blocking the lung
热毒发斑 heat toxin macular eruption
热毒伤阴证 damage to yin1 by heat toxin pattern
热毒壅聚头面 heat toxin congesting in the head and face
热毒壅聚头面证 pattern of heat toxin congesting in the head and face
热毒炽盛 exuberant heat toxin
热毒炽盛证 exuberant heat toxin pattern
热毒蕴蓄 brewing amassment of heat toxin
热毒酿成肺痈 heat toxin forming a pulmonary welling-abscess
热毒酿脓 heat doxin brewing into pus
热毒酿脓证 pattern of heat doxin brewing into pus
热迫大肠 heat distressing the large intestine
热郁 heat depression
热郁胸膈 heat lying depressed in the chest and diaphragm
热郁汤 Heat Depression Decoction
热郁壅肺 heat depressing and congesting the lung
热重于湿 heat predominating over dampness
热重于湿证 pattern of heat predominating over dampness
热哮 heat wheezing
热气霍乱 heat qi4 cholera
热烘 baking
热病 febrile disease
热病 heat disease
热病后 after heat disease
热病伤津 heat disease damaging liquid
热疳 heat gan1
热秘 heat constipation
热耗真阴 heat wearing true yin1
热能胜寒 heat can overcome cold
热退 abatement of heat [effusion] (fever)
热阵 cold array
热淋 heat strangury
热泪 heat tearing
热深厥深 severe heat and severe reversal
热盛 exuberant heat
热盛则肿 when heat is exuberant, there is swelling
热盛风动 exuberant heat stirring wind
热盛气分 exuberant qi4-aspect heat
热盛动血 exuberant heat stirring the blood
热盛动血 exuberant heat stirring the blood
热盛动风 exuberating heat stirring wind
热盛动风证 pattern of exuberating heat stirring wind
热盛期 exuberant heat stage
热盛期 exuberant heat [effusion] (fever) stage
热盛伤津 exuberant heat damaging liquid
热盛伤津证 pattern exuberant heat damaging liquid
热闭 heat block
热闭心包 heat blocked in the pericardium
热闭心包证 pattern of heat blocked in the pericardium
热闭痉厥 heat-block tetanic reversal
热胜则肿 when heat prevails, there is swelling
热厥 heat reversal
热厥心痛 heat reversal heart pain
热厥证 heat reversal pattern
热喘 heat panting
热渴 heat thirst
热无犯热 avoid the mistake of using heat against heat
热痢 heat dysentery
热痢下血 heat dysentery with blood descent
热痛 heat pain
热痛 hot and painful
热痞 heat glomus
热结 heat bind
热结下焦 lower burner heat bind
热结胃肠 heat binding in the stomach and intestines
热结旁流 heat bind with circumfluence
热结胸 heat chest bind
热结阳明 heat binding in the yang2 brightness
热结肠胃 heat binding in the intestines and stomach
热结膀胱 heat binding in the bladder
热胀 heat distention
热饮 hot drinks
热伤肺络 heat damaging the network vessels of the lung
热伤肺络证 pattern of heat damaging the network vessels of the lung
热伤津气 heat damaging liquid and qi4
热伤气 heat damages qi4
热伤气阴 heat damaging qi4 and yin1
热伤神明 heat damaging the spirit light
热伤筋脉 heat damaging the sinews
热伤筋脉 damage to the sinews by heat
热伤营阴 heat damaging construction and yin1
热极生风 extreme heat engendering wind
热极生寒 extreme heat engendering cold
热极似寒 extreme heat resembling cold
热极风动 extreme heat stirring wind
热极动风 extreme heat stirring wind
热痰 heat phlegm
热痰证 heat phlegm pattern
热解 resolution of heat [effusion] (fever)
热遏 trapped heat
热嗽 heat cough
热呕 heat retching
热呕 heat vomiting热实结胸 heat repletion chest bind
热疟 heat malaria
热膈 heat occlusion
热与血结 heat binding with blood
热敷 hot compress
热敷疗法 hot compress therapy
热熨 hot pack
热疮 heat sore
热剂 hot formula
热浊 heat turbidity
热炽毒盛 intense heat and exuberant toxin
热炽津伤 intense heat causing damage to liquid
热烫伤目 damage to they eye by excessive heat
热霍乱 heat cholera
热燥 heat dryness
热扰心神 heat harassing the heart spirit
热扰心神证 pattern of heat harassing the heart spirit
热扰胸膈 heat harassing the chest and diaphragm
热扰胸膈证 pattern of heat harassing the chest and diaphragm
热泻 heat diarrhea
热证 heat pattern
热证 heat pattern
热痹 heat impediment
热瘅 pure heat
热痫 heat epilepsy
press with something hot
熨法 hot medicinal compress
熨风散 Wind-Smoothing Powder
emaciation and weakness
scourge\HALT \NOUN
瘟毒 scourge toxin
瘟毒下注 scourge toxin pouring downward
瘟毒下注证 pattern of scourge toxin pouring downward
瘟疫 scourge epidemic
瘟疫热狂 scourge epidemic heat mania
瘟黄 scourge jaundice
瘟痧 scourge sand
tumor\HALT \NOUN
瘦人多痰 thin people tend to have copious fire
瘦冷疳 lean cold gan1
瘦薄舌 thin tongue
疮口 opening of a sore
疮口 sore-opening
疮毒 sore-toxin
疮毒 toxin of sores
卫阳不固 insecurity of defensive yang2
卫阳被遏 obstruction of defense yang2
卫营同病 dual disease of defense and construction
复方大承气汤 Compound Formula Major Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
复方地锦片 Compound Formula Humifuse Euphorbia Tablet
复方金荞片 Compound Formula Wild Buckwheat Root Tablet
复因 new factor
复羽叶栾树 koelreuteria [root or flower]
诸血者皆属于心 all blood belongs to the heart
al l wind with shaking and dizzy vision is ascribed to the liver
al l qi4 huffing and depression is ascribed to the lung
于寒 all di
sease with watery humors that are clear, pure, and cold is
ascribed to cold
属于热 all dis
eases with [abdominal] sounds, where tapping makes a drum-like
sound, are ascribed to heat
诸病源候论 The Origin and Indicators of Disease
属于火 all dis
eases with aching pain and swelling of the instep, and fright are
ascribed to fire
al l counterflow upsurging is ascribed to fire
l reversal with constipation or diarrhea is ascribed to the lower
al l cold with contracture and tautness is ascribed to the kidney
al l painful and itching sores are ascribed to the liver
al l tetany and rigidity of the neck is ascribed to dampness
诸阳之会 confluence of the yang2 [channels]
诸温夹毒 warmth with toxin
诸痰为病 diseases caused by phlegm
al l wilting, panting, and retching are ascribed to the upper body
属于火 all cle
nching, shuddering, and chattering [of the jaws] with the seeming
loss of the spirit's presence is ascrib
al l major abdominal distention is ascribed to heat
诸葛行军散 Zhuge's Troop-Marching Powder
属于热 all sou
r retching and vomiting, and fulminant downpour with lower-body
distress are ascribed to heat
al l fulminant rigidity is ascribed to wind
al l heat with visual distortion and tugging is ascribed to fire
al l dampness with swelling and fullness is ascribed to the spleen
诸燥狂越,皆属于火 l excessive agitation and mania is ascribed to fire
诸虫 worms
属于热 all cra
mp, arched-back rigidity, and turbid watery humors are ascribed to
regulate\HALT \VERB, regulation \NOUN
调中 regulate the center
调中快膈 regulate the center and disinhibit the diaphragm
调中益气汤 Center-Regulating Qi4-Boosting Decoction
调元肾气丸 Origin-Regulating Kidney Qi4 Pill
调月经 regulate menstruation
调水道 regulate the waterways
调冲 regulate the thoroughfare vessel
调肝散 Liver-Regulating Powder
调肝汤 Liver-Regulating Decoction
调和 harmonize
调和 harmonization
调和百药 harmonizes the hundred medicinals
调和肝胃 harmonize the liver and stomach
调和肝脾 harmonize the liver and spleen
调和气血 harmonize qi4 and blood
调和脾胃 harmonize the spleen and stomach
调和肠胃 harmonize the stomach and intestines
调和肠胃 gastrointestinal harmonization
调和营卫 harmonize construction and defense
调和营卫 construction-defense harmonization
调和胆胃 harmonize the gallbladder and stomach
调服 take mixed (with fluid)
调胃承气汤 Stomach-Regulating Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
调气 regulate qi4
调理冲任 regulate the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
调理阴阳 regulate yin1 and yang2
调理肠胃 regulate the stomach and intestines
调经 regulate menstruation
调经丸 Menses-Regulating Pill
调经止痛 regulate the channels and relieve pain
调经草 Japanese eunymus [root]
调经理血 regulation menstruation and rectify the blood
调经散 Channel-Regulating Powder
调经汤 Menses-Regulating Decoction [NIS]
调经毓麟珠 Menses-Regulating Unicorn-Rearing Pill [NIS]
调敷 apply mixed
调养正气 regulate and nourish right qi4
调整阴阳偏衰 correction of yin1 and yang2 deficits
调整阴阳偏胜 correction of yin1 and yang2 surfeits
调营饮 Construction-Regulating Beverage
调羹花 officinal magnolia flower
豌豆 pea
豌豆荚 sugar pea [pod]
猪大肠 pig's large intestine
猪小肠 pig's small intestine
猪心 pig's heart
猪毛 pig's hair
猪毛菜 salsola
猪毛蕨 phymatodes [root]
猪牙皂 small gleditsia [fruit]
猪仔笠 Chinese eriosema [tuber]
猪皮 pig skin
猪羊叫声 squeal like a pig's or goat's
猪肉 pork
猪血 pig's blood
猪卵 pig's testis
猪肝 pig's liver
猪肝散 Pig's Liver Powder
猪肚 pig's stomach
猪肚丸 Pig's Stomach Pill
猪肚丸 Pig's Stomach Pill
猪姆刺 Japanese thistle
猪油 pork lard
猪油脂 pork lard
猪肺 pig's lung
猪屎苓 polyporus
猪殃殃 galium
猪苓 polyporus
猪苓丸 Polyporus Pill
猪苓汤 Polyporus Decoction
猪苓汤合四逆汤 Polyporus Decoction Combined with Counterflow Cold Decoction
猪粉肠 pig's ileum
猪脂 pork lard
猪脂膏 pork lard
猪胰 pig's pancreas
猪脊肉 pork spine flesh
猪脊髓 pig's spine ma, rrow
猪骨 pig's bone
猪婆菜 spinach beet
猪肾 pig's kidney
猪脾 pig's spleen
猪妈菜 Japanese thistle
猪腰子 (1) pig's kidney
猪腰子 (2) thick-fruited millettia seed
猪肠 pig's intestines
猪脑 pig's brain
猪膏 pork lard
猪鼻孔 houttuynia
猪肤 pig skin
猪蹄 pig's trotter
猪蹄甲 pig's hoof
猪蹄粥 Pig's Trotter Gruel
猪胆 pig's gallbladder
猪胆干粉 pig's gallbladder powder
猪胆汁 pig's bile
猪胆汁导 pig's bile enema
猪胆汁导法 Pig's Bile Enema
猪胆膏 pige's bile
猪鬃草 maidenhair
猪笼草 pitcher plant [stem and leaf]
猪脏 pig's intestines
猪脏丸 Pig's Intestine Pill
猪靥 pig's thyroid gland
猪髓 pig's bone marrow
猪脬 pig's bladder
猪獠参 lesser platanthera
卖药所 medicine store
质子 proton
质重 heavy in substance
赭石 hematite
赭石 hematite [NID]
踝三针 Three Ankle Needles
踝三针 Three Ankle Needles
踝损瘀血 sprained ankle with static blood
step (on something)
踩法 trampling method
蜷卧 curled-up lying posture
蜷卧 lying in curled-up posture
轮上赤豆 red bean on the wheels
迁延痢 prolonged dysentery
邻近部位选穴 selection of adjacent points
| surname
郑梅涧 Zheng4 Mei2-Jian4>
郑语 mussitation
郑声 muttering
醇酒 pure grain spirit
醇酒厚味过度 excessive consumption of liquor and rich food
醉马草 locoweed
醉马草 inebriate achnatherum
醉鱼草 Lindley's buddleia
醉鱼草花 Lindley's buddleia flower
醉乡玉屑 Enchanted Land Jade Shavings
vinegar [NID]
醋石榴 sour pomegranate [fruit]
醋炒 stir-fry with vinegar
醋炙 mix-fry with vinegar
醋炙龟板 vinegar-processed tortoise shell [NID]
醋柳果 hippopha [fruit]
醋浸炒 steep in vinegar and stir-fry
醋淬 vinegar quenching
醋磨 grind with vinegar
醋磨涂敷 apply ground with vinegar
醋糟 vinegar residue
+ vinegar calcination
腌刈薯 pickled yam bean
腌冬瓜 soft pickled wax gourd
腌豆薯 pickled yam bean
lay (flooring, railway lines)
铺地蜈蚣 drooping clubmoss
铺红 red spread
锐中 HT-07
锐中 Edge
锐骨 protuberant bone
锐骨 styloid process of the ulna
锐发 ear lock
锐眦 outer canthus
锉草 equisetum
sharp tip or cutting edge
锋针 sharp-edged needle
tremble\HALT \VERB; tremor \NOUN
震颤 tremor
震颤麻痹 paralysis agitans
震灵丹 Rousing Spirit Elixir
霉滴净丸 Trichomonas Cleansing Pill
霉疮秘录 Secret Record for Syphilis
lean on
close to
靠山红 salvia [root]
鞋带 ST-41
鞋带 Shoe Lace
巩堤丸 Dyke-Strengthening Pill
jaw corner
angle of the mandible
颌下痈 welling-abscess below the jaw
nourish\HALT \VERB, nourishment \NOUN
养中煎 Center-Nourishing Brew [NIS]
养心 nourish the heart
养心安神 nourish the heart and quiet the spirit
养心安神药 heart-nourishing spirit-quieting medicinal
养心汤 Heart-Nourishing Decoction
养生 cultivate life
养生 life cultivation
养生 cultivate health
养生 health cultivation
养老 SI-06\w
养老 Nursing the Aged
养血 nourish the blood
养血生肌 nourish the blood and engender flesh
养血安心 nourish the blood and quiet the heart
养血安心药 blood-nourishing heart-quieting medicinal
养血明目 nourish the blood and brighten the eyes
养血柔肝 nourish the blood and emolliate the liver
养血益精 nourish the blood and boost essence
养血通脉 nourish the blood and free the vessels
养血滋阴 nourish the blood and enrich yin
养血当归地黄散 Blood-Nourishing Chinese Angelica*& and Rehmannia Powder
养血当归地黄汤 Blood-Nourishing Chinese Angelica*& and Rehmannia Decoction
养血解表 nourish the blood and resolve the exterior
养血荣筋 nourish the blood and enhance the sinews
养血熄风 nourish the blood and extinguish wind
养血润燥 nourish the blood and moisten dryness
养血调经 nourish the blood and regulate menstruation
养血镇逆 nourish the blood and settle counterflow
养血药 blood-nourishing medicinal
养肝 nourish the liver
养肝明目 nourish the liver and brighten the eyes
养津液 nourish the fluids
养胃 nourish the stomach
养胃阴 nourish stomach yin1
养胃汤 Stomach-Nourishing Decoction
养胎 nourish the fetus
养阴 nourish yin1
养阴生肌 nourish yin1 and engender flesh
养阴生津 nourish yin1 and engender liquid
养阴益精 nourishes yin1 and boosts essence
养阴清肺 nourish yin1 and clear the lung
养阴清肺汤 Yin1-Nourishing Lung-Clearing Decoction
养阴解表 nourish yin1 and resolve the exterior
养阴潜阳 nourish yin1 and subdue yang2
养阴润燥 nourish yin1 and moisten dryness
养荣壮肾汤 Construction-Nourishing Kidney-Invigorating Decoction
养精种玉汤 Essence-Nourishing Jade-Planting Decoction
养脏汤 Viscus-Nourishing Decoction
饿 hungry\HALT \ADJ; hunger \NOUN
饿虱子 xanthium [fruit]
驼乳 camel's milk
驼背 hunchback
驼背鸡胸 hunchback and pigeon chest
驻车丸 Carriage-Halting Pill
驻景丸 Long Vistas Pill
驻景丸加减方 Long Vistas Pill Variant Formula
fine horse
驹胞衣 horse's placenta
hair of the head
发白 graying of the hair
发枯 dry hair
发为血之余 hair [of the head] is the surplus of the blood
发脱不长 hair loss and reduced growth
发无泽 sheenless hair
发菜 tufted hairgrass
发黄 yellowing of the hair
发落 hair loss
发际 hairline
发际 GV-24
发际 Hairline
发际疮 hairline sore
发堕 hair loss
发迟 slowness to grow hair
发髲 hair
闹羊花 yellow azalea [flower]
闹羊花子 yellow azalea seed
闹狗药 Maire's alstonia [leaf]
闹鱼花 genkwa [flower]
corporeal soul
animal soul
魄户 BL-42\w (BL-37)
魄户 Corporeal Soul Door
魄汗 corporeal soul sweating
魄门 corporeal soul gate
鱿 squid
鱿鱼 squid
鸦片 opium
鸦片烟果果 poppy husk
鸦蛋子 brucea [fruit]
鸦葱 scorzonera root
鸦胆 brucea [fruit]
鸦胆子 brucea [fruit]
麸炒 bran-fry
| surname
黎豆 Yokohama bean
黎峒丸 Li2 Tong2 Pill
ink [NID]
墨斗草 eclipta
墨汁草 eclipta
墨汁菜 eclipta
墨石子 Aleppo gall
墨地 podophyllum fruit
墨旱莲 eclipta
墨炭 charred ink [NID]
墨记菜 eclipta
墨鱼 cuttlefish [flesh]
墨鱼骨 cuttlefish bone
墨菜 eclipta
墨烟草 eclipta
齿 dental\HALT \ADJ
齿 tooth\HALT \NOUN
齿 lower tooth
齿不生 non-growth of teeth
齿牙松动 loosening of the teeth
齿石 dental calculus
齿更 change of teeth
齿忽变黑 sudden blackening of the teeth
齿为骨之余 teeth are the surplus of the bone
齿垩质 cementum
齿痕舌 tongue bearing dental impressions
齿寒 tooth cold
齿斑 dental plaque
齿焦 parched teeth
齿痛 toothache
齿痛 toothache among the lower teeth
齿叶草 odontites
齿槁 desiccated teeth
齿槽风 bone trough wind
齿缘草 eritrichium
齿质 dentin
齿噤 clenched teeth
齿迟 slowness to teethe
齿燥 dry teeth
齿燥 dry front teeth
齿龈 gums
齿龈 gingiva\HALT\NOUN; gingival\ADJ
齿龈 gum
齿龈炎 gingivitis
齿龈红肿 red swollen gums
齿龈红肿热痛 painful red hot swollen gums sore
齿龈结瓣 petalled gums
齿龈虚浮 vacuous puffy gums
齿龈肿痛 painful swollen gums
齿髓 pulp
齿髓腔 pulp cavity
齿蠹 tooth decay
齿龋 tooth decay
齿衄 bleeding gums
齿衄 spontaneous bleeding of the gum
齿齘 grinding of the teeth
齿齘 bruxism
齿+ invisible worms of the teeth
confucian scholar
儒门事亲 Confucian Filiality
儒家 Confucianism
儒家 Confucianist
congeal\HALT \VERB
凝血细胞 thrombocyte
凝脂翳 congealed-fat screen
formula\HALT \NOUN
preparation\HALT \NOUN
剂型 preparation
hold in the mouth
噙化 melt in the mouth
belching\HALT \NOUN
噫气 belching
噫酸 belching of sour fluid
噫嗳频作 frequent belching
clenched jaw
噤口 clenched jaw
噤口 trismus
噤口 denying intake of food
噤口痢 food-denying dysentery
噤口痢疾 food-denying dysentery
噤风 clenched jaw wind
噤风 trismus wind
器官 organ
belching\HALT \NOUN
嗳气 belching
嗳气吞酸 belching and acid swallowing
嗳气呕逆 belching and retching counterflow
嗳气腐臭 putrid belching
嗳气腐臭 belching of putrid qi4 (gas)
嗳气酸腐 belching of sour putrid qi4 (gas)
嗳腐 putrid belching
嗳腐 belching of putrid qi4 (gas)
嗳腐吞酸 putrid belching and acid swallowing
嗳酸 sour belching
嗳酸 belching of sour qi4 (gas)
壁虎 house lizard
壁宫 house lizard
壁钱 wall spider
壁钱幕 wall spider's egg-case
congest\HALT \VERB, congestion \NOUN
abduct\HALT \VERB, abduction \NOUN
导引 conduction exercise
导水茯苓汤 Water-Abducting Poria Decoction
导赤承气汤 Red-Abducting Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction
导赤散 Red-Abducting Powder
导法 abduction
导法 enema
导便 abduct stool
导便 enema
导气 summon qi4
导气汤 Qi4-Abducting Decoction
导痰汤 Phlegm-Abducting Decoction
导滞 downbear stagnation
导滞消痰 abduct stagnation and disperse phlegm
导滞消积 abduct stagnation and disperse accumulation
导滞通腑 abduct stagnation and free the bowels
导热散 Heat-Abducting Powder
导药法 ??
+ anguish
懈言 sluggish speech
shiver\HALT \VERB; shivering\NOUN
战汗 shiver sweating
战舌 trembling tongue
战栗 shiver
战国 Warring States
战瘫 Paralysis Fighter
操纵 manipulation
操纵指法 manipulative technique
correct\HALT \VERB
整复疗法 reduction therapy ??
整体治疗 holistic treatment
整体观念 holism
昙花 epiphyllum [flower]
unprocessed lumber
桦木皮 Chinese white birch bark
桦菌芝 pyropolyporus
桦树液 Chinese white birch sap
橙皮 sweet orange peel
橙皮油 sweet orange peel oil
橙叶 sweet orange leaf
+ bubo sore
横寸 horizontal body inch
横切 cut transversely
横户 CV-07
横户 Horizontal Door
横舌 GV-15
横舌 Opposite the Tongue
横刺 transverse insertion
横纹 transverse crease
横纹肌 striated muscle
横纹鲙 brown-barred rock cod
横骨 transverse bone
横骨 pubic bone
横骨 hyoid bone
横骨 KI-11\w
横骨 Pubic Bone
横产 sideways presentation
横结肠 transverse colon
横经席 beauty-leaf root
横经席叶 beauty-leaf
横膈 diaphragm
Tangerine Peel, Pinellia, Unripe Bitter Orange, and White
Atractylodes*& Pill
橘白 white tangerine peel
橘皮 tangerine peel
橘皮半夏汤 Tangerine Peel and Pinellia Decoction
橘皮竹茹汤 Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction
橘皮油 tangerine peel oil
橘皮汤 Tangerine Peel Decoction
橘皮粥 Tangerine Peel Gruel
橘皮煎丸 Tangerine Peel Decocted Pill
Tangerine Peel, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Fresh Ginger
橘杏丸 Tangerine Peel and Apricot Kernel Pill
橘红 red tangerine peel
橘红吞剂 Red Tangerine Peel Pill
橘红珠 unripe tomentosa pommelo [fruit]
橘香散 Tangerine Peel and Costusroot*& Powder
橘核 tangerine pip
橘核丸 Tangerine Pip Pill
橘根 tangerine root
橘络 tangerine pith
橘叶 tangerine leaf
橘饼 candied tangerine
橘枳姜汤 Tangerine Peel, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ginger Decoction
树子 cordia berry
树子仔 cordia berry
树五加 nothopanax [bark]
树火麻 stinging wood nettle [bark]
树皮 bark
树波罗 jackfruit
树韭菜 grass fern
树菜头 pterula
树腰子 melia-leaved evodia
树头菜根 crataeva leaf
树鸡 wood ear
树茭瓜 rigid-leaved cymbidium [stem and leaf]
树茭瓜果 rigid-leaved cymbidium fruit
Chinese olive
橄榄 Chinese olive
橄榄干 dried Chinese olive
橄榄仁 Chinese olive seed
橄榄核 Chinese olive pit
橄榄菜 Chinese kale
橄榄露 Chinese olive distillate
橡木皮 oak bark
橡实 acorn
橡实壳 oak cupule
mechanism\HALT \NOUN
dynamic\HALT \NOUN
机关 hinge
机关 GB-02
机关 ST-06
机关 Hinge
机关 Hinge
桡骨 radius
桡侧腕长伸肌 long radial extensor muscle of the wrist
桡动脉 radial artery
go through
历代注家 commentators over the ages
历代医家 physicians over the ages
历节 joint running
历节风 joint-running wind
历节痛 joint-running pain
| short for 溓江 {lian2 jiang1}, River <Lian2> in <Jiang1xi1>
濂珠 pearl
淀花 indigo
淀粉 starch
浓缩丸 concentrated pills
marsh\HALT \NOUN
moisturize\HALT \NOUN
泽下 Below the Marsh
泽肌 moisturize the skin
泽芝 alisma [tuber]
泽前 Before the Marsh
泽廓 marsh belt
泽漆 sun spurge
泽漆汤 Sun Spurge Decoction
泽泻 alisma [tuber]
泽泻汤 Alisma Decoction
泽泻叶 alisma leaf
泽泻实 alisma fruit
泽兰 lycopus
泽兰汤 Lycopus Decoction
泽兰叶 lycopus
turbid\HALT \ADJ, turbidity \NOUN
浊邪 turbid evil
浊邪害清 turbid evils harm the clear
浊苔 turbid tongue fur
浊气 turbid qi4
浊气不降 turbid qi4 failing to bear downward
浊气不降 non-downbearing turbid qi4
浊气归心 turbid qi4 goes to the heart
浊浴 Turbid Bath
浊淋 turbid strangury
浊阴 turbid yin1
浊阴不降 turbid yin1 failing to bear downward
浊阴不降 non-downbearing of turbid yin1
浊阴出下窍 turbid yin1 passes out through the lower orifices
浊阴走五脏 turbid yin1 penetrates the five viscera
浊阴归六腑 turbid yin1 goes to the six bowels
浊腻苔 turbid slimy fur
浊药轻投 turbid medicinals are utilized sparingly
激素 hormones
澹寮方 Tranquil Hut Formulary
澹寮四神丸 Tranquil Hut Four Spirits Pill
intense\HALT \ADJ
double-boil\HALT \VERB
炖肉 stew with meat
炖温 warm in double boiler
烧山火 burning mountain fire method
烧存性 burn preserving nature
烧存性 nature-preservative burning
烧灰 char
烧灼肺津 scorching lung liquid
烧酒 white liquor
烧酒壶根 salvia [root]
烧针 hot needle
烧伤 burn
烧伤 burn
烧蚀疗法 burning-eroding therapy
灯心灰 charred juncus [pith]
灯心竹叶汤 Juncus and Lophatherum*& Decoction
灯心炭 charred juncus [pith]
灯心草 juncus [pith]
灯心草根 juncus root
灯火灸 juncibustion
灯芯 juncus [pith]
灯芯草 juncus [pith]
灯草 juncus [pith]
灯草灰 charred juncus [pith]
灯草粉 juncus [pith] powder
灯盏细辛 erigeron
灯蛾 moth
灯笼果 (1) Manchurian currant
灯笼果 (2) Cape gooseberry
灯笼草 Cape goosebery plant
灯笼椒 sweet pepper
燕口 Swallow's Mouth
燕脂豆 Malabar spinach
燕麦 bromegrass
燕麦草 wild oat straw
燕麦灵 Yun2nan2 ainsliaea
燕窠土 swallow's nest
燕窝 swift's nest
scald\HALT \VERB
blanch\HALT \VERB
烫火伤 burns and scalds
烫制 scorch
烫伤 scald
cook in a covered pot over a low heat
+ sealed pot calcination
single quality
独一味 rotating Jerusalem sage
独行千里 Hongkong caper
独行菜 garden cress
独角芋 caladium [tuber]
独角倍 single-horned sumac gallnut
独角莲 giant typhonium
独足绿茅根 curculigo [root]
独取寸口 exclusive examination of the inch opening (wrist pulse)
独活 pubescent angelica
独活寄生汤 Pubescent Angelica*& and Mistletoe Decoction
独活散 Pubescent Angelica*& Powder
独活汤 Pubescent Angelica*& Decoction
独活葛根汤 Pubescent Angelica and Pueraria Decoction
独茅根 curculigo [root]
独参汤 Pure Ginseng Decoction
独阴 Solitary Yin1
独摇草 pubescent angelica
独会 Solitary Confluence
独滑 pubescent angelica
独圣散 Single Sage Powder
独脚仙茅 curculigo [root]
独脚柑 Asiatic striga
独脚乌+ treebine root and stem
独脚乌+treebine leaf
独脚丝茅 curculigo [root]
独脚黄茅 curculigo [root]
独叶一枝花 hemipilia
独叶一枝枪 amitostigma
独叶白芨 Yun2nan2 pleione [tuber]
独蒜 garlic [bulb]
独语 soliloquy
独语 talking to onself
独蕨箕 downy moonwort [root]
独衡 Forbes' asarum
独头蒜 garlic [bulb]
miasma\HALT \NOUN
瘴毒 miasmic toxin
瘴疟 miasmic malaria
| surname
卢布 stalactite
卢甘石 calamine
卢会 aloe
磨牙 bruxism
磨汁 wet grind to obtain juice
磨汁涂 apply juice obtained by wet-grinding
磨障灵光高 Obstruction-Abrading Spirit Light Paste
磨盘根 Indian abutilon root
磨盘草 Indian abutilon
磨盘草子 Indian abutilon seed
砖子苗 compact mariscus
accumulate\HALT \VERB, accumulation \NOUN
积水 water accumulation
积冷 accumulated cold
积食 accumulated food
积粉苔 mealy tongue fur
积雪草 centella
积痢 accumulation dysentery
积饮 accumulated rheum
积块 accumulation lump
积瘀 accumulated stasis
积滞 accumulation and stagnation
积聚 accumulations and gatherings
积聚痞块 Accumulations, Gatherings and Lump Glomus
build\HALT \VERB; building \NOUN
筑宾 KI-09\w
筑宾 Guest House
筛骨 ethmoid bone
double-edged fine-toothed comb
篦子舒筋草 toothed polipody [root]
糖水 syrup
糖尿病 diabetes mellitus
di abetic retinopathy
糖尿累积病 glycogen storage disease
糖刺果 Cherokee rose fruit
糖果 Cherokee rose fruit
糖芥 erysimum seed
糖茶藨 Himalayan currant [inner bark or fruit]
糖浆 syrup
糖浆 sugar syrup
糖橘子 Cherokee rose fruit
糖橘红 candied tangerine peel
糖类 sugars
糖莺子 Cherokee rose fruit
糖罐 Cherokee rose fruit
slimy\HALT \ADJ, sliminess \NOUN
腻苔 slimy tongue fur
腻苔不化 non-transforming slimy tongue fur
腻粉 calomel
膨胀 inflation
兴阳 revive yang2
兴奋 Excitation
fungus\HALT \NOUN
蕨麻 silverweed
蕨菜 edible fern
flush away
sweep away
荡涤 flush
荡涤顽痰 flush stubborn phlegm
| plant name
芜菁 turnip
芜菁子 turnip seed
芜菁花 turnip flower
芜荑 elm cake
芜荑酱 elm fruit liquid
蚂蝗蜞 leech
萤火 firefly
level line
衡州乌药 laurel-leaf cocculus
裤口毒 trouser-bottom toxin [sore]
裤口疮 trouser-bottom sore
褥痉 childbirth tetany
褥疮 bedsore
make strategies
豭猪屎 polyporus
猫人参 valvate actinidia root
猫毛草 golden hair grass
猫爪草 cat's claw buttercup [root]
猫皮毛 cat's pelt
猫耳朵草 gymnopteris
猫肉 cat's flesh
猫肝 cat's liver
猫儿刺 Chinese holly leaf
猫儿屎 decaisnea root
猫儿屎果 decaisnea fruit
猫儿眼睛 Nepalese polygonum
猫儿薄荷 mint
猫油 cat's fat
猫花 brandisia
猫胡子花 Bodinier caper
猫胞衣 cat's placenta
猫眼草 cat's-eye spurge
猫眼睛 monkey flower
猫眼疮 cat's-eye sore
猫脚印 Robert's cranesbill
猫头 cat's head
猫蓟 field thistle
猫须草 orthosiphon
| surname
transport\HALT \VERB
transport point\HALT \NOUN
acupuncture point\HALT \NOUN
输穴 acupuncture point
输穴 transport point
输穴 stream point
输卵管 uterine tubes
输卵管 fallopian tubes
输卵管切除术 salpingectomy
输卵管炎 salpingitis
输卵管积水 hydrosalpinx
输尿管 ureter
输尿管结石 urethral calculi
输刺 transport needling
输府 KI-27
输府 Transport House
输精管 vas deferens (ductus deferens)
输精管切除术 vasectomy
identify\HALT \VERB, identification \NOUN
辨舌指南 Guide to Tongue Diagnosis
辨病施治 identify diseases and administer treatment
辨病施治 administer treatment according to disease
辨病论治 disease identification as the basis for determining treatment
辨证 identify patterns (or signs)
辨证 pattern identification
辨证求因 identify patterns and seek disease causes
辨证求因 seek disease causes from patterns identified
辨证取穴 point selection by pattern identification
辨证施治 identify patterns and administer treatment
辨证施治 administer treatment according to pattern
辨证论治 pattern identification as the basis for determining treatment
选方 selected formula
选穴 point selection
slow\HALT \ADJ, slowness \NOUN
迟脉 slow pulse
迟钝 torpor
迟缓 flaccid
| short for 辽宁, <Liao2ning2> Province
辽沙参 glehnia [root]
辽东栎皮 Liaodong oak bark
辽东栎壳斗 Liaodong oak involucre
遗矢 fecal incontinence
遗尿 enuresis
遗尿 enuresis
遗泄 seminal emission
遗泄 seminal emission
遗泄频频 frequent seminal emission
遗溺 enuresis
遗滑 seminal emission or efflux
遗精 seminal emission
遗精 Seminal Emission
遗精 spermatorrhea
遗精早泄 seminal emission and premature ejaculation
遗精尿黄 seminal emission and yellow urine
遗浊 turbid urine
rouse\HALT \VERB
醒消丸 Awake to Dispersion Pill
醒神 arouse the spirit
醒神 rouse the spirit
醒酒 sober
醒酒 dispel the effects of liquor
醒脾 arouse the spleen
醒脾丸 Spleen-Arousing Pill
醒脾开胃 arouse the spleen and open the stomach
醒脾燥湿 arouse the spleen and dry dampness
醒脑 arouse the brain
醒脑静 Xingnaojing
lozenge\HALT \NOUN
锭子 lozenge
锭剂 lozenge preparation
锯叶竹节树 carallia
错言妄语 deranged speech
错经 crossed menstruation
错语 disordered speech
| surname
钱乙 Qian2 Yi3>
钱匕 qian2-spoon
钱氏白朮散 Qian2>'s White Atractylodes*& Powder
锡生藤 false pareira
锡粉 processed galenite
锡叶藤 tetracera
锡类散 Tin-Like Powder
锡矿 cassiterite
锥栗 Chinese castanopsis seed
锥栗果壳 Chinese castanopsis shell
锦地罗 sundew
锦红片 Red Brocade Tablet
锦纹 rhubarb
锦纹大黄 rhubarb
锦荔枝 balsam pear
锦带 water shield
锦灯笼 lantern plant calyx
锦灯笼 lantern plant calyx [NID]
锦鳞蜥鱼 brush-toothed lizard
随按随起 immediate rebounding after pressure is applied and released
随风子 chebule
随访 follow-up
随证加减 formula variation in accordance with signs
随证取穴 selection of points according to signs (patterns)
golden eagle
雕骨 golden eagle's bone
霍山石斛 officinal dendrobium
霍乱 cholera
霍乱 sudden turmoil
霍乱 cholera
霍乱 cholera
霍乱弧菌 Vibrio cholerae
霍乱转筋 cholera cramps
secondary rainbow
霓鲙 flag-tailed rock cod
靛沫花 indigo
靛花 indigo
靛青根 isatis root
靛根 knotty pine wood
静脉 vein
静脉炎 phlebitis
静脉滴注 intravenous drip
鞘菝+ standing greenbrier [root]
cheek\HALT \NOUN
颊内 Inside Cheek
颊车 cheek carriage
颊车 ST-06\w
颊车 Cheek Carriage
颊车骨 cheek carriage bone
颊里 Within Cheek
+ scrofula of the neck
颈中 Neck Center
颈内动脉 internal carotid artery
颈内静脉 internal jugular vein
颈外动脉 external carotid artery
颈外静脉 external jugular vein
颈后生痈 welling-abscess on the back of the neck
颈冲 LI-14
颈冲 Neck Surge
颈冲 LI-14
颈冲 Neck Thoroughfare
颈肩部肌筋炎 myofascitis of the shoulder and neck
颈脉 neck vessel
颈骨 neck bone
颈骨 cervical spine
颈淋巴肉芽肿 lymphogranuloma
颈淋巴结肿大 lymphadenectasis of the neck
颈粗 fat neck
ac ute soft tissue injury of the neck
颈椎病 cervical spondylosis
颈椎骨 cervical vertebrae
颈间生疮 neck sore
颈项 neck and nape
颈项 neck
颈项反张 arched rigidity of the neck
颈项疼痛 pain in neck and nape
颈项强 stiffness in the neck and nape
颈项强不得回顾 stiffness in the neck and nape that prevents the head from turning
颈项强直 rigidity of the neck and nape
颈项强急 stiffness of the neck and nape
颈项痛 neck and nape pain
颈项满 fullness in the neck and nape
颈总动脉 common carotid artery
颈臂 Neck and Upper Arm
颈阔肌 platysma muscle
颈痈 welling-abscess of the neck
frequent\HALT \ADJ; frequency \NOUN
频犯手淫 frequent masturbation
频服 take in frequent small amounts
频婆 apple
频饮 take in frequent small doses
频数 frequent
频餂舌 licking tongue
颔下痈 welling-abscess under the chin
颔肿 swelling under the chin
颔厌 GB-04\w
颔厌 Forehead Fullness
头中鸣响 ringing inside the head
头半边痛 hemilateral headache
头正中静脉 median cephalic vein
头白秃 bald white scalp sore
头皮 scalp
头皮干枯 dry scalp
头皮屑 dandruff
头皮脱屑 dandruff
头皮麻木 numbness of the scalp
头皮疖肿 swollen boil on the head
头目昏沉 heavy head and clouded vision
头目昏痛 clouded head and vision with headache and eye pain
头目眩晕 dizzy head and vision
头目胀痛 distention and pain of the head and eyes
头目+ twitching of the head and eyes
头光明 Head Bright Light
头汗 sweating from the head
头汗出 sweating head
头冷 cold head
头沉 heavy-headedness
头冲 LI-14
头冲 Head Surge
头冲 LI-14
头冲 Head Thoroughfare
头角 corners of the head
头角痛 pain at the corners of the head
头身困重 heavy cumbersome head and body
头身疼痛 headache and body pain
头昏重 clouded heavy head
头前痛 frontal headache
头垂欲俯 bowed head
头重 heavy-headedness
头重不欲举 heavy head that is difficult to lift
头重如蒙 clouded heavy head
头重如裹 head heavy as if swathed
头重脚轻 heavy head and light feet
头重脚轻 top-heaviness
头面红肿 red swollen head and face
头面风痰之疾 wind-phlegm diseases of the head and face
头面痛 pain of the head and face
头面疮 sores of the head and face
头风 head wind
头风白屑 head-wind white scaling
头风眩晕 head wind dizziness
头眩 dizzy head
头眩痛 dizziness and headache
头针疗法 head needling
头针疗法 scalp acupuncture
头旋 spinning head
头旋目运 spinning head and dizzy vision
头旋脑痛 spinning head and painful brain
头部胀痛 distention and pain in the head
头顶 vertex
头顶疼痛 vertex headache
头顶疼痛 vertex headache
头顶痛 vertex headache
头痛 headache
头痛[] headache [disease]
头痛牙痛 headach and toothache
头痛且重 headache and heavy-headedness
头痛目痛 headache and eye pain
头痛如破 splitting headache
头痛如掣 headache with pulling sensation
头痛如掣 iron-band headache
头痛如裹 head heavy as if swathed
头痛如劈 splitting headache
头痛如锥刺 headache like the piercing of an awl
eadache, generalized heaviness, and blockage and oppression in
the stomach duct
头痛花 genkwa [flower]
头痛隐隐 dull headache
头胀 distention in the head
头胀 sensation of pressure in the head
头胀痛 distention and pain in the head
头项症状 head and neck symptoms
头项偏痛 hemilateral headache and pain in the nape
头项强痛 headache and painful stiff nape
头倾 bowed head
头倾视深 bowed head and downcast eyes
头摇 shaking of the head
头摇风 shaking head wind
头晕 dizzy head
头晕目眩 dizzy head and vision
头晕目眩 dizziness
头脑空痛 empty pain in the head
头脑鸣响 ringing in the head
头维 ST-08\w
头维 Head Corner
头热 hot head
头热 head heat [effusion] (fever)
头热身不热 head heat without generalized heat [effusion] (fever)
头疮 head sore
头虱病 pediculosis capitis
头发七 Asiatic alectoria
头发干枯打缕 dry knotted hair
头发干枯无光泽 dry sheenless hair
头发早白 premature graying of the hair
头发稀疏 scant hair
头静脉 cephalic vein
头缝不合 non-closure of the fontanels
头臂静脉 brachiocephalic vein
头临泣 GB-15\w
头临泣 Head Overlooking Tears
头窍阴 GB-11\w
头窍阴 Head Orifice Yin1
头颜痛 frontal headache
头响 ringing in the head
头癣 tinea capitis
头髓 head marrow
头颅骨 parietal bone
头颅骨 skull
头颞 Temple of the Head
颐肿 swollen jowl
颐养 keep fit
骆驼毛 camel's hair
骆驼肉 camel's flesh
骆驼刺糖 manna
骆驼脂 camel's fat
骆驼黄 camel's bezoar
骆驼蓬 African rue
骆驼蓬子 African rue seed
bones of the body
骸关 knee joint
髭鲷 striped sweetlips
鲍鱼皮 abalone shell
鲍鱼菇 abalone fungus
鸭子 duck's egg
鸭舌草 monochoria
鸭舌头 dwarf sagittaria
鸭血 duck's blood
鸭卵 duck's egg
鸭皂树皮 cassie bark
鸭皂树根 cassie root
鸭儿芹 honewort stem and leaf
鸭儿芹果 honewort fruit
鸭儿芹根 honewort root
鸭肫衣 duck's gizzard lining
鸭肪 duck's fat
鸭屎瓜子 momordica [seed]
鸭食草 dayflower
鸭涎 duck's saliva
鸭船层纸 oroxylum [seed]
鸭蛋子 brucea [fruit]
鸭粥 Duck Gruel
鸭脚木皮 eight-leaved schefflera bark
鸭脚木根 eight-leaved schefflera root
鸭脚木叶 eight-leaved schefflera leaf
鸭脚艾 white mugwort
鸭脚板草 crowfoot
鸭脚掌 dayflower
鸭嘴+ duck-bill lindernia
鸭头 duck's head
鸭胆 duck's gallbladder
鸭胆子 brucea [fruit]
鸭跖草 dayflower
鸭溏 duck's slop
mandarin duck
鸳鸯 mandarin duck
黔羊蹄甲 Lecompte's bauhinia
黔贵醉魂藤 Esquirol heterostemma
dragon\HALT \NOUN
龙子皮 snake slough
龙子衣 snake slough
龙子单衣 snake slough
龙火内燔 dragon fire blazing internally
龙牙草根 agrimony root
龙占 common lenjan
龙皮 snake slough
龙舌草 ottelia
龙衣 snake slough
龙利叶花 dragon's tongue flower
龙尾 mylabris
龙沙 ephedra
龙牡 dragon bone and oyster shell
龙角 dragon horn
龙角 water caltrop [fruit and root]
龙虎 GV-01
龙虎 Dragon Tiger
龙虎三胆散 Earthworm, House Lizard, and Three Gallbladders Powder
龙虎穴 GV-01
龙虎穴 Dragon and Tiger Point
龙虎草 euphorbia [root]
龙虎济阴丹 Dragon Bone and Tiger Bone Yin1-Saving Elixir [NIS]
龙门 dragon gate
龙门 Dragon Gate
龙泉 KI-02
龙泉 Dragon in the Spring
龙泉疔 dragon spring clove sore
龙珠 tubocapsicum
龙珠子 tubocapsicum fruit
龙珠果 love-in-a-mist [stem or fruit]
龙珠根 tubocapsicum root
龙骨 dragon bone
龙骨牡蛎汤 Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction
龙骨儿茶散 Dragon Bone and Cutch Powder
龙骨粉 dragon bone powder
龙涎香 ambergris
龙渊 KI-02
龙渊 Dragon in the Abyss
龙眼 (1) longan
龙眼 (2) longan flesh
龙眼干 longan flesh
龙眼肉 longan flesh
龙眼肉粥 Longan Flesh Gruel
龙眼花 longan flower
龙眼核 longan pit
龙眼根 longan root
龙眼壳 longan shell
龙眼菰 longan fungus
龙眼叶 longan leaf
龙眼树皮 longan bark
龙船花 ixora flower
龙船花根 ixora root
龙船花茎叶 ixora stem and leaf
龙船马泡 Hunan raspberry
龙船藨 Japanese raspberry
龙单衣 snake slough
龙腹香 ambergris
龙脑 borneol
龙脑甘露丸 Borneol Sweet Dew Pill
龙脑香子 dryobalanops [seed]
龙脑膏 Borneol Paste
龙脑膏香 borneo camphor
龙脑薄荷 Chinese fieldnettle
龙葵 black nightshade
龙葵子 black nightshade seed
龙葵根 black nightshade root
龙雷之火 dragon and thunder fire
龙虾 spiny lobster
龙虱 cybister
龙齿 dragon tooth
龙齿散 Dragon Tooth Powder
龙颔 Dragon's Chin
龙头 Dragon's Head
龙头草 agrimony
龙胆 gentian [root]
龙胆白薇 black swallowwort
龙胆地丁 southern gentian
龙胆草 gentian [root]
龙胆泻肝汤 Gentian Liver-Draining Decoction
龙须子 cuscuta [seed]
龙须草 dragon's-whisker seaweed
龙须草 (1) Si4chuan1 juncus
龙须草 (2) poa [stem and leaf]
龙须眼子菜 dragon's-whiskers pondweed
龙须菜 dragon's-whisker seaweed
+dragon's tongue leaf
tortoise\HALT \NOUN
龟下甲 tortoise plastron
龟甲 tortoise shell
龟甲 tortoise plastron
龟肉 tortoise meat
龟血 tortoise blood
龟尾 GV-01
龟尾 Tortoise Tail
龟尾长疆 GV-01
龟尾长疆 Tortoise Tail Long Border
龟底甲 tortoise plastron
龟板汤 Tortoise Shell*& Decoction
龟版 tortoise plastron
龟版胶 tortoise plastron glue
龟柏姜栀丸 Tortoise Shell*&, Phellodendron, Ginger, and Gardenia Pill
龟背 tortoise back
龟背 hunchback
龟背痰 tortoise-back phlegm
龟胸 pigeon chest
龟鹿二仙膏 Immortal Tortoise Shell*& and Deerhorn Glue Paste
龟鹿二仙胶 Tortoise Shell*& and Deerhorn Two Immortals Glue
龟鹿参杞胶 Tortoise Shell*&, Deerhorn, Ginseng, and Lycium Berry Glue
龟壳 tortoise plastron
龟筒 tortoise plastron
龟腹甲 tortoise plastron
龟头 tortoise's head
龟头 glans penis
龟头 glans penis
龟头痈 tortoise's head welling-abscess
龟胆汁 tortoise bile
龟鞭 tortoise genitals
龟樗丸 Tortoise Shell*& and Ailanthus Bark Pill
嚏喷 sneezing
压片机 tablet presser
压榨 press
婴幼儿腹泻 infantile diarrhea
婴儿 infant
婴儿湿疹 infantile eczema
婴儿湿疹 lactigo
婴童百问 A Hundred Questions About Infants and Children
岭上 GV-20
岭上 Ridge Top
岭上天满 GV-20
岭上天满 Ridge Top Celestial Fullness
岭南山竹子 flowery garcinia [root or fruit]
岭南白连茶 Taiwan ehretia
岭南白连茶根 Taiwan ehretia
岭南倒捻子 flowery garcinia [root or fruit]
| short for 安徽, An1hui1 Province
徽菊 Anhui chrysanthemum [flower]
respond to
应指 rebounding
应激性溃疡 irritable ulcer
应钟散 Bell Powder
戏铁石 loadstone
wear on the head
戴眼 upcast eyes
戴眼反折 upcast eyes
戴阳 upcast yang2
击打法 striking
擦草 equisetum
擦药方 Rub-On Medicinal Formula
constrain\HALT \VERB
close\HALT \VERB
敛汗 constrain sweat
敛汗固表 constrain sweat and secure the exterior
敛汗益阴 constrain sweat and boost yin1
敛汗益阴 constrain sweat and boost yin1
敛肺 constrain the lung
敛肺止咳 constrain the lung and suppress cough
敛肺止嗽 constrain the lung and suppress cough
敛肺定喘 constrain the lung and stabilize panting
敛肺涩肠 constrain the lung and astringe the intestines
敛气 constrain qi4
敛阴 constrain yin1
敛阴阳欲绝 constrain yin1 and yang2 on the verge of expiration
敛疮 close sores
敛疮止痛 close sores and relieve pain
敛疮收口 close sores
檀香 sandalwood
檀香泥 sandalwood resin
檀香油 sandalwood oil
檀根 Hubei dalbergia [root bark]
Chinese juniper
桧叶 Chinese juniper
| plant name
檗木 phellodendron [bark]
檗皮 phellodendron [bark]
water's edge
滨菜 sea kale
济川煎 Ferry Brew
济生肾气丸 Life Saver Kidney Qi4 Pill
济生菟丝子丸 Life Saver Cuscuta Seed Pill
济生橘皮竹茹汤 Life Saver Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction
济生橘核丸 Life Saver Tangerine Pip Pill
济阴纲目 Compendium ..... yin11 means female
滥用 use indiscriminately
rough\HALT \ADJ
inhibited\HALT \ADJ
astringe\HALT \VERB, astringent \ADJ
涩地榆 sanguisorba [root]
涩固下元 astringe and secure the lower origin
涩固精关 secure the essence gate
涩脉 rough pulse
涩草 silverweed
涩肠 astringe the intestines
涩肠止泄 astringe the intestines and check diarrhea
涩肠止泻 astringe the intestines and check diarrhea
涩肠固脱 astringe the intestines and stem desertion
涩精 astringe essence
涩精止遗 astringe essence and check (seminal) emission and enuresis
涩剂 astringent formula
moisten\HALT \VERB
soggy\HALT \ADJ
濡泄 soggy diarrhea
濡脉 soggy pulse
湿 damp\HALT \ADJ, \NOUN, dampness \NOUN
湿中 dampness strike (stroke)
湿化成痰 dampness transforming into phlegm
湿可去枯 damp [medicinals] can eliminate desiccation
湿困脾土 dampness encumbering spleen-earth
湿困脾阳 dampness encumbering spleen yang2
湿邪 dampness evil
湿性重浊 dampness by nature is heavy and turbid
湿性趋下 dampness by nature descends
湿性黏滞 dampness by nature is sticky and stagnant
湿的证候 dampness patterns
湿阻 damp obstruction
湿阻大肠 dampness obstructing the large intestine
湿阻中焦 dampness obstructing the center burner
湿阻中焦 center burner damp obstruction
湿阻气分 dampness obstructing the qi4 aspect
湿阻气分 qi4-aspect damp obstruction
湿阻气机 dampness obstructing qi4 dynamic
湿阻证 damp obstruction pattern
湿咳 damp cough
湿毒 damp toxin
湿毒下血 damp toxin precipitation of blood
湿毒便血 damp toxin bloody stool
湿毒便血 damp toxin hemafecia
湿毒流注 damp toxin streaming sore
湿毒带下 damp toxin vaginal discharge
湿毒疮 damp toxin [sore]
湿毒疮 damp toxin sore
湿毒蕴结 damp toxin brewing and binding
湿毒蕴结证 pattern damp toxin brewing and binding
湿疥 damp scab
湿郁 damp depression
湿郁肌表 dampness lying depressed in the fleshy exterior
湿郁气分 dampness lying depressed in the qi4 aspect
湿郁汤 Damp Depression Decoction
湿郁热伏 depressed dampness and hidden (deep-lying) heat
湿重于热 dampness predominating over heat
湿重于热证 pattern of dampness predominating over heat
湿家 person who suffers from dampness
湿气 damp qi4
湿病 dampness disease
湿疹 eczema
湿疹 eczema
湿疹 eczema
湿秘 damp constipation
湿停滞 dampness collecting and stagnating
湿从寒化 dampness forming with cold
湿从热化 dampness forming with heat
湿闭 damp block
湿胜则阳微 when dampness prevails, yang2 is debilitated
湿胜则濡泻 when dampness prevails, there is soft stool diarrhea
湿胜阳微 debilitation of yang2 due to prevalence of dampness
湿胜阳微 dampness prevalence yang2 debilitation
湿胜濡泻 prevalents of dampness causing diarrhea
湿痉 damp tetany
湿温 damp warmth
湿温郁卫 damp warmth depressing defense
湿温潮热 damp warmth tidal heat [effusion] (fever)
湿痰 damp phlegm
湿痰流注 damp phlegm streaming sore
湿痰眩晕 damp phlegm dizziness
湿痰痿 damp phlegm wilting
湿痰腰痛 damp phlegm lumbar pain
湿痰脚气 damp phlegm leg qi4
湿痰证 damp phlegm pattern
湿腰痛 damp lumbar pain
湿脚气 damp leg qi4
湿肿 damp swelling
湿遏热伏 dampness trapping hidden (deep-lying) heat
湿遏卫阳 dampness obstructing defense yang2
湿鼠曲草 marsh cudweed
湿嗽 damp cough
湿疟 damp malaria
湿蒙上焦 dampness clouding the upper burner
湿敷疗法 moist compress
湿热 damp-heat
湿热下注 damp-heat pouring downward
湿热下注 downpour of damp-heat
湿热下注大肠 damp-heat pouring down into the large intestine
湿热下注膀胱 damp-heat pouring down into the bladder
湿热下注证 pattern of damp-heat pouring downward
湿热内蕴 damp-heat brewing internally
湿热化燥 damp-heat transforming into dryness
湿热犯耳 damp-heat invading the ear
湿热犯耳证 pattern of damp-heat invading the ear
湿热犯肝 wind-damp invading the lung
湿热并重 equal severity of dampness and heat
湿热身肿 damp-heat generalized swelling
湿热泄泻 damp-heat diarrhea
湿热疝 damp-heat mounting
湿热阻络 damp-heat obstructing the netork vessels
湿热阻络证 pattern damp-heat obstructing the netork vessels
湿热阻滞脾胃 damp-heat obstructing the spleen and stomach
湿热毒盛 exuberant damp-heat toxin
湿热流注精室 damp-heat flowing into the essence chamber
湿热郁于经络 damp-heat lying depressed in the channels and network vessels
湿热郁阻三焦 damp-heat obstructing the triple burner
湿热郁滞 depressed damp-heat
湿热时毒 damp-heat seasonal toxin
湿热浸淫 damp-heat spreading ??
湿热浸淫证 spreading damp-heat pattern
湿热留恋三焦 damp-heat lodged in the triple burner
湿热留恋气分 damp-heat lodged in the qi4 aspect
湿热眩晕 damp-heat dizziness
湿热胁痛 damp-heat rib-side pain
湿热条辨 Systematized Identification of Damp-Heat
湿热淋 damp-heat strangury
湿热痢 damp-heat dysentery
湿热黄疸 damp-heat jaundice
湿热伤阴 damp-heat damaging yin1
湿热伤筋 damp-heat damaging the sinews
湿热瘀阻 damp-heat stasis obstruction
湿热瘀阻证 damp-heat stasis obstruction pattern
湿热瘀结 damp-heat stasis bind
湿热瘀结肾脏 damp-heat stasis binding in the kidney
湿热瘀结膀胱 damp-heat stasis binding in the bladder
湿热痿 damp-heat wilting
湿热腰痛 damp-heat lumbar pain
湿热腹痛 damp-heat abdominal pain
湿热蒸舌 damp-heat steaming the tongue
湿热蒸舌证 pattern of damp-heat steaming the tongue
湿热积滞 damp-heat accumulation and stagnation
amp-heat accumulation and stagnation obstructing the stomach
and intestines
湿热遗精 damp-heat seminal emission
湿热头痛 damp-heat headache
湿热濡渍 soddening (by) damp-heat
湿热泻痢 damp-heat diarrhea and dysentery
湿热证 damp-heat pattern
湿热弥漫三焦 damp-heat spreading through the triple burner
湿热弥漫三焦证 pattern damp-heat spreading through the triple burner
湿热蕴结 damp-heat brewing and binding
湿热蕴结肝胆 damp-heat brewing in the liver and gallbladder
湿热蕴结膀胱 damp-heat brewing in the bladder
湿热蕴结证 pattern of damp-heat brewing and binding
湿热蕴脾 damp-heat brewing in the spleen
湿热蕴脾证 pattern of damp-heat brewing in the spleen
湿热痹阻经络 damp-heat impeding the channels and network vessels
湿热癃淋 damp-heat urinary stoppage and strangury
湿疮 damp sore
湿剂 moist formula
湿壅鼻窍 dryness damaging the nasal orifice
湿壅鼻窍证 pattern of dryness damaging the nasal orifice
湿浊 damp turbidity
湿浊不化 damp turbidity failing to transform
湿浊困心 damp turbidity encumbering the heart
湿霍乱 damp cholera
湿泻 damp diarrhea
湿证 dampness pattern
湿痒热痛 damp itch and heat pain
湿烂 damp ulceration
湿癣 damp lichen
湿聋 damp deafness
湿痹 damp impediment
湿瘰 damp scrofula
濮阳 {pu2 yang2), henan
濮瓜 wax gourd
construction\HALT \NOUN
cycle\HALT \NOUN
营分 construction aspect
营分证 construction-aspect pattern
营血 construction-blood
营血热炽 intense heat in construction-blood
营宫 PC-08
营宫 Construction Palace
营气 construction qi4
营阴 construction-yin1
营阴耗损 wear on construction-yin
营阴损伤 damage to construction-yin
营实 multiflora rose fruit
营卫 construction and defense
营卫不和 construction-defense disharmony
营卫两虚 dual vacuity of construction and defense
营卫气血 construction, defense, qi4, and blood
营养 supply nourishment
营养 nutrition
营养不良 malnutrition
Pivot-Harmonizing Decoction
dry\HALT \ADJ, dryness
燥干清窍 dryness affecting the clear orifices
燥化脾经湿气 dry and transform spleen channel damp-heat
燥火 dryness-fire
燥火身肿 dryness-fire generalized swelling
燥火眩晕 dryness-fire dizziness
燥可去湿 dry [medicinals] can eliminate dampness
燥矢 dry stool
燥邪 dryness evil
燥邪犯肺 dryness evil invading the lung
燥邪犯肺证 pattern of dryness evil invading the lung
燥邪伤肺 dryness evil damaging the lung
燥性干涩 dryness by nature is dry and astringent
燥易伤肺 dryness easily damages the lung
燥的证候 dryness patterns
燥者濡之 dryness is treated by moistening
燥咳 dryness cough
燥咽干 dry throat
燥苔 dry fur
燥气 dryness qi4
燥气犯肺 dryness qi4 invading the lung
燥气伤肺 dryness qi4 damaging the lung
燥气伤肺 dryness qi4 damages the lung
燥烈之气 dry harsh qi4
燥胜则干 when dryness prevails, there is aridity
燥痉 dryness tetany
燥结 dryness bind
燥脾湿 dry spleen dampness
燥裂苔 dry and cracked fur
燥伤肺胃 dryness damaging the lung and stomach
燥伤鼻窍 dryness damaging the nasal orifice
燥伤鼻窍证 pattern of dryness damaging the nasal orifice
燥痰 dryness phlegm
燥痰证 dryness phlegm pattern
燥肠胃 dry the intestine and stomach
燥肠胃湿热 dry gastrointestinal damp-heat
燥热 dryness-heat
燥热犯肺 dryness-heat invading the lung
燥热咳嗽 dryness-heat cough
燥热伤肺 dryness-heat damaging the lung
燥热痿 dryness-heat wilting
燥剂 dry formula
燥湿 dry dampness
燥湿化痰 dry dampness and transform phlegm
燥湿化浊 dry dampness and transform turbidity
燥湿和中 dry dampness and harmonize the center
燥湿和胃 dry dampness and harmonize the stomach
燥湿治泄 dry dampness and treat diarrhea
燥湿除满 dry dampness and eliminate fullness
燥湿清热 dry dampness and clear heat
燥湿敛疮 dry dampness and close sores
燥湿药 dampness-drying medicinal
燥证 dryness pattern
the rank of nobility
爵床 rostellularia
环中 In the Round
环谷 GB-30
环谷 Round Valley
环草 fine-stemmed dendrobium
环跳 GB-30\w
环跳 Jumping Round
环跳疽 Jumping Round flat-abscess
环跳痰 Jumping-Round phlegm
环境养生 environmental health-care
环脐而痛 pain around the navel
环脐而痛 periumbilical pain
环跃 Leaping Round
consumption\HALT \NOUN
痨咳 consumption cough
痨伤 consumption damage
痨热 consumption heat [effusion] (fever)
痨疮 consumption sores
痨疰 consumptive infixation
痨瘵 consumption
痨瘵骨蒸 consumptive steaming bone
疗儿散 Child-Curing Powder
疗法 method of treatment
疗效 effect (of treatment)
疗腹痛 treat abdominal pain
癌瘤 cancer tumor
瞳子 pupil
瞳子高 upturned pupils
瞳子痒 itchy pupils
瞳子痒痛 painful itching pupils
瞳子+ GB-01\w
瞳子+ Pupil Bone-Hole
瞳仁 pupil
瞳孔 pupil
瞳孔 pupil
瞳孔散大 dilated pupils
瞳孔缩小 contracted pupils
瞳孔扩散 dilation of the pupils
瞳神 pupil spirit
瞳神 pupil
瞳神干缺 pupil contraction
瞳神反背 backward turned pupil spirit
瞳神散大 dilated pupils
瞳神紧小 contracted pupils
瞳神缩小 contracted pupils
瞪目直视 forward-staring eyes
瞬目频作 frequent blinking
correct\HALT \VERB
矫味 correct the flavor
矫臭 eliminate bad odor
矫灵 Lithe Spirit
bran (钉耙 iron toothed rake)
糠油 rice husk oil
erode\HALT \VERB, erosion \NOUN
糜点 erosion speckles
糜烂 erode
糜烂 erosion
糜烂 erosion
糜穰 broomcorn millet stalk
feces\HALT \NOUN, fecal \ADJ
+ fecal fistula
粪水杂下 stool and water descending mixed
粪便 stool
粪便干燥 dry stool
粪便秽臭 foul-smelling stool
粪清 purified feces
粪箕笃 long-leaved stephania
rough\HALT \ADJ
糙苔 rough tongue fur
糙叶树 aphananthes [(root) bark]
retracted\HALT \ADJ
shrink\HALT\VERB; shrinking\NOUN; shrunken\ADJ
contracted\HALT \ADJ
缩小便 reduce urination
缩肌 constrictor
缩尿 reduce urine
缩尿止遗 reduce urine and check enuresis
缩泉丸 Stream-Reducing Pill
缩砂 amomum [fruit]
缩砂仁 Vietnamese amomum [fruit]
缩砂汤 Vietnamese Amomum Decoction
缩阴 retracted genitals
缩阴病 retracted genitals disease
缩脾饮 Amomum Splenic Beverage
缩阳 retracted genitals
缩脚流注 leg-flexing streaming sore
缩脚肠痈 leg-flexing intestinal welling-abscess
缪刺 cross needling method
缝匠肌 sartorius muscle
all together
general command
总穴 command point
总按 simultaneous palpation
总按 pressing with three fingers
纵切 cut lengthwise
纵挺不收 persistent erection
纵带笛鲷 black-striped snapper
纵隔 mediastinum
纵蓉 cistanche
纵欲阳痿 impotence from sexual overindulgence
繁缕 winterweed stem and leaf
screen\HALT \NOUN
shroud\HALT \NOUN
翳子 eye screen
翳明 Shielding Brightness
翳明下 Below Shielding Brightness
翳风 TB-17
翳风 Wind Screen
翳障 eye screen
翼豆 Goa bean
翼首草 pterocephalum [root]
sound\HALT \NOUN
声如拽锯 sound like the rasping of a saw
声色草 polycarpae
声低 low voice
声重 heavy voice
声音低怯 low timid voice
声音低弱 low weak voice
声音低微 low faint voice
声音重浊 heavy turbid voice
声音嘶哑 hoarse voice
声音嘶嗄 hoarse voice
声哑失音 hoarse voice or loss of voice
声带小结 nodulation of vocal cords
声带息肉 polyp of vocal cords
声带病 disease of the vocal cords
声带麻痹 paralysis of vocal cords
声带创伤 damage to the vocal cords
声嗄 hoarse voice
acute of hearing
sharpen the hearing
聪耳 sharpen the hearing
聪耳目 sharpen hearing and vision
聪耳明目 sharpen hearing and brighten the eyes
联合 symphysis
臆前 CV-15
臆前 Anterior Breast
gross\HALT \ADJ; grossness \NOUN
臃肿 grossness
膺中 bosom
膺中俞 LU-01
膺中俞 Breast Center Transport
膺俞 LU-01
膺俞 Breast Transport
膺胸 anterior chest
膺窗 ST-16\w
膺窗 Breast Window
forearm\HALT \NOUN
upper arm
臂中 Upper Arm Center
臂厥 reversal cold in the arm
臂痛 arm pain
臂膊 arm
臂丛神经炎 brachialis pleuxus neuralgia
臂臑 LI-14\w
臂臑 Upper Arm
臀大肌 greatest gluteal muscle
臀中 Buttocks Center
臀中肌 middle gluteal muscle
臀部 buttocks
臀部生痈 welling-abscess of the buttock
臀痈 welling-abscess of the buttock
脓耳 puruluent ear
脓耳口眼喎斜 deviation of the eyes and mouth due to purulent ear
脓血涕 snivel (nasal mucus) with pus and blood
脓尿 pyuria
脓胸 pyothorax
脓胸 thoracic empyema
脓痰 purulent phlegm
脓窠疮 purulent nest sore
脓肿 abscess
脓漏 pyorrhea
脓窝疥 purulent nest scab
脓窝疮 purulent nest sore
gallbladder\HALT \NOUN
胆木 nauclea [twig and bark]
胆火 gallbladder fire
胆火不卧 gallbladder fire insomnia
胆火不得卧 gallbladder fire sleeplessness
胆主决断 gallbladder governs decision
胆汁 bile
胆石 gallstones
胆石病 cholelithiasis
胆石病 cholelithiasis
胆怯 gallbladder timidity
胆怯易惊 gallbladder timidity and susceptibility to fright
gallb ladder holds the office of justice; decision emanates from it
胆俞 BL-19\w
胆俞 Gallbladder Transport
胆南星 bile [-processed] arisaema [root]
胆咳 gallbladder cough
胆星 bile [-processed] arisaema [root]
胆郁痰热 depressed gallbladder phlegm-heat
胆郁痰扰 depressed gallbladder with harassing phlegm
胆郁痰扰证 pattern of depressed gallbladder with harassing phlegm
胆风毒气 gallbladder wind toxin qi4
胆气 gallbladder qi4
胆气不足 insufficiency of gallbladder qi4
胆气虚 gallbladder qi4 vacuity
胆气虚怯 gallbladder qi4 vacuity and timidity
胆气虚寒 gallbladder qi4 vacuity cold
胆病 gallbladder disease
胆草 gentian [root]
胆无决断 gallbladder lacking decisiveness
胆结石 biliary calculi
胆胀 gallbladder distention
胆虚 gallbladder vacuity
胆虚不眠 gallbladder vacuity insomnia
胆虚气怯 gallbladder vacuity and qi4 timidity
胆黄 gallbladder jaundice
胆黄 gallbladder bezoar
胆募 GB-23
胆募 GB-24
胆募 Gallbladder Alarm
胆募 Gallbladder Alarm
胆经 gallbladder channel
胆经 GB\w
胆经郁热 depressed heat in the gallbladder channel
胆经郁热证 pattern of depressed heat in the gallbladder channel
胆经实热 gallbladder channel repletion heat
胆道排石汤 Biliary Calculus Decoction
胆道蛔虫 biliary ascariasis
胆道蛔虫病 biliary ascariasis
胆道感染 infection of the biliary tract
胆道驱蛔汤 Biliary Roundworm-Expelling Decoction
胆实 gallbladder repletion
胆热 gallbladder heat
胆热多睡 gallbladder heat profuse sleeping
胆矾 chalcanthite
胆囊 gallbladder
postc holecystectomy dysfunction
胆囊穴 Gallbladder Point
胆囊炎 cholecystitis
胆囊炎 cholecystitis
胆瘅 gallbladder pure heat
close to
临床 clinical
临床见闻 clinical observations
临床应用 clinical application
临泣 () GB-15
临泣 () Overlooking Tears (head)
临泣() GB-41
临泣() Overlooking Tears (Leg)
临时救 Hu's lysimachia
临睡前服 take before sleeping
临证指南医案 A Clinical Guide with Case Histories
临蓐 antepartum
举元煎 Origin-Lifting Brew
举肩困难 difficulty in raising the shoulder
举按,推寻 applying and releasing pressure, pushing and searching
举按寻 lifting, pressing, and searching
举重 lift heavy weights
举臂 Arm Lift
| plant name
thin\HALT \ADJ
mild\HALT \ADJ
薄姜木 five-leaved vitex
薄苛 mint
薄苔 thin fur
薄荷 mint
薄荷玄明散 Mint and Refined Mirabilite Powder
薄荷油 mint oil
薄荷草 mint
薄荷连翘方\Q{wuyan??} Mint and Forsythia Formula
薄荷脑 menthol
薄荷叶 mint leaf
薄荷露 mint distillate
薄厥 sudden reversal
薄贴 medicinal paste
薄叶碎米蕨 thin-leaved cheilanthes
薄鲁葱 leek
| plant name
薜息 ST-18
薜息 Hemp Breathing
薜荔 creeping fig [stem and leaf]
薜荔果 creeping fig fruit
薜荔根 creeping fig root
姜三七 ginger sanchi
姜片虫病 fasciolopsiasis
姜仔 ginger
姜半夏 ginger[-processed] pinellia [rhizome]
姜汁 ginger juice
姜汁炒 stir-fry with ginger juice
姜皮 ginger skin
姜形黄精 polygonatum [root]
姜味草 micromeria
姜炒 stir-fry with ginger
姜炙 mix-fry with ginger
姜炙 ginger mix-frying
姜附四物汤 Ginger and Aconite Four Agents Decoction
姜附汤 Ginger and Aconite Decoction
姜炭 blast-fried ginger
姜夏 ginger[-processed] pinellia [rhizome]
姜粉 ginger powder
姜黄 turmeric
姜黄连 ginger-processed coptis Coptidis [NID]
姜黄散 Turmeric Powder
姜叶 ginger leaf
姜叶三七 Hainan stahlianthus [root]
姜露 ginger distillate
| plant name
蔷薇枝 multiflora rose twig
蔷薇花 multiflora rose
蔷薇根 multiflora rose root
蔷薇根白皮 multiflora rose root bark
蔷薇根皮 multiflora rose root bark
蔷薇叶 multiflora rose leaf
蔷薇露 multiflora rose distillate
| plant name
薯仔 potato
薯良 dye yam
薯药 dioscorea [root]
薯蓣 dioscorea [root]
薯蓣丸 Dioscorea Pill
薯蓣拔粥 Dio, scorea Flour Gruel
| surname
薛己 Xue3 Ji3>
薛氏五叶芦根汤 Xue's Five-Leaf Phragmites Decoction
薛雪 Xue1 Xue3>
| plant name
薇籽 baliospermum
薇草 black swallowwort
deplete\HALT \VERB, depleted \PP, \ADJ, depletion \NOUN
亏虚 depletion
亏损 depletion
蟀容 BL-08
蟀容 GB-08
蟀容 Cricket Container
蟀容 Cricket Container
蟑螂 cockroach
螳螂 mantis
螳螂子 mantis egg-case
螳螂果 Cherokee rose fruit
螳螂蛋 mantis egg-case
螳螂壳 mantis egg-case
螳螂跌打 climbing pothos [stem and leaf]
mole cricket
蝼蛄 mole cricket
蝼蛄疖 mole cricket boil
snail with a spiral shell (especially water snail)
螺疔 snail clove sore
螺蛳 bellamya
螺厣草 small-leaved lemmaphyllum
蟋蟀 cricket
蟋蟀草 yardgrass
| surname
sweep\HALT \VERB
gaping\HALT \ADJ
豁痰 sweep phlegm
豁痰开窍 sweep phlegm and open the orifices
豁痰熄风 sweep phlegm and extinguish wind
豁痰醒脑 sweep phlegm and arouse the brain
豁豁然空 gapingly empty
溪穴 ST-01
溪穴 ST-29
溪穴 Ravine Hole
溪穴 Ravine Hole
make offerings
赛金化毒散 Better-than-Gold Toxin-Transforming Powder [NIS]
赛金刚 Henry's hemsleya [tuber]
赛番红花 large-flowered zephyranthes
赛葵 malvastrum
赛莨菪 lurid anisodum [root]
蹋菜 broad-beaked mustard
toss about
辗转不安 tossing and turning
辗转不安 jactation
辗转不安 jactitation
辗转反侧 tossing and turning
辗转指法 rolling finger technique
避火丹 Fire-Repelling Elixir
还少丹 Rejuvenation Elixir
还亮草 chervil larkspur
还阴救苦汤 Yin1-Returning Bitterness-Relieving Decoction
还阳草 Yun2nan2 rhodiola [root]
还阳草根 king pedicularis root
还魂草 whorled stonecrop
迈步 Stride
锅巴 (1) pot-burnt soy milk
锅巴 (2) burnt pot rice
锅炙 pot-burnt soy milk
锅焦 burnt pot rice
锅焦丸 Burnt Pot Rice Pill
锅铲 spatula
锅粑 burnt pot rice
+ wok calcination
阔肌 platysma muscle
阑尾 appendix
阑尾切除术 appendectomy
阑尾化瘀汤 Appendix Stasis-Transforming Decoction
阑尾穴 Appendix Point
阑尾周围脓肿 periappendicular abscess
阑尾炎 appendicitis
阑尾清化汤 Appendix Clearing and Transforming Decoction
阑尾清解汤 Appendix-Clearing and Resolving Decoction
阑门 screen gate
dull\HALT \ADJ
faint\HALT \ADJ
隐元豆 kidney bean
隐白 SP-01\w
隐白 Hidden White
隐性冠心病 latent coronary heart disease
隐疾 unmentionable disease
l atent glomerulonephritis
隐痛 dull pain
隐睪症 cryptorchidism
隐隐作痛 dull pain
frost\HALT \NOUN, \VERB, frosting \NOUN
霜降 Frost's Descent
霜桑叶 frostbitten mulberry leaf
colorful glow of the morning or even sky
霞天膏 beef paste
霞天曲 medicated leaven with beef paste
韩信草 Indian scutellaria
颗粒型皮内针 grain-shaped intradermal needle
鲜生地 fresh rehmannia [root]
鲜生地汁 fresh rehmannia [root] juice
鲜生地黄 fresh rehmannia [root]
鲜生姜汁 ginger juice
鲜石斛 fresh dendrobium
鲜石菖蒲 fresh acorus [root]
鲜地黄 fresh rehmannia [root]
鲜地龙 live earthworm
鲜竹叶 fresh bamboo leaf
鲜竹叶心 fresh tender bamboo leaf
鲜羊肝 fresh goat's [or sheep's] liver
鲜羊蹄根 fresh dock root
鲜艾叶 fresh mugwort leaf
鲜车前叶 fresh plantago leaf
鲜佩兰 fresh eupatorium [NID]
鲜金银花 fresh lonicera [flower]
鲜扁豆花 fresh lablab flower
鲜茅根 fresh imperata root
鲜茉莉花 fresh jasmine flower
鲜韭菜汁 fresh Chinese leek juice
鲜首乌 fresh flowery knotweed [root]
鲜浮萍 fresh duckweed
鲜侧柏叶 fresh arborvitae leaf
鲜淡竹叶 fresh bamboo leaf (1)
鲜荸荠汁 water chestnut juice
鲜荷叶 fresh lotus leaf
鲜贯众 fresh aspidium
鲜丝瓜皮 fresh luffa gourd skin
鲜莱菔 fresh radish
鲜黄莲 jeffersonia [root]
鲜银花 fresh lonicera [flower]
鲜凤仙 fresh garden balsam
鲜葱白 fresh scallion white
鲜藕 fresh lotus root
鲜藕汁 lotus root juice
鲜藕节汁 fresh lotus root node juice
鲜芦根 fresh phragmites [root]
鲜芦根 fresh phragmites [NID]
鲜芦根汁 fresh phragmites [root] sap
鲜萝卜 fresh radish
鲜藿香 fresh agastache [NID]
鲛鱼 gummy shark
鲛鱼皮 shark's skin
鲛鱼翅 shark's fin
鲛鱼胆 shark's gallbladder
鲛鲨白 shark's swim bladder
鸿 goose feather
鸿 featherlight
鸿 vast
鸿头 euryale [seed]
鸽卵 pigeon's egg
麋肉 elaphure's flesh
麋角 elaphure's horn
麋脂 elaphure's fat
麋茸 velvet elaphure horn
麋骨 elaphure's bone
sticky\HALT \ADJ
黏牙果 flowery garcinia [root or fruit]
黏仔 Chinese catfish
黏汗 sticky sweat
黏身草 Spanish needles
黏液水肿 myxedema
黏液囊 bursa
黏液囊炎 bursitis
黏鱼 Chinese catfish
黏苍子 arctium [seed]
黏膜 mucous membrane (mucosa)
黏腻苔 dry cracked fur
黏脓涕 sticky purulent snivel
点穴法 acupoint pressing
点地梅 scarlet rock jasmine
点刺 prick
点眼 apply topical eye medication
点眼 topical eye medication
点眼 eye dab
点眼 eye drops
点眼疗法 eye drop therapy
点眼药粉 eye powder
点椒 zanthoxylum [husk]
黛蛤散 Indigo and Clamshell Powder
丛毛 tuft of hair
丛毛榕根 tufted fig [root]
丛刺 cluster pricking
丛柏叶 arborvitae leaf
丛针 cluster needling
* impressing, stamping
戳法 * impressing, stamping
spread out
扩张 dilatation
harass\HALT \VERB
扰乱 harass
断下汤 Precipitation-Checking Decoction
断交 GV-28
断交 Extremity Intersection
断耳疮 ear-severing sore
断乳 terminate lactation
断节参 Wallich's cynanchum [root]
断绪 breaking lineage
槟门 areca [nut]
槟门药钱 areca [nut]
槟榔 areca [nut]
槟榔子 areca [nut]
槟榔仁 areca [nut]
槟榔玉 areca [nut]
槟榔皮 areca husk
槟榔衣 areca husk
槟榔果 Cherokee rose fruit
槟榔花 areca flower
槟榔粥 Areca Gruel
槟榔嫩茎 areca shoot
槟榔蒟 betel pepper
| used in transcription of for
檬果 mango
| tree name
柠条 intermediate caragana
柠条花 intermediate caragana flower
柠条籽 intermediate caragana seed
柠条根 intermediate caragana root
柠檬 lime/lemon
柠檬皮 lime/lemon peel
柠檬根 lime/lemon root
柠檬叶 lime/lemon leaf
柠檬桉叶 lemon-scented gum leaf
柠鸡儿果 small-leaved pea treat fruit
return\HALT \VERB
+建中汤 Chinese Angelica*& and Astragalus Center-Fortifying Decoction
Chinese Angelica*& and Rehmannia Two Matured Ingredients
归尾 tangkuei tail
归芍六君丸 Chinese Angelica*& and Peony Six Gentlemen Pill
归芍地黄汤 Chinese Angelica*&, Peony, and Rehmannia Decoction
归芍红花散 Chinese Angelica*&, Peony, and Carthamus Powder
归身 tangkuei body
归来 ST-29\w
归来 Return
归神丸 ??\Q{wuyan??} Chinese Angelica and Ginseng Pill
归脾汤 Spleen-Returning Decoction
归经 channel entry
归脚 tangkuei tail
归葛汤 Chinese Angelica*& and Pueraria Decoction
归腿 tangkuei tail
归头 tangkuei head
归挤法 total pressing
drain\HALT \VERB, drainage \NOUN
泻下 draining precipitation
泻下不爽 ungratifying diarrhea
泻下逐水 drain and precipate to expel water
泻下禁例 contraindications for draining precipitation
泻下药 precipitating medicinal
dr ain heat-fire from the lower and upper burners
泻中焦实火 drain center burner repletion fire
泻化热结 drain and transform heat binds
泻心 drain the heart
泻心火 drain heart fire
泻心汤 Heart-Draining Decoction
泻心导赤散 Heart-Draining Red-Abducting Powder
泻火 drain fire
泻火清肺汤 Fire-Draining Lung-Clearing Decoction
泻火清热 drain fire and clear heat
泻火解毒 drain fire and resolve toxin
泻火熄风 drain fire and extinguish wind
泻火剂 fire-draining formula
泻火药 fire-draining medicinal
泻白 drain the white
泻白益元散 White-Draining Origin-Boosting Powder
泻白散 White-Draining Powder
泻肝 drain the liver
泻肝火 drain liver fire
泻肝安神丸 Liver-Draining Spirit-Quieting Pill
泻肝经郁火 drain depressed heat in liver channel
泻肚 diarrhea
泻肚子 diarrhea
泻法 draining [method]
泻肺 drain the lung
泻肺火 drain lung fire
泻肺行水 drain the lung and move water
泻肺逐饮 drain the lung and expel rheum
泻肺散 Lung-Draining Powder
泻肺饮 Lung-Clearing Beverage
泻肺热 drain lung heat
泻青丸 Green-Blue--Draining Pill
drain the south (i.e., the heart) and supplement the north (i.e., the
泻胃火 drain stomach fire
泻清各半汤 Green-Blue--Draining Half-and-Half Decoction
泻痢 diarrhea
泻痢后重 diarrhea with rectal heaviness
泻痢草 agrimony
泻脾散 Spleen-Draining Powder
泻黄散 Yellow-Draining Powder
泻肠胃之火 drain gastrointestinal fire
泻叶 senna [leaf]
泻热解毒 drain fire and resolve toxin
泻湿汤 Dampness-Draining Decoction
泻药 draining medicinal
jar for wine-making or picklin
瓮菜+ arrow-leaf violet
aggregation\HALT \NOUN
癖嗜 abnormal habit
癖积 aggregation
pestilence\HALT \NOUN, pestilential \ADJ
leprosy\HALT \NOUN
疠风 pestilential wind
疠风 leprosy
疠气 pestilential qi4
瞿麦 dianthus
瞿麦散 Dianthus Powder
瞿麦穗 dianthus flower
eyelid\HALT \NOUN
lower eyelid
睑下垂 blepharoptosis
睑内结石 stone in the eyelid
睑板腺囊肿 chalazion
睑炎 blepharitis
睑发 eyelid effusion
睑废 drooping eyelid
睑缘炎 blepharitis
foul\HALT \ADJ, foulness \NOUN
秽臭 foul smell
秽浊 foul turbidity
scurry\HALT \VERB; scurrying \ADJ
penetrate\HALT \VERB; penetrating \ADJ
pierce\HALT \VERB; piercing \ADJ
窜痛 scurrying pain
orifice\HALT \NOUN
窍闭 orifice block
窍阴 () GB-11
窍阴 () Orifice Yin1 (head)
窍阴() GB-44
窍阴() Orifice Yin1 (foot)
skirt around
绕脐疼痛 pain around the umbilicus
绕脐疼痛 periumbilical pain
绕脐痛 pain around the umbilicus
绕脐痛 periumbilical pain
绣球风 bobble wind
绣线菊根 Japanese meadowsweet root
绣线菊叶 Japanese meadowsweet leaf
stick up
翘荷汤 Forsythia and Mint Decoction
evert\HALT \VERB
翻白柴 willow-leaf cotoneaster
翻白叶 velvet potentilla [leaf]
翻车鱼 ocean sunfish
翻花下疳 everted flower lower body gan1
翻花痔 everted flower hemorrhoids
翻胃 stomach reflux
office (official post)
umbilicus\HALT \NOUN; umbilical \ADJ
脐下 below the umbilicus
脐下 subumbilical region
脐下悸 palpitations below the umbilicus
脐下悸动 subumbilical palpitations
脐下绞痛 gripping pain below the umbilicus
脐下绞痛 gripping subumbilical pain
脐下结气 qi4 bind below the umbilicus
脐中 CV-08
脐中 Center of the Navel
脐内出血 bleeding navel
脐四边 Four Sides of the Umbilicus
脐血 umbilical bleeding
脐周窜痛 scurrying pain around the umbilicus
脐疝 umbilical mounting
脐突 protrusion of the umbilicus
脐风 umbilical wind
脐香 musk
脐带 umbilical cord
脐带 umbilical cord
脐带 human umbilical cord
脐痛 umbilical pain
脐肿 swelling of the umbilicus
脐腹疼痛 pain in umbilical region
脐腹痛 pain in the umbilical region
脐腹胀满 distention and fullness in the umbilical region
脐腹隐痛 dull pain in the umbilical region
脐腹郚的寒痛 cold pain in the umbilical region
脐漏 umbilical fistula
脐疮 umbilical sores
脐湿 umbilical damp
脐湿肿 umbilical damp swelling
脐属肾 umbilicus belongs to the kidney
脐痈 umbilical welling-abscess
膑骨 GB-30
膑骨 Kneecap
旧病 old illness
store\HALT \VERB, storage \NOUN
藏青果 unripe chebule
藏红花 saffron
藏茄 Tangut anisodum
藏茴香 caraway seed
藏精气而不泻 stores esssence and does not drain
蓝菜 white cabbage
蓝实 indigo plant seed
蓝锡莎菊 cicerbita
蓝靛 indigo residue
蓝靛根 isatis root
蓝露 indigo
蓝桉根皮 eucalyptus root bark
蓝荞头 wild buckwheat root
water chestnut
| plant name
荠菜 shepherd's purse
荠菜子 shepherd's purse seed
荠菜花 shepherd's purse flower
荠苨 apricot-leaved adenophora [root]
荠苨苗 apricot-leaved adenophora leaf
蛲虫 pinworm
蛲虫病 pinworm disease
蛲虫病 oxyuriasis (pinworm infestation, enterobiasis)
蝉衣 cicada molting
蝉花 cordyceps-infested cicada larva
蝉退 cicada molting
蝉退壳 cicada molting
蝉壳 cicada molting
蝉蜕 cicada molting
蝉翼藤 securidaca [root]
insect\HALT \NOUN
chong2>\HALT \NOUN
虫入耳 insects in the ear
虫心痛 worm heart pain
虫牙药 ternate-leaved rabdosia
虫白蜡 insect wax
虫豆 soft atylosia
虫咬 insect bites
虫病似痫 worm disease resembling epilepsy
虫草 cordyceps
虫斑 worm macule
虫痛 worm pain
虫笋 infested bamboo shoot
虫胀 worm distention
虫碎舌 worm-eaten tongue fur
虫鼓 worm drum
虫胶 lac
虫积 worm accumulation
虫积疳积 worm and gan1 accumulations
虫积腹痛 worm accumulation abdominal pain
虫兽伤 animal and insect wounds
虫兽伤 ainimal and insect wounds
虫类 chong2> product
虫蜡 insect wax
虫疰 worm infixation
虫蝎螫痛 painful insect and scorpion stings
虫痫 worm epilepsy
虫臌 worm drum distention
虫啮肺 worms gnawing the lung
虫蟺 earthworm
覆盆 rubus [berry]
覆盆子 rubus [berry]
覆盆子根 rubus root
覆盆子叶 rubus leaf
覆菜 winter pickle
谬语 delirious speech
丰隆 ST-40\w
丰隆 Bountiful Bulge
赘疣 wart
rotate\HALT \VERB; rotation \NOUN
convert\HALT \VERB; conversion \NOUN
转丸脉 spinning pill pulse
转化 conversion
转舌丸 Tongue-Moving Pill
转豆脉 spinning bean pulse
转胎方 Fetus-Turning Formula
转胞 shifted bladder
转针 needle rotation
转筋 cramp
转归 outcome
转变 transmutation
转脬 shifted bladder
医士 healing practitioner
医工 practitioner
医方考 Medical Remedies Researched
医方考} Medical Remedies Researched
医方集解 Medical Formulas Gathered and Explained
医史文献 history of medicinal and medical literature
医生 physician
医好 cure
医和 Yi1 He2>
医宗必读 Indispensable Medical Reading
医宗金鉴 The Golden Mirror of Medicine
医林 medical circles
医林 medical world
医林改错 Correction of Errors in Medical Classics
医物 medical matters
医门法律 Axioms of Medicine
医门黑锡丹 Gateway to Medicine Galenite Elixir
医述 Account of Medicine
医家 healer
医师 doctor
医师 physician
Medical Insights Bupleurum and Pueraria Flesh-Resolving
医书 medical book
医案 case histories
医院 hospital
医理 principles of medicine
医术 art of healing
医贯 Thorough Knowledge of Medicine
医博士 scholar of medicine
医经 medical classic
医经医史 medical classics and medical history
医圣 medical sage
医话 medical discussion
医道 Dao4> of healing
医论 medical treatise
医醇剩义 Enriching the Meaning of the Wine of Medicine
医学入门 The Gateway to Medicine
医学心悟 Medical Insights
医学正传 The Orthodox Tradition of Medicine
Records of Chinese Medicine with Reference to Western
医学发明 Elucidation of Medicine
医学纲目 Compendium of Medicine
医疗 health care
医聋 Treatment for Deafness
医嘱 doctor's instructions
pickle, preserve
酱冬瓜 soft pickled wax gourd
酱瓜 soft pickled gourd
酱豆薯 pickled yam bean
酱油 soy sauce
酱笋 soft pickled bamboo shoot
酱菠萝 pickled pineapple
酱萝卜 pickled radish
镑刀 flaker
锁口疔 mouth-locking clove sore
锁子骨 clavicle
锁肛痔 anus-stopping hemorrhoids
锁骨 clavicle
锁骨 clavicle
锁骨下动脉 subclavian artery
锁骨下静脉 subclavian vein
锁骨疽 flat-abscess of the clavicle
锁喉毒 throat-locking toxin [sore]
锁喉风 throat-locking wind
锁喉痈 throat-locking welling-abscess
锁阳 cynomorium
锁阳壮阳粥 Cynomorium Yang2-Invigorating Gruel
锁严子 cynomorium
settle\HALT \VERB
镇心 settle the heart
镇心通窍而安神 settle the heart, free the orifices, and quiet the spirit
镇江醋 Zhen4jiang1 vinegar
镇肝 settle the liver
镇肝熄风 settle the liver and extinguish wind
镇肝熄风汤 Liver-Settling Wind-Extinguishing Decoction
镇肝潜阳 settle the liver and subdue yang2
镇肝复遂汤 Liver-Settling Successful Recovery Decoction [NIS]
镇咳 settle cough
镇降肝阳 settle and downbear kidney yang2
镇降肾气 settle and downbear kidney qi4
镇纳 settle and promote absorption
镇纳 settling and promoting absorption
镇纳法 settling and promoting absorption
镇逆白虎汤 Counterflow-Settling White Tiger Decoction
镇喘 settle panting
镇痉 settle tetany
镇肾决明丸 Kidney-Settling Abalone Shell Pill
镇潜 settle and subdue
镇静 tranquilize
镇静安神 tranquilize and quiet the spirit
镇静催眠 tranquilize and induce sleep
镇惊 settle fright
镇惊安神 settle fright and quiet the spirit
锤骨 malleus
gate tower
阙上 upper gate tower
阙中 middle gate tower
阙中 glabella
阙俞 BL-14
阙俞 Gate Tower Transport
离支 litchee
离经之血 blood that has left the channels
离经之脉 anomalous pulse
离经脉 anomalous pulse
杂气 miscellaneous qi4
杂病 miscellaneous disease
杂病穴法歌 Song of Point Applications for Miscellaneous Disease
杂病源流犀烛 Incisive Light on the Source of Miscellaneous Disease
杂症 miscellaneous pathoconditions
杂医科 miscellaneous diseases
杂证谟 Schema of Miscellaneous Patterns
双手进针法 two-handed needle insertion
双目通睛 converging eyes
双乳蛾 double nipple moth
双花 lonicera [flower]
双指压 two-finger press
双侧扁桃体肿大 bilateral swelling of the tonsils
双参 large-flowered triplostegia tuber
双氢链霉素 dihydroindole-ones
双翎草 bushy elsholtzia [root]
双肾草 microtis
双肾藤 Hubei bauhinia [root]
双蛾 double [baby] moth
双补丸 Double Supplementation Pill
双解通圣散 Double Resolution Sage-Inspired Powder
双解散 Double Resolution Powder [NIS]
双钩藤 uncaria [stem and thorn]
鸡子 chicken's egg
鸡子白 egg white
鸡子清 egg white
鸡子壳 eggshell
鸡子黄 egg yolk
鸡子蜕 eggshell
鸡中金 gizzard lining
鸡内金 gizzard lining
鸡心菜 shepherd's purse
鸡毛狗 Mongolian jurinea [stem pile]
鸡爪枝皮 Cochin China desmos [bark]
鸡爪风 chicken's-claw wind
鸡爪草 calathodes
鸡爪连 Si4chuan1 coptis [root]
鸡爪黄连 Si4chuan1 coptis [root]
鸡爪竻 randia
鸡瓜沙 agrimony
鸡矢藤 paederia
鸡合子 gizzard lining
鸡肉 chicken
鸡肉参 incarvillea [root]
鸡舌香 clove fruit
鸡血 chicken's blood
鸡血藤 spatholobus [stem]
鸡血藤胶 millettia paste
鸡卵壳 eggshell
鸡沌池 eggshell
鸡肝 chicken's liver
鸡肝丸 Chicken's Liver Pill
鸡豆 chick-pea
鸡足 cornus [fruit]
鸡足针 chicken's-claw needling
鸡姆刺 Japanese thistle
鸡盲 chicken blindness
鸡盲 night blindness
鸡肫内黄皮 gizzard lining
鸡肫皮 gizzard lining
鸡肫草 Wight's parnassia
鸡冠 cockscomb [flower]
鸡冠子 cockscomb seed
鸡冠石 realgar
鸡冠花 cockscomb [flower]
鸡冠苗 cockscomb stem and leaf
鸡冠散 Cockscomb Powder
鸡冠头 cockscomb [flower]
鸡咳 hen cough
鸡娃草 plumbagella
鸡屎白 white chicken's droppings
鸡屎白散 White Chicken's Dropping Powder
鸡屎藤 paederia
鸡屎藤果 chicken-dung creeper fruit
鸡屎癞 chicken's-droppings lai4
鸡食皮 gizzard lining
鸡胸 chicken breast
鸡胸 pigeon chest
鸡胸 pectus gallinatum
鸡胸 pectus carinatum
鸡骨升麻 cimicifuga [root]
鸡骨香 thick-leaved croton root
鸡骨草 prayer-beads
鸡骨菜 dipelta root
鸡啄芥菜 fringed mustard
鸡眼 corn
鸡眼草 kummerowia
鸡眼膏 Corn Paste
鸡蛋白 egg white
鸡蛋花 red jasmine [flower]
鸡蛋参 twining codonopsis [root]
鸡蛋清 egg white
鸡蛋壳 eggshell
鸡蛋壳 eggshell
鸡连 coptis [root]
鸡顶 ST-34
鸡顶 Chicken Top
鸡麻 jetbead [fruit and root]
鸡肾参 frog orchid tuber
鸡距子 honey tree fruit
鸡项草 Japanese thistle
鸡黄油 Egg Yolk Oil
鸡嗉 chicken's crop
鸡嗉子花 papillose epipactis
鸡肠 chicken's intestines
鸡肠风 morinda [root]
鸡肠狼毒 leafy spurge [root]
鸡脚刺 Ching's barberry [root]
鸡脑 chicken's brain
鸡精 rooster's ejaculation
鸡腿蘑菇 meadow mushroom
鸡蒙盲 chicken blindness
鸡蒙盲 night blindness
鸡鸣 cockcrow
鸡鸣散 Cockcrow Powder
鸡鸣散加茯苓 Cockcrow Powder Plus Poria
鸡嘴椒 hot pepper
鸡嘴莲 euryale [seed]
鸡谷草 chrysopogon
鸡胶骨 achyranthes [root]
鸡橘子 honey tree fruit
鸡翮羽 chicken's tail feather
鸡头 chicken's head
鸡头 euryale [seed]
鸡头 euryale [seed]
鸡头米 euryale [seed]
鸡头果 euryale [seed]
鸡头果 euryale [seed]
鸡头苞 euryale [seed]
鸡头黄精 polygonatum [root]
鸡头黄精 polygonatum [root]
鸡头实 euryale [seed]
鸡头实 euryale [seed]
鸡胆 chicken's gallbladder
鸡苏 Chinese fieldnettle
鸡苏散 Mint Powder
+ collybia
male genitals
鞭打绣球 hemiphragma
鞭叶铁线蕨 walking maidenhair
额中 Forehead Center
额汗 sweating brow
额肌 frontal muscle
额角 frontal angles
额骨 frontal bone
额痛 frontal headache
额头出汗 sweating brow
额颅 forehead
center of the forehead
颜面 face
颜面抽搐 convulsion of the face
颜面浮肿 puffy swelling of the face
颜面神经性麻痹 neuroparalysis of the face
颜面牵掣 tension in the face
颜面潮红 tidal reddening of the face
颜面疔疮 clove sore of face
palate\HALT \NOUN; palatal \ADJ
骑马痈 horse riding welling-abscess
髁骨 hip bone
松静功 quiescent qi4gong1
| surname
魏荔彤 Wei4 Li4-Tong2>
鲤鱼 carp [flesh]
鲤鱼皮 carp's skin
鲤鱼目 carp's eye
鲤鱼血 carp's blood
鲤鱼脂 carp fat
鲤鱼汤 Carp Soup
鲤鱼肠 carp's intestines
鲤鱼脑 carp's brain
鲤鱼齿 carp's teeth
鲤鱼胆 carp's gallbladder
鲤鱼鳞 carp's scales
golden carp
鲫鱼 golden carp [flesh]
鲫鱼子 golden carp's roe
鲫鱼骨 golden carp's bone
鲫鱼脑 golden carp's brain
鲫鱼头 golden carp's head
鲫鱼胆 golden carp's gall
鹅口疮 goose-mouth sore
鹅口疮 thrush
鹅不食草 centipeda
鹅内金 goose's gizzard lining
鹅毛 goose feather
鹅爪风 goose-claw wind
鹅爪疯 goose-claw ill-wind
鹅肉 goose's flesh
鹅血 goose blood
鹅首马先蒿 duck's-head pedicularis [flower]
鹅涎 goose's spittle
鹅蛋壳 goose egg shell
鹅喉管 goose's throat
鹅掌上黄皮 yellow skin of goose's foot
鹅掌金星草 phymatopsis
鹅掌风 goose-foot wind
鹅掌楸根 liriodendron root
鹅绒藤 Chinese cynanchum sap
鹅肠草 malachium
鹅脚木叶 crataeva leaf
鹅脚板 pimpinella
鹅脚板根 pimpinella root
鹅管石 goose throat stone
鹅腿骨 goose's leg
鹅胆 goose's gallbladder
+ goose tail flesh
鹄油 swan's fat
鹄绒毛 swan's feather
Japanese mink
鼬鼠肉 Japanese mink flesh
咽物困难 dysphagia
坏死 necrosis
坏死性龈口炎 necrotizing gingivostomatitis
坏病 aggravated disease
坏疽 gangrene
| surname
庞安时 Pang2 An1-Shi2>
怀 bosom
怀 | abbreviation for 怀庆 <Huai2qing4>
怀山药 dioscorea [root]
怀牛膝 achyranthes [root]
怀孕 pregnancy
怀娠 pregnant \HALT \ADJ, pregnancy \NOUN
怀菊 Huaiqing chrysanthemum [flower]
lazy\HALT \ADJ; laziness \NOUN
懒人菜 Chinese leek [leaf]
懒于言语 laziness to speak
懒言 laziness to speak
懒言 no strength to speak
懒食 laziness to eat
懒倦 laziness and fatigue
攀索 climb the rope
攀索迭砖 rope climbing on a pile of bricks
攀睛 creeping over the eye
榈木 Henry's necklace tree [wood and root]
| plant name
橹罟子 textile screw pine seed
橹叶 betel leaf
沥青 rosin
濒湖脉学 Bin1-Hu2> Sphygmology
burst violently
爆格蚤 ligustrum [fruit]
brilliant\HALT \ADJ; brilliance\NOUN
犊鼻 ST-35\w
犊鼻 Calf's Nose
犊鼻 Calf's Nose
兽魄 amber
兽医 veteranarian
獭四足 otter's leg
獭皮毛 otter pelt
獭肉 otter meat
獭肝 otter's liver
獭骨 otter bone
獭胆 otter's gallbladder
fine jade
琼玉膏 Fine Jade Paste
marked emaciation
痴呆 feeble-mindedness
碍胃口 impair the appetite
stable\HALT \ADJ
簸扬 winnow
簸箕 winnowing basket
簸箕 winnowing fan
茧唇 cocoon lip
茧唇风 cocoon lip wind
绳梨 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]
| surname
罗天益 Luo2 Tian1-Yi4>
罗布麻叶 dogbane
罗服 radish
罗河石斛 Lo2he2 dendrobium
罗泛豆 broad bean
罗勒 basil
罗勒子 basil seed
罗勒根 basil root
罗裙带 crinum leaf
罗裙带根 crinum bulb and root
罗汉豆 broad bean
罗汉果 momordica
罗汉果叶 Grosvenor's momordica leaf
罗汉松根皮 podocarp root bark
罗汉松叶 podocarp twig and leaf
罗汉松实 podocarp fruit
罗锅底 hemsleya [tuber]
having a goatlike smell
thick soup
marked emaciation and weakness
羸弱 emaciation and weakness
羸瘦 marked emaciation
cured (meat, fish, etc)
腊茄 hot pepper
腊茶 tea [leaf]
腊雪 twelfth month snow
腊雪水 melted twelfth month snow
lotus root
藕汁 lotus root juice
藕汁 lotus root juice
藕汁饮子 Lotus Root Juice Drink
藕房 lotus receptacle
藕粉 lotus root starch
藕丝菜 thin lotus root
藕节 lotus root node
藕节炭 charred lotus root node
藕节疤 lotus root node
藕蔤 thin lotus root
藤三七 boussingaultia bulblet
藤子甘草 woolly-fruited derris [stem or root]
藤杜仲 parabarium [stem or root]
藤豆 lablab [bean]
藤桐子 momordica [seed]
藤乌头 climbing aconite [tuber]
藤商陆 seven-fingered morning glory
藤梨 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]
藤黄 gamboge
藤瘤 wisteria gallnut
藤藤菜 water spinach
medicinal\HALT \NOUN, \ADJ
药力 medicinal strength
药力 strength of the medicinals
药力猛 fiercely strong in effect
药方 prescription
药水 medicinal water
药王 King of Medicine
药王茶 bushy dasiphora leaf
药本 squirrel's droppings
药汁炙 mix-fry with herb juices
药用倒提壸 hounds'-tongue [root]
药用植物学 pharmaceutical botany
药石 herbs and minerals
药老 inebriate achnatherum
药材 medicinal material
药材 crude medicinal
药味 flavor of medicinals
药枕疗法 medicinal pillow therapy
药物 medicinal
药物 drug
药物用法 directions for use of medicinals
药物艾卷 medicated moxa stick
药物灸 medicinal moxibustion
药物性皮炎 dermatitis medicamentosa
药物发泡 medicinal-induced blistering
药物发泡灸 medicinal-induced blister moxibustion
药物鲜汁 fresh herb juice
药芹 wild celery
药品 medicinal (item)
药毒疹 drug toxicity rash
药料 medicinal material
药栓疗法 medicinal suppository therapy
药浴疗法 medicinal bath therapy
药草 medicinal herbs
药茴香 montane parsely
药酒 medicinal wine
药兜疗法 medicinal bag therapy
药匾 tray
药枣 cornus [fruit]
药筒拔法 medicated cupping
药菊 chrysanthemum [flower]
药量 dosage
药绵引流 medicated thread drainage
药膏 medicinal paste
药膏疗法 medicinal paste therapy
药熨疗法 hot medicinal compress therapy
药线引流 medicated thread drainage
药线疗法 medicated thread therapy
药剂 preparation
药膳 medicinal food
药露 distillate
药露 medicinal dew
药罐 medicated cupping
药铺 medicine shop
药铺 Chinese pharmacy
| plant name
dioscorea [root]
藷薁 dioscorea [root]
蚁姆刺 Japanese thistle
fly (insect)
蝇虎 jumping spider
蝇翅黑花 flies wings and black flowers
蝎尾 scorpion tail
蝎尾 scorpion tail [NID]
蝎梢 scorpion tail
crab [flesh and innards]
蟹爪 crab's claw
蟹爪纹路 crab claw markings
蟹目 crab's eye
蟹足肿 crab's-foot swelling
蟹足肿 keloid
蟹壳 crabshell
蟹壳末 powdered crabshell
蟹睛 crab's eye
蟹睛疼痛外障 crab's eye painful external obstruction
蟾皮 toad's skin
蟾皮证 toad skin pattern
蟾舌 toad's tongue
蟾酥 toad venom
蟾酥膏 Toad Venom Paste
蟾头 toad's head
蟾鳞 toad scales
蟾蜍 dried toad
蟾蜍干 dried toad
蟾蜍肝 toad's liver
蟾蜍眉脂 toad venom
蟾蜍眉酥 toad venom
蟾蜍胆 toad's gallbladder
pattern\HALT \NOUN
证治 Patterns and Treatment
证治要诀 Essential Rhymes for Patterns and Treatment
证治准绳 The Level-Line of Pattern Identification and Treatment
证型 pattern type
证候 pattern
证候 sign
证候相兼 concurrent patterns
证候真假 true and false patterns
证候错杂 complex patterns
赞育丹 Procreation Elixir
赞刺 assistance needling
蹲鸱 taro [root]
蹶心 KI-01
蹶心 Stumbling Heart
springing\HALT \NOUN
轿 sedan chair
轿杠竹笋 thill bamboo
边头风 side head wind
镜面舌 mirror tongue
链球菌感染 streptococcal infection
关刀豆 sword bean
关上 bar
关元 CV-04\w
关元 Pass Head
关元俞 BL-26\w
关元俞 Origin Pass Transport
关内 region within the pass
关木通 Manchurian aristolochia
关外 region outside the pass
关白附 Korean aconite [root]
关冲 TB-01
关冲 Passage Hub
关防风 eastern saposhnikovia [root]
关兔 Pass Rabbit
关刺 joint needling
关刺 articular needling
关门 ST-22\w
关门 Pass Gate
关门不利 [water] gate failing to open
关柏 Eastern phellodendron [bark]
关原 CV-04
关原 Source Pass
关格 block and repulsion
关脉 bar pulse
关梁 BL-63
关梁 Gate Beam
关陵 GB-33
关陵 Joint Mound
关阴 blocked yin1
关阳 GB-33
关阳 Joint Yang2
关黄柏 Eastern phellodendron [bark]
关节 joint
关节 articular
关节 joint
关节扭伤 sprain
关节炎 arthritis
关节红肿 redness and swelling of joints
关节疼痛 joint pain
关节强硬 stiffness of the joints
a nkylosing spondylitis
关节结核 joint tuberculsosis
关节肿痛 painful swollen joints
关节变形 deformed joints
关节变形 deformed joints
difficult question
难以入睡 difficulty in getting to sleep
难以忍受 hard to bear
难出 difficult to expectorate
难治 difficult to cure
难产 difficult delivery
难产方 Difficult Delivery Formula
难寐 difficulty in sleeping
难经 The Classic of Difficult Issues
雾水葛 pouzolzia
类中风 wind-like strike (stroke)
类形同效论 doctrine of signatures
s teroid withdrawal syndrome
类风湿性关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis
类梧桐 Simao premna
类虚类实 resembly both vacuity and repletion
类经 The Classified Canon
类经附翼 Wings to the Classified Canon
类经图翼 The Illustrated Wings of the Classified Canon
类证治裁 Systematized Patterns with Clear-Cut Treatments
top (of the head)
vertex\HALT \NOUN
vertex cranii
颠倒散 Reversal Powder
颠顶 top of the head
颠顶 vertex
颠簸 riddle
鲳鱼 silver pomfret
鹊豆 lablab [bean]
鹌鹑 quail
鹌鹑蛋 quail's egg
| a mythical bird of enormous size
鹏砂 borax
麒麟片 pangolin scales
麒麟血 dragon's blood
麒麟尾 pinnate rhaphidophora stem
麒麟菜 eucheuma
麒麟竭 dragon's blood
丽枝 litchee
jewel\HALT \NOUN
precious\HALT \ADJ
宝珠茶花 camellia [flower]
宝塔菜 Chinese artichoke
宝盖草 amplexicaul dead nettle
宝鸡白芍 Shaanxi white peony [root]
悬泉 LV-04
悬泉 Suspended Spring
悬珠痔 suspended pear hemorrhoid
悬球 suspended ball
悬饮 suspended rheum
悬雍 uvula
悬雍下垂 pendulous uvula
悬雍垂 uvula
悬旗风 suspended flag wind
悬旗痈 suspended flag welling-abscess
悬枢 GV-05\w
悬枢 Suspended Pivot
悬浆 CV-24
悬浆 Suspended Sauce
悬壅垂 uvula
悬钟 GB-39\w
悬钟 Suspended Bell
悬颅 GB-05\w
悬颅 Suspended Skull
悬厘 GB-06\w
悬厘 Suspended Tuft
悬痈 suspended welling-abscess
+suspended flag wind
拦路虎 Clark's clematis root
water in which rice has been washed
澜江百合 Lanjiang lily bulb
澜沧扁担杆 Lancang grewia [root bark]
炉甘石 calamine
itch\HALT \VERB, \NOUN, itchy \ADJ
痒疹 itchy papules
concretion\HALT \NOUN
症疝 concretion mounting
症块 concretion lumps
症癖 concretions and aggregations
症瘕 concretions and conglomerations
症瘕积聚 concretions, conglomerations, accumulations, and gatherings
症瘕积聚 concretions and gatherings
症瘕癖块 concretions, conglomerations, and aggregation lumps
矾石 alum
glutinous rice
糯米 glutinous rice
糯米阿胶粥 Glutinous Rice and Ass Hide Glue Gruel
糯米粉 glutinous rice flour
糯米藤 memorialis
糯米泔 glutinous rice water
糯芋 chamaenerion root
糯稻根 glutinous rice root
糯稻根 glutinous rice root [NID]
糯稻根须 glutinous rice root
辫子草根 small-leaved desmodium root
small-mouthed jar
罂粟 poppy seed
罂粟壳 poppy husk
罂粟壳 poppy husk
罂粟嫩苗 poppy shoot
蘑菰 meadow mushroom
蘑菇 meadow mushroom
蘑菇蕈 meadow mushroom
芦子 betel pepper
芦巴 fenugreek [seed]
芦石 stalactite
芦竹根 giant reed root
芦竹笋 giant reed shoot
芦竹沥 giant reed sap
芦竹箨 phragmites sheath
芦枝 loquat [fruit]
芦芽根 phragmites [root]
芦花 phragmites flower
芦茅根 phragmites [root]
芦根 phragmites [root]
芦柴根 phragmites [root]
芦茎 phragmites stem
芦莉草叶 creeping ruellia leaf
芦通 phragmites [root]
芦笋 (1) phragmites shoot
芦笋 (2) garden asparagus
芦笋花 garden asparagus flower
芦叶 phragmites leaf
芦橘 loquat [fruit]
芦菇根 phragmites [root]
芦荟 aloe
芦荟丸 Aloe Pill
芦荟花 aloe flower
芦荟根 aloe root
芦荟叶 aloe leaf
clover fern
clover fern
苹果 apple
苹果皮 apple skin
苹果叶 apple leaf
| plant name
| surname
苏子 perilla fruit
苏子降气汤 Perilla Fruit Qi4-Downbearing Decoction
苏子霜 perilla seed frost
苏方木 sappan [wood]
苏木 sappan [wood]
苏仿 sappan [wood]
苏仿木 sappan [wood]
苏合油 storax
苏合香 storax
苏合香丸 Storax*& Pill
苏合香油 storax
苏门答腊安息香 Sumatra benzoin
苏梗 perilla stem
苏厥 resuscitation
苏黄+ cheeseweed [root]
苏叶 perilla leaf
苏叶汤 Perilla Leaf Decoction
苏叶黄连汤\Q{wuyan??} Perilla Leaf and Coptis Decoction
苏橘汤 Perilla and Tangerine Peel Decoction
苏醒神志 revive the spirit-mind
苏头 perilla root
苏芡 euryale [seed]
苏葶滚痰丸 Perilla Seed and Lepidium/Descurainiae*& Phlegm-Rolling Pill
蕴郁 brewing (in)
蕴积热毒 accumulated heat toxin
蚝莆 oyster shell
蚝壳 oyster shell
蚝菇 abalone fungus
蠕动 peristalsis
触之坚痛 tender hard to the touch
触之棘手 prickly to the touch
触动 stir
触诊 body palpation
delirium\HALT \NOUN, delirious \ADJ
谵妄 delirious raving
谵狂 delirious mania
谵言 delirious speech
谵语 delirious speech
谵语如狂 manic ous speech
谵语发狂 delirious speech and mania
agitation\HALT \NOUN, agitated \ADJ
躁狂 agitated mania
躁疾脉 agitated racing pulse
躁动不安 agitation
躁烦 agitated vexation
walk to and fro
释迦 custard apple
钟乳 stalactite
钟乳丸 Stalactite Pill
钟乳石 stalactite
钟乳粉 powdered stalactite
钟乳鹅管石 stalactite goose quill stone
锈钉子 hairy clover shrub [root]
soft hail
霰粒肿 chalazion
飘拂草 dichotomous fimbristylis
hunger\HALT \NOUN
饥不欲食 hunger with no desire to eat
饥不欲食 hunger without desire for food
饥饱不调 irregular eating
饥饱失常 irregular eating
咸凉润下 moist precipitation with saltiness and coolness
党参 codonopsis [root]
belong to\HALT \VERB-\PREP
ascribed to\HALT
home (to)\HALT \VERB-\PREP
属累 GV-04
属累 Connected
contain\HALT \VERB, containment \NOUN
conserve\HALT \VERB; conservation \NOUN
care (for)
摄小便 constrain urine
摄生 cultivate life
摄生 life cultivation
摄生 cultivate health
摄生 health cultivation
摄生秘剖 Penetrating the Secrets of Life Cultivation
摄石 loadstone
摄血无力 poor blood containment
摄尿 constrain urine
摄固小便 contain and secure urine
摄纳无权 containment and absorption failure
摄纳肾气 promote absorption of qi4 by the kidney
摄涎唾 contain drool and spittle
摄精 receive essence
摄精 conceive
摄精成孕 conceive
摄领疮 collar sore
摄营煎 Construction-Containing Decoction
樱皮 Japanese cherry bark
樱桃 cherry
樱桃水 cherry juice
樱桃枝 cherry twig
樱桃核 cherry pit
樱桃根 cherry root
樱桃叶 cherry leaf
樱珠 cherry
樱草根 primrose
樱额 bird cherry
樱额梨 bird cherry
pour into
灌肠疗法 enema therapy
灌药 pour in medicine
putrefy\HALT \VERB, putrefaction \NOUN
erode\HALT \VERB, erosion \NOUN
烂弦风眼 wind eye with ulceration of the eyelid rim
烂茶叶 used tea leaf
烂喉丹痧 putrefying throat cinnabar sand
烂喉风 putrefying throat wind
烂喉痧 putrefying throat sand
烂脚 foot rot
烂脚丫 foot rot
烂积丸 Accumulation-Disintegrating Pill [NIS]
烂疔 putrefying clove sore
癞大风 lai4 great wind
癞大风 leprosy
癞子 lai4
癞瓜 balsam pear
癞风 lai4 wind
癞风 leprosy
癞疾 lai4 disease
癞病 lai4 disease
癞蛤蚂浆 toad venom
癞蛤蟆 dried toad
癞葡萄 balsam pear
癞疮 lai4 sore
癞虾蟆 dried toad
癞头疮 lai4 scalp sore
缠喉风 throat-entwining wind
缠腰火丹 girdling fire cinnabar
缠腰蛇丹 girdling snake cinnabar
缠绵不解 continuous
缠缚疗法 binding therapy
缠龙子 cuscuta [seed]
Supplement to the Classified Case Histories of Famous
续命汤 Life-Prolonging Decoction
续筋骨 join sinew and bones
续筋接骨 join sinew and bones
续随子丸 Caper Spurge Seed Pill
续随子茎中白汁 caper spurge sap
续随子叶 caper spurge leaf
续随子霜 caper spurge seed frost
续断 dipsacus [root]
续断丸 Dipsacus Pill
续断炭 charred dipsacus [NID]
shoot growing out of a plant after being cut

tiller (a shoot growing from the base of the stem of grains such as
rice or wheat)
蘗木 phellodendron [bark]
蘗米 millet sprout
兰石草 lancea

兰石草果 lancea fruit
兰江赋 Ode of the Orchid River
兰花参 wahlenbergia
兰花双叶草 variegated lady's slipper
兰花菇 straw mushroom
兰勃鮀鱼 large-tailed drummer
兰室秘藏 Secret Treasure of the Orchid Chamber
兰香 basil
兰香草 bluebeard
兰香饮子 Basil Drink
兰香饮子 Basil Drink
兰根 imperata [root]
蛎房 oyster shell
蛎蛤 oyster shell
蠡沟 LV-05
蠡沟 Woodworm Canal
蜡梨 perverse crop
蜡矾丸 Wax and Alum Pill
蜡梅花 Japan allspice flower
蜡树皮 ash [bark]
蜡疗法 wax therapy
蜡瓣花 corylopsis [root bark]
护心草 Michel's cyperus
护心胆 sweet-scented corydalis [tuber]
护生菜 shepherd's purse
护胃承气汤 Stomach-Protecting Qi4-Coordinating Decoction [NIS]
护处必痛 protected spot indicates pain
轰热 booming heat [effusion] (fever)
iron ore
铁包金 lesser berchemia [root]
铁石 loadstone
铁朱 hematite
铁角凤尾草 maidenhair spleenwort
铁花 iron flakes
铁屎 iron flakes
铁扁担 Japanese iris
铁胡蜂 agrimony
铁胤粉 acid iron rust
铁屑 iron flakes
铁屑 iron flakes
铁扇子 iron-fan fern
铁拳头母 common rabdosia
铁海棠 crown of thorns
铁海棠花 crown-of-thorns flower
铁粉 iron powder
铁草鞋 hoya [leaf]
铁马豆 shuteria
铁扫竹 iron broom
铁液 iron flakes
铁笛丸 Iron Flute Pill
铁苋 copperleaf
铁棒锤 tiebangchui aconite tuber
铁棒锤茎叶 tiebangchui aconite stem and leaf
铁丝七 palmate maidenhair
铁华粉 acid iron rust
铁筷子 (1) Japan allspice root and stem
铁筷子 (2) hellebore (1)
铁脚威灵仙 clematis [root]
铁脚威灵仙叶 paniculate clematis leaf
铁脚梨 chaenomeles [fruit]
铁脚灵仙 clematis [root]
铁落 iron flakes
铁蛾 iron flakes
铁精 blast furnace ash
铁浆 iron solution
铁线夏枯 prunella [spike]
铁线草 (1) Bermuda grass
铁线草 (2) fan-leaved maidenhair
铁线莲 flowering clematis
铁树果 cycas seed
铁树花 shrubby cordyline flower
铁树叶 shrubby cordyline leaf
铁蕨鸡 woodland abacopteris [root]
铁鞭草 iron whip
铁藤根 craspedolobium root
铁苏子 perilla fruit
铁锈 rust
铁罐 iron cup
铁灵仙 clematis [root]
铁篱巴果 paliurus fruit
铁箍散 Iron Hoop Powder
铁箍散 Ceylon cynoglossum
open territory
break (ground)
辟宫子 house lizard
辟痰 repel phlegm
霸王七 snapweed tuber
霸王根 bean caper
霸王鞭 prickly-club spurge sap
distillate\HALT \NOUN
露水 dew
露水草 (1) black eragrostis
露水草 (2) vague cyanotis
露兜竻心 textile screw pine shoot
露兜竻花 textile screw pine flower
露兜竻 textile screw pine root
露睛 exposure of the eyeballs
露睛 exposed eyeballs
露剂 distillate
露蕊乌头 naked-stamen aconite
sound\HALT \VERB
响铃草 rust-brown crotalaria
响声破笛丸 Broken Flute Pill
expel\HALT \VERB
驱邪 expel evil
驱邪截虐 expel evil and interrupt malaria
驱风 expel wind
驱风一字散 Wind-Expelling One Zi4 Powder
驱风散热饮子 Wind-Expelling Heat-Dissipating Drink
W ind-Expelling Toxin-Resolving Powder (Decoction)
驱除 expel
驱逐 expel
驱蛔止痛 expel roundworm and relieve pain
驱蛔杀虫 kill and expel roundworm
驱蛔汤二号 Roundworm-Expelling Decoction No.~2
驱绦汤 Tapeworm-Expelling Decoction
驱绦虫 expel tapeworm
驱虫 expel worms
驱虫 worm expulsion
驱虫攻下 expel worms by offensive precipitation
驱虫法 worm-expelling method
驱虫药 worm-expelling medicinal
骡宝 mule's stomach calculous
鹤肉 crane's flesh
鹤骨 crane's bone
鹤顶 ST-34
鹤顶 Crane Top
鹤节 crane's node
鹤脑 crane's brain
鹤膝风 crane's-knee wind
鹤膝风痰 crane's-knee wind phlegm
鹤膝痰 crane's-knee phlegm
鹤虱 carpesium seed
鹤虱 carpesium seed
鹤虱风 wild carrot [herb]
musk deer
麝肉 musk deer's flesh
麝香 musk
麝香丸 Musk Pill
麝香草 thyme
麝香壳 musk rind
麝香汤 Musk Decoction
麝脐香 musk
黯淡 pale and dull
gingiva\HALT\NOUN; gingival\ADJ
龈交 GV-28\w
龈交 Gum Intersection
龈缝筋中 GV-28
龈缝筋中 Gum Crevice Sinew Center
| same as {nie4}
啮齿 grinding of the teeth
啮齿 bruxism
talk indistinctly
scrotum\HALT \NOUN
囊脱 sloughing scrotum
囊缩 retracted scrotum
囊缩舌卷 retracted scrotum and curled tongue
囊虫病 cysticercosis
囊痈 scrotal welling-abscess
啰音 rale
top (of the head)
vertex\HALT \NOUN
vertex cranii
巅上 GV-20
巅上 Mountain Top
巅疾 disease of the head
巅眩 dizziness of the head
巅顶痛 pain at the vertex
巅顶头痛 vertex headache
弯巴钩子 arctium [seed]
弯针 bent needle
spread out
摊缓 paralysis
+ SI-18
+ Influential Bone-Hole
pile up
迭砖 pile of bricks
dormant papules\HALT \NOUN
瘾疹 dormant papules
lichen\HALT \NOUN
癣草 rhinacanthus [twig and leaf]
癣药 Madaio dock root
癣药水 Lichen Medicinal Water
癣药草 Faber's bauhinia
癣药草 hoary spurge
steaming basket
笼屉 steamer
笼蒸 basket-steam
deaf\HALT \ADJ, deafness \NOUN
聋中 In Deafness
聋穴 Deafness Point
聋哑 deaf-mutism
hear\HALT \VERB, hearing \NOUN
auditory\HALT \ADJ
听力减退 poor hearing
听穴 Hearing Point
听呵 GB-02
听呵 Hearing Laughter
听宫 SI-19\w
听宫 Auditory Palace
听敏 Sensitive Hearing
听会 GB-02\w
听会 Auditory Convergence
听道 auditory tube (Eustachian tube)
听道炎 eustachian salpingitis
听声音 listening to sounds
听响 Hear the Sound
听聋间 Between Hearing and Deafness
听灵 Hearing Spirit
viscus\HALT \NOUN, viscera \PL, visceral \ADJ
脏行气于腑 viscera move qi4 to the bowels
脏俞 GV-11
脏俞 Visceral Transport
脏俞五十穴 fifty viscus-associated points
脏毒 visceral toxin
脏毒便血 visceral toxin bloody stool
脏气 visceral qi4
脏气之独 singularity of visceral qi4
脏病及腑 disease of the viscera affecting the bowels
脏连丸 Pig's Intestines and Coptis Pill
脏阴 visceral yin1
脏寒 visceral cold
脏结 visceral bind
脏腑 bowels and viscera
脏腑 treasuries and houses
脏腑 organs
脏腑之气 bowel and visceral qi4
脏腑之气 organ qi4
脏腑相合 bowel-viscus interconnection
脏腑相兼证候 organ combination pattern
脏腑兼病辨证 bowel and visceral pattern identification
脏腑学说 bowels and viscera theory
脏腑学说 organ theory
脏腑辨证 bowel and visceral pattern identification
脏腑辨证 organ pattern identification
脏腑证候 bowel and visceral patterns
脏腑证候 organ patterns
脏腑惊证 bowel and visceral fright patterns
脏象 visceral manifestation
脏象学说 visceral manifestation theory
脏会 meeting point of the viscera
脏躁 visceral agitation
assail\HALT \VERB, assailment \NOUN
walk to and fro
踯躅花 yellow azalea [flower]
鉴别 differentiate
鉴真 Jian4 Zhen1>
鞑新菊 Daxin chrysanthemum [flower]
soft-shelled turtle
鳖甲 turtle shell
鳖甲地黄汤 Turtle Shell and Rehmannia Decoction
鳖甲尖 turtle shell
鳖甲汤 Turtle Shell Decoction
鳖甲饮子 Turtle Shell Drink
鳖甲煎丸 Turtle Shell Decocted Pill
鳖甲胶 turtle shell glue
鳖肉 turtle flesh
鳖血 turtle's blood
鳖血炙 mix-fry with turtle's blood
鳖卵 turtle's egg
鳖脂 turtle's fat
鳖壳 turtle shell
鳖盖子 turtle shell
鳖头 turtle's head
鳖胆 turtle's gallbladder
鳖鲤甲 pangolin scales
鲢鱼 silver carp
鳗鱼 eel
鳗鲡 eel
鳗鲡鱼 eel
鳗鲡鱼血 eel's blood
鳗鲡鱼骨 eel's bone
鳗鲡鱼膏 eel's fat
| bird name
鹧鸪 francolin's flesh
鹧鸪血 francolin's blood
鹧鸪脂 francolin's fat
鹧鸪菜 (1) caloglossa
鹧鸪菜 (2) digenea
鹧鸪菜汤 Digenea Decoction
鹧鸪脚 francolin's claw
| surname
龚廷贤 Gong1 Ting2-Xian2>
岩人参 purple codonpsis
岩山枝 Henry's molodinus [fruit]
岩白菜 yanbaicai
岩谷伞 rhodobryum
岩豆根 Diels's millettia root
岩豆藤花 Guizhou millettia flower
岩豆藤根 Guizhou millettia root
岩青兰 rock dragon's-head
岩指甲花 David's impatiens
岩扫把 Yichang meadow rue
岩败酱 rock patrinia
岩椒草 white chinaure
岩笋 thunia
岩筋菜 Tibetan berneuxia
岩黄连 meadowrue corydalis [root]
岩莴苣 Fritsch's briggsia
岩蒿 short-lobed artemisia
岩兰花根 violet bellflower
岩豇豆 fleshy lysionotus
岩菖蒲 purple bergenia [root]
挛急 hypertonicity
挛急 tension
挛缩 contracture
挛缩难伸 contracture preventing stretching
挛痹 hypertonic impediment
纤维 fiber
纤维颤动 fibrillation
萝白 radish
萝芙木 rauwolfia root
萝芙木茎叶 rauwolfia twig and leaf
萝菔 radish
萝摩 metaplexis
萝卜 radish
萝卜子 radish seed
萝卜干 dried radish
萝卜地丁 gueldenstaedtia
萝卜芽 radish sprout
萝藦子 metaplexis fruit
蛊毒 gu3 toxin
蛊胀 gu3 distention
transmute\HALT \VERB; transmutation \NOUN
变化 transmute and transform
变化 transmutation and transformation
变化 mutate
变化 mutation
变制心气饮 Modified Heart Qi4 Beverage
变脉 transmuted pulse
变蛋 limed egg
变通十味温胆汤 Modified Ten-Ingredients Gallbladder-Warming Decoction
变态反应性鼻炎 allergic rhinitis
变蒸 transmutation and steaming
变证 transmuted pattern
显子草 phaenosperma
fright\HALT \NOUN
惊水 fright water
惊狂 fright mania
惊呼 cry of shock
惊怯 fright timidity
惊泄 fright diarrhea
惊者平之 fright is treated by calming
惊则气乱 fright causes disruption of qi4
惊风 fright wind
惊风八候 eight signs of fright wind
惊风四证 four signs of fright wind
惊恐失眠 fright, fear, and insomnia
惊恐伤肾 fright and fear damage the kidney
惊疳 fright gan1
惊悸 fright palpitations
惊厥 fright reversal
惊厥 convulsion
惊啼 fright crying
惊痢 fright diarrhea
惊伤胁痛 fright-damage rib-side pain
惊热 fright heat [effusion] (fever)
惊积 fright accumulation
惊骇 fright
惊瘫 fright paralysis
惊搐 fright convulsion
惊痫 fright epilepsy
惊痫神昏 fright epilepsy with clouded spirit
惊蛰 Waking of Insects
验方新编 New Compilation of Empirical Formulas
验齿辨病 identification of disease through examination of the teeth
marrow\HALT \NOUN
髓中 GB-05
髓中 KI-14
髓中 Marrow Center
髓中 Marrow Center
髓之府 house of the marrow
髓孔 GB-05
髓孔 GV-02
髓孔 ST-05
髓孔 Marrow Hole
髓孔 Marrow Hole
髓孔 Marrow Hole
髓府 GV-02
髓府 KI-14
髓府 House of Marrow
髓府 House of Marrow
髓空 GV-02
髓空 Marrow Hole
髓俞 CV-02
髓俞 GV-02
髓俞 Marrow Transport
髓俞 Marrow Transport
髓海 sea of marrow
髓海不足 insufficiency of the sea of marrow
髓海空虚 emptiness of the sea of marrow
髓会 meeting point of the marrow
髓会 GB-39
髓会 Marrow Convergence
髓亏 marrow depletion
髓亏证 marrow depletion pattern
constitutional body\HALT \NOUN
member\HALT \NOUN
体倦 fatigued limbs
体倦乏力 fatigued body and lack of strength
体倦无力 fatigue and lack of strength
体弱 weak health
体弱阳虚 weak health and yang2 vacuity
体气 body odor
体脉 TB-18
体脉 Corporal Vessel
体衰 debilitated health
体针 body needles
体被 integument
体被系统 integumentary system
体实 replete body
体态 bearing of the body
体虱病 pediculosis corporis
体质 constitution
体质虚弱 weak constitution
鳝血疗法 eel blood therapy
鳝鱼 mud eel
鳝鱼皮 mud eel's skin
鳝鱼血 mud eel's blood
鳝鱼骨 mud eel's bone
鳝鱼头 mud eel's head
鳞介鱼虫部 scales, shells, fish and <chong2> section
鳞屑 scales
mandarin fish
鳜鱼 mandarin fish [flesh]
鳜鱼胆 mandarin fish gall
麟片 pangolin scales
paralysis\HALT \NOUN
瘫立 Paralytic Stands
瘫康 Paralytic's Health
瘫复 Paralytic's Recovery
瘫痪 paralysis
withdrawal\HALT \NOUN
癫狂 mania and withdrawal
癫狂丸 Mania and Withdrawal Pill
癫狂病 mania and withdrawal disease
癫狂龙虎丸 Mania and Withdrawal Dragon and Tiger Pill
癫疾 madness
癫疾多言 madness with continual talking
癫病 withdrawal disease
癫痫 epilepsy
癫痫 withdrawal and epilepsy
蚕矢汤 Silkworm Droppings Decoction
蚕衣 silkworm moth exuviae
蚕沙 silkworm droppings
蚕豆 broad bean
蚕豆芽 broad bean sprout
蚕豆花 broad bean flower
蚕豆病 favism
蚕豆荚壳 broad bean pod
蚕豆茎 broad bean stem
蚕豆壳 broad bean seed-coat
蚕豆叶 broad bean leaf}
蚕羌 notopterygium [root]
蚕砂 silkworm droppings [NID]
蚕退 silkworm moth exuviae
蚕退纸 silkworm moth egg case
蚕蛹 silkworm moth pupa
蚕蛾 silk moth
蚕蜕 silkworm moth exuviae
蚕虫 silkworm
蚕茧 silkworm moth cocoon
蚕茧草 Japanese smartweed
insect that eats paper, cloth, or wood
蠹疽 worm-eaten flat-abscess
brew (liquor)
酿脓 form pus
spirit\HALT \NOUN
sacred\HALT \ADJ
magic\HALT \ADJ
+ KI-24
+ Spirit Wall
灵仙 clematis [root]
灵仙藤 clematis [root]
灵台 GV-10\w
灵台 Spirit Tower
灵光赋 Ode of Spiritual Light
灵芝 (1) ganoderma
灵芝 (2) umbilicaria
灵根 magic root
灵脂 squirrel's droppings
灵茵陈 siphonostegia
灵眼 ginkgo [nut]
灵道 HT-04\w
灵道 Spirit Pathway
灵寿茨 cuneate meliosma [root bark]
灵磁石 magnetic loadstone [NID]
灵墟 KI-24\w
灵墟 Spirit Ruins
灵枢 The Magic Pivot
Magi c Pivot, Nine Palances and Eight Winds
Mag ic Pivot 1, The Nine Needles and Twelve Sources
Mag ic Pivot, On the Nine Needles
Ma gic Pivot, Above the Diaphragm
Ma gic Pivot, Inquiry About Statements
Ma gic Pivot, On Great Confusion
M agic Pivot, Explanation [of the Use of] Small Needles
Ma gic Pivot, Fifty Cycles
Ma gic Pivot, The Five, Colors
M agic Pivot, The Five Evils
Ma gic Pivot, The Five Foods
Mag ic Pivot, On the Five Flavors
Magi c Pivot, The Found Sound and Five Flavors
Ma gic Pivot, Five Derangements
Ma gic Pivot, The Five Contraindications
c Pivot, The Outward Manifestations and Diseases Caused by the
Five Viscera
Ma gic Pivot, The Five Transmutations
Pivot, The Five Dribbling Urinary Stoppages and the Differences
Between Liquid and Humor
Ma gic Pivot, Natural Life-Span
Ma gic Pivot, Water Distension
Ma gic Pivot, Qi4 of the Four Seasons
Ma gic Pivot, Judging from the Outside
Magi c Pivot, When Healthy People Stop Eating
灵枢.本神第八 Magic Pivot, The Spirit
灵枢.本输第二 Magic Pivot 2, Transport [Points]
Ma gic Pivot, The Viscera
M agic Pivot, The Jade Slip
Magi c Pivot, The Beginnings of the Hundred Diseases
Mag ic Pivot, On Blood Network Vessels
Ma gic Pivot, Using Needles
M agic Pivot, Understanding the Qi4
Ma gic Pivot, Visiting of Evil
c Pivot, Forms of Disease from Evil Qi4 in the Bowels and
Magi c Pivot, Needling Divisions, True [Qi4] and Evil [Qi4]
Ma gic Pivot, Generalized Impediment
Ma gic Pivot,
灵枢.官针第七 Magic Pivot, Using Needles
Ma gic Pivot, The Back Transport Points
Ma gic Pivot, Transmitting [the Knowledge of] the Masters
灵枢.根结第五 Magic Pivot, Root and End
Ma gic Pivot, On Seas
Ma gic Pivot, Root of Disease
Ma gic Pivot, Passage of Disease
M agic Pivot, Vessel Measurement Standards
Magi c Pivot, Treating the Fat and Thin According to Circumstance
Ma gic Pivot, Flow and Counterflow
M agic Pivot, Bone Measurement Standards
Ma gic Pivot,
Magi c Pivot, Dreams Caused by Excesses and Evils
灵枢.终始第九 Magic Pivot, End and Beginning
Ma gic Pivot,
十四 Magic Pivot,
Magic Pivot, Yin1-Yang2 Bound to the Sun and Moon
Mag ic Pivot, Yin1-Yang2 and Clear-Turbid
灵枢.厥病第二十四 gic Pivot, Reversal Disease
Mag ic Pivot, Cold and Heat Diseases
M agic Pivot, Cold and Heat
Ma gic Pivot, On Distention
第四十四 Magic Pi vot, Going With Qi4 and a Day Divided into Four Seasons
Mag ic Pivot, Dew of the Year
Ma gic Pivot, Memorizing Contraindications
M agic Pivot, The Channel Rivers
M agic Pivot, Channel Divergences
灵枢.经脉第十 Magic Pivot, Channel Vessels
M agic Pivot, The Channel Sinews
Ma gic Pivot, The Intestines and Stomach
Ma gic Pivot, Bandit Wind
Ma gic Pivot, Length of Life and Toughness and Softness
Magi c Pivot,
Ma gic Pivot, Heat Disease
Magi c Pivot, Abnormality of Defense Qi4
Mag ic Pivot, Movement of Defense Qi4
Ma gic Pivot, Defense Qi4
M agic Pivot, On Mettle
Magi c Pivot, Understnading Sickness by Examination of the Cubit Skin
Ma gic Pivot, On Pain
M agic Pivot, Construction Qi4
ic Pivot, Engenderment and Interaction of Construction and
Ma gic Pivot, Miscellaneous Disease
Ma gic Pivot, Mania and Withdrawal
Ma gic Pivot, Welling-Abscess and Flat-Abscesses
灵枢经 The Magic Pivot
灵霄花 campsis flower
灵猫肉 zibet [flesh]
灵猫香 zibet scent [gland secretion]
灵龟八法 eightfold method of the sacred tortoise
灵龟八法 sacred tortoise method
灵龟飞腾 sacred turtle soaring
灵药 magic medicine
灵宝 Spirit Gem
鬓骨 side-lock bone
king cram
鲎肉 king crab [flesh]
鲎尾 king crab's tail
鲎壳 king crab's shell
鲎壳刺 chinaroot
鲎壳藤 chinaroot
鲎胆 king crab's gallbladder
鹰下 Below the Olecranon
鹰上 Above the Olecranon
鹰不泊 prickly ash root
鹰不扑 spiny aralia
鹰骨 eagle's bone
鹰眼睛 eagle's eye
鹰嘴爪 eagle's beak and claw
鹰嘴豆 chick-pea
鹰嘴骨 olecranon
鹰头 eagle's head
鹭肉 egret
鹭鸶咳 heron cough
鹭鸶兰 greater diuranthera [root]
鹭鹚咳 cormorant cough
碱蓬 suaeda
盐大芸 salted cistanche
盐水 brine
盐水炒 stir-fry with brine
盐枕 glauberite
盐炒 stir-fry with salt
盐炙 mix-fry with brine
盐哮 salt wheezing
盐根 glauberite
盐消 impure mirabilite
盐汤 brine
盐汤探吐方 Mechanical Ejection Brine
盐汤探吐法 mchanical eection with brine
盐卤水 bittern
盐肤子 Chinese sumac fruit
盐麸子 Chinese sumac fruit
盐麸子根 Chinese sumac root
盐麸木花 Chinese sumac flower
盐麸根白皮 Chinese sumac root bark
盐麸叶 Chinese sumac leaf
盐麸树白皮 Chinese sumac bark
盐胆水 bittern
盐苁蓉 salted cistanche
tooth decay\HALT \NOUN
龋齿 tooth decay
龋齿 caries
Chinese olive
榄核莲 andrographis
湾豆 broad bean
篱栏子 merremia [seed or stem]
蛮刀背 Java lysimachia
蛮瓜 luffa gourd
蛮樝 Chinese quince fruit
观音柳 tamarisk [twig and leaf]
观音苋 purple gynura
观音苋根 purple gynura root
观音莲 Hancock's microsorium
观神色 inspect spirit and complexion
颅息 TB-19
颅息 Skull Rest
颅骨 cranium
颅顶痛 pain in the vertex of the head
颅盖 skull
颅囟 TB-19
颅囟 Skull
髋臼 Hip Socket
髋臼 acetabulum
髋骨 hip bone
髋骨 Thigh Bone
髋骨 GB-30
髋骨 Hip Bone
髋骨 hipbone
髋骨 os coxae
髋关节结核 tuberculosis of hip joint
驴扎嘴 Japanese thistle
驴毛 donkey hair
驴打滚儿草 Turczaninow's hawksbeard
驴肉 donkey's flesh
驴乳 donkey's milk
驴脂 donkey's fat
驴骨 donkey's bones
驴阴茎 donkey's penis
驴溺 donkey's urine
驴嘴风 donkey's-mouth wind
驴蹄 donkey's hoof
驴头 donkey's head
钻地风 schizophragma root bark
鳄形牛尾鱼 crocodile flathead
鳄梨 avocado
鲈鱼 sea perch
gorgeously colorful
艳雪红 China tea rose
鹦哥鱼 parrot fish
鹦鹉 parrot [flesh]
鹦鹉菜 spinach
鹳口疽 stork's bill flat-abscess
鹳肉 stork's flesh
鹳骨 stork's bones
have not
| not (dialect)
冇咸 pachilan bamboo
冇骨消 Formosan elder
冇涵竹笋 pachilan bamboo
冇筒竹 pachilan bamboo
sacrum and coccyx
尻骨 sacrum and coccyx
尻臀 buttock
fontanel\HALT \NOUN
frontal region
囟上 GV-22
囟上 Top of the Fontanel
囟门 fontanel gate
囟门 GV-22
囟门 Fontanel Gate
囟门下陷 depressed fontanel gate
囟门不合 non-closure of the fontanel gate
囟门凸起 bulging fontanel gate
囟门高突 bulging fontanel gate
囟门迟闭 retarded closure of the fontanel gate
囟陷 depressed fontanels
囟开不合 non-closure of the fontanels
囟填 bulging fontanels
囟会 GV-22\w
囟会 Fontanel Meeting
囟肿 bulging fontanels
囟解 ununited fontanels
needle-like piece of metal, bamboo, or wood
stick in\HALT \VERB
| plant name
crataegus [fruit]
朹子 crataegus [fruit]
sensation of something stuck in the throat
尪痹 lame impediment
clove sore\HALT \NOUN
疔俞 Clove Sore Transport
疔毒 clove-sore toxin
疔毒恶疮 clove-sore toxin and malign sores
疔疽 clove flat-abscess
疔肿 swollen clove-sore
疔疮 clove sore
疔疮走黄 clove sore running yellow
疕风 crust wind
芎朮丸 Chuan1xiong1*& and Atractylodes Pill
芎辛汤 Chuan1xiong1*& and Asarum Decoction
芎辛导痰汤 Chuan1xiong1*& and Asarum Phlegm-Abducting Decoction
芎芷石膏汤 Chuan1xiong1*&, Dahurian Angelica*&, and Gypsum Decoction
芎茂 chuanxiong [rhizome]
芎黄散 Chuan1xiong1*& and Rhubarb Powder
Chuan1xiong1*& and Chinese Angelica*& Two Matured
Ingredients Decoction
芎归散 Chuan1xiong1*& and Chinese Angelica*& Powder
芎归汤 Chuan1xiong1 and Chinese Angelica Decoction [NIS]
Chuan1xiong1*& , Chinese Angelica*&, Ass Hide Glue, and
Mugwort Decoction
Chuan1xiong1*& and Chinese Angelica*& Blood-Harmonizing
芎苏饮 Chuan1xiong1 and Perilla Beverage [NIS]
芎藭 chuanxiong [rhizome]
坭瓜 luffa gourd
坵墟 GB-40
坵墟 Hill Ruins
tree name
枎栘木皮 Chinese Juneberry
intense heat
炅则气泄 excessive heat causes discharge of qi4
| plant name
竻苋菜 spiny amaranth
竻慈姑 lasia [root]
竻藨子 rubus [berry]
耵耳 ceruminal congestion
耵聍 earwax
耵聍 cerumen
耵聍 cerumen
| plant name
| plant name
genkwa [flower]
芫花 genkwa [flower]
芫花根 genkwa root
芫青 lytta
芫条花 genkwa [flower]
芫萎粥 Rice Bean Gruel
芫荽 coriander
芫荽子 coriander seed
芫荽仁 coriander seed
| plant name
芨芨草 splendid achnatherum
| plant name
芡实 euryale [seed]
芡实根 euryale root
芡实茎 euryale stem
芡实叶 euryale leaf
芩连二母丸 Scutellaria, Coptis, Anemarrhena, and Fritillaria Pill
芩连二陈汤 Scutellaria and Coptis Two Matured Ingredients Decoction
芩连四物汤 Scutellaria and Coptis Four Agents Decoction
芩连平胃散 Scutellaria and Coptis Stomach-Clearing Powder
Scutellaria, Coptis, Tangerine Peel, and Bamboo Shavings
芩部丹 Scutellaria, Stemona, and Salvia Elixir
scallion-stalk\HALT \NOUN
芤脉 scallion-stalk pulse
sun's descent
| plant name
tricuspid cudrania
柘木 cudrania [wood]
柘木白皮 tricuspid cudrania (root) bark
柘耳 tricuspid cudrania wood ear
柘树果实 tricuspid cudranea fruit
柘树茎叶 tricuspid cudrania [stem and leaf]
柀子 torreya [nut]
bitter orange
枳朮丸 Unripe Bitter Orange and White Atractylodes*& Pill
枳朮汤 Unripe Bitter Orange and White Atractylodes*& Decoction
枳根皮 poncirus root bark
枳茹 poncirus bark
枳枣 honey tree fruit
枳壳 bitter orange
枳壳散 Bitter Orange Powder
枳实 unripe bitter orange
Unripe Bitter Orange, Trichosanthes, and Cinnamon Twig
枳实芍药散 Unripe Bitter Orange and Peony Powder [NIS]
枳实消痞丸 Unripe Bitter Orange and Glomus-Dispersing Pill
Unripe Bitter Orange, Gardenia, and Fermented Soybean
枳实理中丸 Unripe Bitter Orange Center-Rectifying Pill
枳实导滞丸 Unripe Bitter Orange Stagnation-Abducting Pill
Unripe Bitter Orange, Chinese Chive, and Cinnamon Twig
枳橘汤 Bitter Orange and Tangerine Peel Decoction
Unripe Bitter Orange and Amomum Two Matured Ingredients
枳椇子 honey tree fruit
枳椇木汁 honey tree sap
枳椇木皮 honey tree bark
枳椇根 honey tree root
枳椇粥 Hovenia Gruel
枳椇叶 honey tree leaf
crab apple
柰子 apple
staminate (male) hemp
枲耳子 xanthium [fruit]
枲耳子 xanthium [fruit]
洟涕 snivel
spray\HALT \VERB
sprinkle\HALT \VERB
洒淅恶寒 aversion to cold as after a soaking
cone (of moxa)
snub-nosed langur
snub-nosed langur
砒石 arsenic
砒枣散 Arsenic and Jujube Powder
砒霜 sublimed arsenic
砒霜散 Sublimed Arsenic Powder
subaxillary region
paravertebral muscles
puffy swelling
upper surface of the foot
胕疝 infraumbilical mounting
胕肿 skin swelling
茺玉子 leonurus fruit
茺蔚子 leonurus fruit
苡仁 coix [seed]
苡米 coix [seed]
苤蓝 kohlrabi
苤蓝叶 kohlrabi leaf
彧中 KI-26\w
彧中 Lively Center
挹神汤 Spirit-Lifing Decoction [NIS]
桉叶 eucalyptus leaf
桄榔子 gomuti fruit
桄榔面 gomuti starch
| plant name
栝仁 trichosanthes seed
栝楼 trichosanthes [fruit]
栝楼仁 trichosanthes seed
栝楼根 trichosanthes root
栝楼粉 trichosanthes root
栝蒌仁 trichosanthes seed
栝蒌散 Trichosanthes Powder [NIS]
狾犬咬伤毒不出 rabid dog bite toxin failing to come out
+ small gourd
infixation\HALT \NOUN
疰夏 summer infixation
疰嗽 infixation cough
痄腮 mumps
prickly heat
疿疮 prickly heat
dispel\HALT \VERB
祛外寒 dispel external cold
祛肝风 dispel liver wind
祛邪 dispel evils
祛邪以扶正 evil is dispelled to support right
祛邪存正 dispel evil and safeguard right
祛邪扶正 dispel evil and support right
祛邪法 evil-dispelling method
祛毒 dispel toxin
祛风 dispel wind
祛风化痰 dispel wind and transform phlegm
祛风化痰止咳 dispel wind, transform phlegm, and suppress cough
祛风止抽 dispel wind and stop convulsions
祛风止痛 dispel wind and relieve pain
祛风利湿药 wind-dispelling water-disinhibiting medicinal
祛风明目 dispel wind and brighten the eyes
祛风宣肺 dispel wind and diffuse the lung
祛风除湿 dispel wind and eliminate dampness
祛风胜湿 dispel wind and overcome dampness
祛风寒 dispel wind-cold
祛风痰 dispel wind-phlegm
祛风解肌 dispel wind and resolve the flesh
祛风解痉 dispel wind and resolve tetany
祛风养血 dispel wind and nourish the blood
祛风湿 dispel wind-damp
祛风湿温里药 wind-damp-dispelling interior-warming medicinal
祛风湿药 wind-damp-dispelling medicinal
祛风燥痰 dispel wind and dry phlegm
祛风燥湿 dispel wind and dry dampness
祛除寒邪 dispel cold evil
祛寒 dispel cold
祛寒化痰 dispel cold and transform phlegm
祛寒法 dispelling cold
祛寒湿 dispel cold-damp
祛寒药 cold-dispelling medicinal
祛暑 dispel summerheat
祛暑化浊 dispel summerheat and transform turbidity
祛暑解表 dispel summerheat and resolve the exterior
祛暑剂 summerheat-dispelling formula
祛瘀 dispel stasis
祛瘀止血 dispel stasis and stanch bleeding
祛瘀生津 dispel stasis and engender liquid
祛瘀血 dispel static blood
祛瘀活血 dispel stasis and quicken the blood11
祛瘀消肿 dispel stasis and disperse swelling
祛瘀排脓 dispel stasis and expel pus
祛瘀通络 dispel stasis and free the network vessels
祛痰 dispel phlegm
祛痰化浊 dispel phlegm and transform turbidity
祛痰止嗽 dispel phlegm and suppress cough
祛痰法 phlegm-dispelling method
祛痰宣痹 dispel phlegm and diffise impediment
祛痰开窍 dispel phlegm and open the orifices
祛湿 dispel dampness
祛湿法 dampness-dispelling method
祛湿散寒 dispel dampness and disinhibit cold
祛湿解毒 dispel dampness and resolve toxin
祛风至宝丹 Supreme Jewel Wind-Dispelling Elixir
祛痰丸 Phlegm-Expelling Pill
| plant name
秫米 broomcorn millet
plant name
秬豆 broad bean
burnt pot rice
羖羊角 sheep's or goat's horn
lower leg
wild rice3
茭白 infested ear of wild rice
茭白子 wild rice
茭白笋 infested ear of wild rice
茭米 wild rice
茭耳菜 infested ear of wild rice
茭首 infested ear of wild rice
茭笋 infested ear of wild rice
茭粑 infested ear of wild rice
茜根 madder [root]
茜根散 Madder Root Powder
茜草 madder [root]
茜草炭 charred madder [root]
茜草根 madder [root]
茜草茎 madder stem
| plant name
茈胡 bupleurum [root]
| plant name
茼蒿 garland chrysanthemum leaf
茼蒿菜 garland chrysanthemum leaf
| plant name
茯毛 areca husk
茯兔 poria
茯苓 poria
茯苓丸 Poria Pill [NIS]
茯苓四逆汤 Poria Counterflow Cold Decoction
茯苓甘草汤 Poria and Licorice Decoction
茯苓皮 poria skin
茯苓皮汤 Poria Skin Decoction
茯苓戎盐汤 Poria and Halite Decoction
茯苓杏仁甘草汤 Poria, Apricot Kernel, and Licorice Decoction
茯苓杏仁甘草汤 Poria (Hoelen), Apricot Kernel, and Licorice Decoction
Po ria, Cinnamon Twig, Licorice, and Jujube Decoction
Po ria, Cinnamon Twig, White Atractylodes*&, and Licorice Decoction
茯苓汤 Poria Decoction
茯苓饮 Poria Beverage
ria Beverage Combined with Pinellia and Officinal Magnolia
Bark*& Decoction
茯苓导水丸 Poria Water-Abducting Pill [NIS]
茯苓导水汤 Poria Water-Abducting Decoction
茯苓泽泻汤 Poria and Alisma Decoction
茯神 root poria
茯神木 pinewood in poria
茯神木 pine root in poria [NID]
茯神散 Root Poria Powder
茯菟 poria
茯菟丸 Poria and Cuscuta Pill
茯菟丹 Poria and Cuscuta Elixir
茯灵 poria
蚧蛇 gecko
蚧蟹 gecko
蚘虫 roundworm
蚘虫 roundworm
coagulated blood
衃血 coagulated blood
spontaneous (external) bleeding\HALT \NOUN
衄血 spontaneous external bleeding
衄血 nosebleed
衄家 person who suffers from spontaneous external bleeding
name of a bean
豇豆 (1) cowpea
豇豆 (2) asparagus bean
豇豆根 cow pea root
豇豆壳 cow pea pod
豇豆叶 cow pea leaf
圊血 latrine bleeding
圊脓血 latrine pus and blood
堇菜地丁 violet
掐法 fingernail pressing
掯苔 generalized slimy tongue fur
late afternoon
晡时 late afternoon watch
凌水石 glauberite
涽睛障 murky eye obstruction
猝然昏倒 sudden clouding collapse
猘犬 rabid dog
痎疟 malaria
痎癖 ??
squinch the eyes
roll the eyes
roll (the eyes)
眦病 disease of the canthi
眦漏 weeping canthus
眦痒 itchy canthus
eye discharge\HALT \NOUN
sticky\HALT \ADJ
羕泣 ST-01
羕泣 Brimming Tears
stomach duct\HALT \NOUN
stomach duct\HALT \NOUN
脘部堵闷 blockage and oppression in the stomach duct
脘闷少食 oppression in the stomach duct and reduced food intake
脘闷纳呆 oppression in teh stomach duct and torpid intake
脘痞作胀 glomus and distention in the stomach duct
脘腹 stomach duct and abdomen
脘腹冷痛 cold pain in the stomach duct and abdomen
脘腹攻撑作痛 pain in the stomach duct and abdomen coming int attacks
脘腹灼热 scorching heat in the stomach duct and abdomen
脘腹拒按 pain in the stomach duct and abdomen that refuses pressure
脘腹气痛 stomach duct qi4 pain and abdomen
脘腹疼痛 pain in the stomach duct and abdomen
pain and fullness in the stomach duct and abdomen that likes
distention and pain in stomach duct and abdomen that likes
脘腹胀满 distention in stomach duct and abdomen that likes pressure
脘腹饱胀 bloating of the stomach duct and abdomen
脘腹满闷 fullness and oppression in the stomach duct
脘腹满痛 fullness and pain in the stomach duct and abdomen
脘腹坠胀 sagging distention in the stomach duct and abdomen
脘腹暴痛 fulminant pain in the stomach duct and abdomen
脘腹热痛 heat pin the stomach duct
distention and oppression in the stomach duct and diaphragm with
frequent belching
lower leg\HALT \NOUN
lower leg bone\HALT \NOUN
胫疽 lower leg flat-abscess
胫骨 lower leg bone
胫骨 tibia
胫骨 tibia
胫骨前肌 anterior tibial muscle
胫骨前动脉 anterior tibial artery
胫骨前静脉 anterior tibial vein
胫骨后动脉 posterior tibial artery
胫骨后静脉 posterior tibial vein
胫肿 swelling of the shins
胫酸 lower leg ache
胫酸 aching of the lower legs
bladder\HALT \NOUN
脬气不固 insecurity of bladder qi4
脬痹 bladder impediment
莨荡子 henbane seed
莨菪子 henbane seed
莨菪子散 Henbane Seed Powder
莨菪根 henbane root
莨菪叶 henbane leaf
莨蓎子 henbane seed
floating heart
莕菜 floating heart
spinach beet
莙荙子 spinach beet seed
莙荙菜 spinach beet
chopped hay
| plant name
莪朮 curcuma rhizome
+ curcuma rhizome
蚺蛇皮 python's skin
蚺蛇肉 python [flesh]
蚺蛇膏 python's fat
蚺蛇胆 python's gall
ant eggs
蚳母 anemarrhena [root]
loss of voice\HALT \NOUN
deviated\HALT \ADJ, deviation
喎斜 deviation
喎斜 deviated
喎僻 deviated face
喎僻不遂 deviation and paralysis of the face
period of twelve watches
晬时 period of twelve watches
| tree name
| tree name
椋子木 large-leaved cornel wood
焠刺 red-hot needling
焠针 red-hot needling
scorching hot, scorching heat
焮红 scorching redness
猢狲疳 monkey gan1
痧子 sand
痧子 measles
痧毒 sand toxin
痧气 sand qi4
痧气丹 Sand Qi4 Elixir
痧疹初发 initial-stage sand papules
痧筋 sand veins
痧胀 sand distention
痧块 sand lumps
痧秽 sand foulness
痧秽泻泄 sand foulness diarrhea
痧药 Sand Medicine
痤疮 pimples
痤疮 acne
痤疮 acne
痤疿 pock pimples
giant clam
砗磲 giant clam
Makino bamboo
筀笋 Makino bamboo shoot
land soaked in salt water
| plant name
+ chinaroot
+chinaroot leaf
菥蓂 pennycress
菥蓂子 pennycress seed
| old name for 白菜 {bai2 cai4
菘子 pakchoi seed
菘菜 pakchoi
schisandra [berry]
菖蒲 acorus [root]
菖蒲郁金汤 Acorus and Curcuma Decoction
菖蒲香薷饮 Acorus and Mosla*& Beverage
菖蒲叶 acorus leaf
| plant name
| plant name
萆麻子 castor bean
萆薢 fish poison yam
萆薢分清饮 Fish Poison Yam Clear-Turbid Separation Beverage
萆薢化毒汤 Fish Poison Yam Toxin-Transforming Decoction
萆薢渗湿汤 Fish Poison Yam Dampness-Percolating Decoction
spinach beet
菾菜 spinach beet
菾菜 spinach beet
菾菜根 beet
詈骂不避亲疏 chiding and cursing regardless of who is present
bottom of foot
bottom of the foot
distal portion of the inferior aspect of the great toe
跖疣 verruca plantaris
dorsum of the foot
upper surface of the foot
跗骨 tarsal bones
跗阳 BL-59\w
跗阳 Instep Yang2
跗肿 swelling of the instep
酢浆草 creeping wood sorrel
伛偻 stoop
upper esophageal opening
throat\HALT \NOUN
嗌干 dry throat
嗌肿 swollen throat
嗌燥 dry throat
壸卢子 bottle gourd seed
搐搦 convulsion
椿 toona
椿白皮 toona bark
椿皮 toona bark
椿根白皮 toona root bark
椿根皮 toona root bark
椿菜 toona shoots
椿叶 toona leaf
椿樗白皮 ailanthus/toona bark
楂曲平胃散 Crataegus and Medicated Leaven Stomach-Calming Powder
楗骨 bolt bone
Manchurian catalpa
楸木皮 Manchurian catalpa bark
楸叶 Manchurian catalpa leaf
溏泄 sloppy diarrhea
溏泄不爽 sloppy diarrhea with ungratifying defecation
| short for 滁州, <Chu2zhou1>, a place in <An1hui1> Province
滁菊 Chuzhou chrysanthemum [flower]
滁菊花 Chuzhou chrysanthemum [flower]
溲血 bloody urine
溲时茎中痛 pain in the penis on urination
溲疏 scabrous deutzia fruit
溲黄 yellow urine
溲数 frequent urination
溲数 urinary frequency
痼冷 intractable cold
痼疾 intractable disease
impediment\HALT \NOUN
痹阻 impede
痹气 impeded qi4
痹病 impediment disease
痹痛 impediment
痹证 impediment pattern
barnyard grass
稗根苗 barnyard grass
腠理 interstices
腠理不固 insecurity of the interstices
acupuncture point\HALT \NOUN
transport point\HALT \NOUN
腧穴 acupuncture point
腧穴 associated point
腧穴 transport point
腧穴 stream point
腧穴配伍 acupoint combinations
腧穴压痛 tenderness of acupoints
| plant name
葶苈 lepidium/descurainiae
葶苈丸 Lepidium/Descurainiae*& Pill
葶苈大枣泻肺汤 Lepidium/Descurainiae*& and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction
葶苈子 lepidium/descurainiae
water chestnut
葧脐 water chestnut (1)
| plant name
葳苓仙 clematis [root]
葳参 Solomon's seal [root]
葳灵仙 clematis [root]
| plant name
萹竹 knotgrass
萹蓄 knotgrass
Japanese hop
葎草 Japanese hop
葎草果穗 Japanese hop spike
葎草花 Japanese hop flower
葎草根 Japanese hop root
| plant name
荭草 Oriental smartweed
荭草花 Oriental smartweed flower
mantis egg-case
| throat
| see {gang1}
颃颡 nasopharynx
颃颡岩 nasopharyngeal rock
lower leg
骭骨 lower leg bone
骭骨 tibia
wild duck
凫公英 dandelion
凫羽 mallard's tail feather
凫肉 mallard [flesh]
凫芋 water chestnut (1)
凫茨 water chestnut (1)
凫骨 wild duck bones
凫茈 water chestnut (1)
| plant name
榠樝 Chinese quince fruit
ancient wine vessel
榼藤 snuffbox bean stem
榼藤子 snuffbox bean
榧子 torreya [nut]
榧子贯众汤 Torreya and Aspidium Decoction
榧花 torreya flower
榧根皮 torreya root bark
榧实 torreya [nut]
brook\HALT \NOUN
荥穴 brook point\HALT
熏(熏) fume
熏牙子 henbane seed
熏洗 steam-wash
熏洗疗法 fumigation and wash therapy
熏香 fenugreek lysimachia
熏香疗法 incense-fumigation therapy
熏草 fenugreek lysimachia
熏梅 mume [fruit]
熏陆 frankincense
熏蒸 fuming and steaming
熏蒸 steam
熏蒸 swelter
熏蒸 fume and steam
熏蒸疗法 fumigation and steaming therapy
loss of voice\HALT \NOUN
瘖不能言 loss of voice
瘖门 GV-15
瘖门 Loss-of-Voice Gate
瘖病 loss of voice
瘖痱 loss of speech and use of limbs
tugging\HALT \NOUN
tugging\HALT \NOUN
tugging\HALT \NOUN
tugging\HALT \NOUN
tugging\HALT \NOUN
瘈脉 TB-18
瘈脉 Tugging Vessel
瘈瘲 tugging and slackening
perverse crop
瘌痢 perverse crop
conglomeration\HALT \NOUN
瘕疝 conglomeration-mounting
瘕疝 conglomerations and mounting
瘕聚 conglomerations and gatherings
瘊子 wart
皲裂 cracking
皲裂疮 chapping sore
visual distortion
瞀瘛 visual distortion and tugging
睾丸 testicle
睾丸 testis
睾丸 testicle
睾丸 testis
睾丸 testicle (testicle)
睾丸冷痛坠胀 cold pain and sagging distention of the testicles
睾丸固定术 orchiopexy
睾丸炎 orchitis
睾丸偏大 unilateral enlargement of the testicles
睾丸偏坠 unilateral sagging of the testicles
睾丸偏坠 sagging of one testicle
s agging of one testicle with pulling pain
睾丸动脉 testicular artery
睾丸结核 tuberculosis of the testis
睾丸胀痛 distention and pain of the testicles
睾丸胀痛 painful distention of the testicles
睾丸肿痛 painful swollen testicles
睾丸肿胀疼痛 pain, swelling, and distention of the testicles
睾丸坠痛 sagging pain of the testicles
睾丸坠痛 painful sagging of the testicles
睾丸坠痛 painful sagging f the testicles
睾丸坠胀疼痛 sagging distention and pain of the testicles
睾丸静脉 testicular vein
睾肿痛 painful swollen testicles
箍围疗法 encircling
箍围药 wreathing
箍围药 encircling
箍药 wreathing
綟木 lyonia twig and fruit
腽肭脐 seal's genitals
腽肭脐散 Seal Genitals Powder
| plant name
蒟子 betel pepper
蒟青 betel pepper
蒟叶 betel leaf
蒟酱 betel pepper
蒟酱叶 betel leaf
蒟蒻 devil's tongue [tuber]
| plant name
蒺藜 tribulus [fruit]
蒺藜子 tribulus [fruit]
蒺藜花 tribulus flower
蒺藜苗 tribulus shoot
蒺藜根 tribulus root
| plant name
蒴藋 elder
蒴藋赤子 elderberry
alpine yarrow
蓍实 alpine yarrow fruit
蓐风 childbed wind
蓐劳 childbirth taxation
蓐疮 bedsore
莳萝子 dill seed
莳萝苗 dill
| plant name
蒩菜 houttuynia
| plant name
蓖麻 castor plant
蓖麻子 castor bean
蓖麻子肉 castor bean
蓖麻仁 castor bean
蓖麻油 castor oil
蓖麻根 castor plant root
蓖麻叶 castor plant leaf
dung beetle
蜣螂 dung beetle
蜣螂虫 dung beetle
| insect name
蜚虻 tabanus
豨苓 polyporus
豨桐丸 Siegesbeckia and Clerodendron Pill
豨莶 siegesbeckia
豨莶丸 Siegesbeckia Pill
豨莶果 siegesbeckia fruit
豨莶根 siegesbeckia root
豨莶草 siegesbeckia
proximal portion of the inferior aspect of the great toe
恶心 nausea
憋尿 withhold urine
憋气 hold one's breath
憋气 suffocation
憋闷 stifling oppression
樗白皮 ailanthus (root) bark
樗根白皮 ailanthus root bark
樗根皮 ailanthus root bark
樗叶 ailanthus leaf
樗叶花椒皮 ailanthus zanthoxylum bark
| tree name
| plant name
樝子 Cathay quince
| tree name
槲皮 jagged-leaved oak bark
槲寄生 red-berried mistletoe
槲叶 jagged-leaved oak leaf
槲实仁 jagged-leaved oak seed
熛疽 flare-tip abscess
fine jade
| an astronomical instrument
璇玑 CV-21\w
璇玑 Jade Swivel
recover (from illness)\HALT \VERB; recovery \NOUN
瘙疳 itchy gan1
瘙痒 itching
polyp\HALT \NOUN
瘜肉 polyp
瘜肉痔 anal polyp
箬蒂 indocalamus leaf base
箬叶 indocalamus leaf
purulent ear
聤耳 purulent ear
back of the knee\HALT \NOUN
腘动脉 popliteal artery
腘静脉 popliteal vein
thin lotus root
| plant name
| plant name
蔻仁 nutmeg
| plant name
蔊菜 rorippa
water shield
water shield
莼菜 water shield
| plant name
蓼子草 slender bearded smartweed
蓼实 water pepper fruit
| plant name
荜拨 long pepper (1)
荜拨梨 long pepper (1)
荜澄茄 cubeb
荜茇 long pepper (1)
荜茇根 long pepper root
荜茇粥 Long Pepper Gruel
| plant name
蒌油 betel leaf oil
蒌根 trichosanthes root
蒌粉 trichosanthes root
蒌叶 betel leaf
蒌蒿 common mugwort
| plant name
苁蓉 cistanche
苁蓉羊肉粥 Cistanche and Goat's Meat Gruel
swimming crab
蝤蛑 swimming crab
蝎子七 serpent grass [root]
蝎子螫伤 scorpion sting
蝎梢 scorpion tail\D
蝎梢 Buthi Caudex
蝎梢 scorpion tail
Pallas pit viper
蝮蛇 Pallas pit viper
蝮蛇皮 Pallas pit viper's skin
蝮蛇脂 Pallas pit viper's fat
蝮蛇骨 Pallas pit viper's bone
蝮蛇蜕皮 Pallas pit viper's slough
蝮蛇胆 Pallas pit viper's gall
bridge of the nose
+ Chin Bone-Hole
triangular bream
鲂鱼 triangular bream
鸨肉 bustard flesh
vomit\HALT \VERB
hiccup\HALT \NOUN, \VERB
dry retching\HALT \NOUN
| tree name
橉木 Japanese eurya
橉寄生 pseudixus
橛肋 peg ribs
橛骨 peg bone
橛骨 GV-01
橛骨 Peg Bone
| same as {se4}
afflux\HALT \NOUN
澼痢 afflux dysentery
澼囊 afflux pouch
濈然汗出 streaming sweat
| River <Lu4>, 潞水, now called 浊漳河, River <Zhuo2zhang1>
潞党 Lu'an codonospsis [root]
潞党参 Lu'an codonospsis [root]
blaze\HALT \VERB, ablaze \ADJ
燔针 red-hot needling
瘭疽 tip-abscess
瘭疽 biao1 ju1
consumption\HALT \NOUN
scrofula (small)\HALT
+ scrofula
| name of a mineral
tree name
穇子 ragi [seed]
膹郁 huffing and depression
膹菀 huffing and depression
| same as {jiao1}
oil rape
芸苔 oil rape
芸苔子 oil rape seed
| plant name
荛花 gray wikstroemia [flower]
蕤仁 prinsepia [seed]
荨麻 nettle
荨麻 nettle
荨麻根 nettle root
荨麻根 nettle root
荨麻疹 urticaria
荨麻疹 urticaria
荞麦 buckwheat
荞麦七 pteroxygon [tuber]
荞麦三七 wild buckwheat root
荞麦面 buckwheat flour
荞麦秸 buckwheat stalk and leaf
single-flowered bluebeard
| plant name
蛳螺 bellamya
hog-nosed badger
貒肉 hog-nosed badger's flesh
貒骨 hog-nosed badger's bone
貒膏 hog-nosed badger's fat
赪桐叶 Japanese glory-bower leaf
醍醐 butter oil
hip bone
骻骨 hip bone
骻骨 ST-34
骻骨 Hip Bone
鸲鹆 myna
鸱肉 owl
鸱骨 owl's bone
鸱头 owl's head
鸱鸺 owl
sniveling\HALT \NOUN
鼽水 watery sniveling
鼽鼻 sniveling nose
鼽衄 sniveling and nosebleed
blow (the nose)
擤鼻涕 blow the nose
柽乳 tamarisk resin
柽柳 tamarisk [twig and leaf]
柽柳花 tamarisk flower
殭蛹 silkworm preparation
殭蚕 silkworm
dribbling block\HALT \NOUN
癃闭 dribbling urinary block
癃闭而失禁 dribbling urinary block with overflow incontinence
癃闭而尿失禁 dribbling urinary block with overflow incontinence
| see {dan4}
pure heat\HALT \NOUN
瘅疟 pure-heat malaria
epilepsy\HALT \NOUN
痫气 epileptic qi4
痫病 epilepsy
痫病夜发 nocturnal epilepsy
痫证 epilepsy pattern
giant clam 砗磲
罅陷 depression
having a goatlike smell
膻中 chest center
膻中 CV-17\w
膻中 Chest Center
膻中疽 flat-abcess of the chest center
drum distention\HALT \NOUN
臌胀 drum distention
animal odor\HALT \NOUN
urine odor
臊味 animal odor
臊味 urine odor
臊臭 animal odor
臊臭 urine odor
lotus plumule
lotus embryo
薏米 coix [seed]
薏米仁 coix [seed]
薏珠子 coix [seed]
薏苡仁 coix [seed]
薏苡仁汤 Coix Decoction
薏苡竹叶散 Coix and Lophatherum*& Powder
薏苡附子败酱散 Coix, Aconite, and Patrinia*& Powder
薏苡附子败酱散 Coix, Aconite, and Patrinia*& Powder
薏苡根 coix root
薏苡叶 coix leaf
Chinese chive
薤白 Chinese chive [bulb]
薤白头 Chinese chive [bulb]
薤根 Chinese chive [bulb]
薤叶 Chinese chive leaf
| plant name
蕺菜 houttuynia
| plant name
蕗荞葱 shallot
| pull up (weeds)
薅田藨 Japanese raspberry
薅田藨根 Japanese raspberry root
薅秧泡 Japanese raspberry
water spinach
蕹菜 water spinach
蕹菜芽 water spinach sprout
蕹菜根 water spinach root
ground beetle
蟅虫 ground beetle
mantis egg-case
螵蛸 mantis egg-case
鍉针 arrowhead needle
perverse crop
鮠鱼 channel catfish
giant soft-shelled turtle
鼋甲 giant soft-shelled turtle shell
鼋肉 giant soft-shelled turtle's flesh
鼋膏 giant soft-shelled turtle's fat
鼋胆 giant soft-shelled turtle's gallbladder
grind the teeth
啮舌 tongue biting
啮处 site of the bite
啮齿 grinding of the teeth
啮齿 bruxism
wood ear
wood ear
潴留 accumulate
疖病 boil disease
疖肿 swollen boil
small swelling
| plant name
簝叶竹根 sasa
upper arm
臑上 Above Upper Arm
臑交 TB-13
臑交 Upper Arm Intersection
臑俞 SI-10\w
臑俞 TB-13
臑俞 Upper Arm Transport
臑俞 Upper Arm Transport
臑骨 upper arm bone
臑骨 humerus
臑会 TB-13
臑会 Upper Arm Convergence
+ TB-13
+ Upper Arm Bone-Hole
荩草 arthraxion
| insect/worm/reptile name
brackish-water crab
蟛蜞 brackish-water crab
蟛蜞菊 wedelia
sole of foot
跖骨 metatarsal bones
well pulley, winch
辘轳转关 spinning pulley
upper thigh
thigh bone
髀骨 thigh bone
髀骨 femur
髀阳 yang2 of the thigh
髀厌 hip joint
髀枢 thigh pivot
髀枢 acetabular region
髀枢 GB-30
髀枢 Thigh Pivot
髀压 GB-30
髀压 Buttock Press
髀关 thigh joint
髀关 ST-31\w
髀关 Thigh Joint
鲩鱼 grass carp
鲩鱼胆 grass carp's gallbladder
get stuck in the throat
fish bone
鹈鶦毛皮 pelican's skin and feather
鹈鶦脂油 pelican's fat
鹈鶦嘴 pelican's beak
槠子 chinquapin seed
槠子皮叶 chinquapin bark and leaf
heat treatment
礜石 arsenopyrite
礞石 chlorite/mica [schist]
礞石滚痰丸 Chlorite/Mica Phlegm-Rolling Pill
| plant name
| plant name
藜茎 pigweed stem
藜芦 veratrum [root]
razor clam
蛏肉 razor clam [flesh]
蛏壳 razor clam shell
spring\HALT \VERB; springing \NOUN
蹻脉 springing vessel
颡大 ST-08
颡大 Forehead Large
髂外静脉 external iliac vein
髂后上棘 Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
髂骨 ilium
髂腰肌 iliopsoas muscle
髂总动脉 common iliac artery
髂总静脉 common iliac vein
髂髌中 Between Ilium and Patella
perverse crop
鬎疬 perverse crop
鬎疬头 perverse cropped head
鲮鱼 mud carp
鲮鲤 pangolin flesh
鲮鲤甲 pangolin scales
鲮鲤角 pangolin scales
鲻鱼 striped mullet
dried fish
gingiva\HALT\NOUN; gingival\ADJ
grind (the teeth)
齘齿 grinding of the teeth
齘齿 bruxism
water flow
瀼泄 waterflow diarrhea
猕猴肉 macaque flesh
猕猴桃 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]
猕猴桃枝叶 Chinese gooseberry twig and leaf
猕猴桃根 Chinese gooseberry root
猕猴桃藤中汁 Chinese gooseberry stem sap
猕猴骨 macaque bone
猕猴梨 bower actinidia root and leaf
+ naked barley
+麦蘗 naked barley tiller
稆豆 wild soybean
稆豆衣 bean seed-coat
藿朴夏苓丹 Agastache*&, Officinal Magnolia Bark*&, Pinellia, and Poria Elixir
藿朴夏苓汤 Agastache*&, Pinellia, and Poria Decoction
藿香 agastache
藿香半夏散 Agastache*& and Pinellia Powder
藿香平胃散 Agastache Stomach-Clearing Powder [NIS]
藿香正气片 Agastache*& Qi4-Righting Tablet
藿香正气散 Agastache*& Qi4-Righting Powder
藿香根 agastache root
藿香梗 agastache stem
藿香叶 agastache leaf
藿香露 agastache distillate
藿胆丸 Agastache*& and Pig's Bile Pill
蕲艾 crossostephium leaf
蕲蛇 agkistrodon
蕲蛇肉 agkistrodon flesh
June beetle
蛴螬 June beetle grub
镫骨 stapes
镫骨切除术 stapedectomy
Japanese anchovy
Japanese anchovy
鳀鱼 Chinese catfish
鳆鱼 abalone
鳆鱼甲 abalone shell
鹗骨 osprey's bone
鹜泄 duck-stool diarrhea
鹜溏 duck's slop
yellowish black
黧黑 soot black
黧黑斑 soot black macules
榉树皮 zelkova bark
榉树叶 zelkova leaf
獾肉 badger flesh
獾油 badger's fat
silk knite goods with decorative patterns
缬草 valerian root
Japanese ginger
蘘草 Japanese ginger leaf
蘘荷 Japanese ginger
蘘荷子 Japanese ginger fruit
Thurnberg gapevine
蘡薁 Thunberg grapevine [stem and leaf]
蘡薁根 Thunberg grapevine root
Reeve's shad
鲥鱼 Reeves's shad [flesh]
鲥鱼鳞 Reeves's shad scales
button quail
button quail
| bird name
鹘眼凝睛 dove-like fixed eye
crushed pickles
赍汁 juice of crushed pickles
攒竹 BL-02\w
攒竹 Bamboo Gathering
goiter\HALT \NOUN
瘿气 goiter
瘿瘤 goiters and tumors of the neck
瘿瘤 goiter
| same as {nie4}
糱米 millet sprout
oceanic bonito
oceanic bonito
| bird name
鷩雉 golden pheasant [flesh]
栾华 goldenrain tree flower
栾樨 marsh fleabane [stem and leaf]
welling-abscess\HALT \NOUN
痈疽 welling- and flat-abscesses
痈疽消毒丸 Welling- and Flat-Abscess Toxin-Dispersing Elixir [NIS]
痈疽肿毒 swelling and toxin of welling-abscess and flat-abscess
痈疽溃烂 ruptured welling- and flat-abscesses
痈疽疔肿 swollen welling-abscesses, flat-abscesses, and clove sores
痈疽疔肿 swelling of welling-abscesses, flat-abscesses, and clove sores
痈肿 swollen welling-abscess
痈肿 welling-abscess swelling
痈肿毒疮 welling-abscess swellings and toxin [sores]
痈肿疮毒 swelling and toxin of welling-abscess and sores
痈肿疮疡 welling-abscess swellings and sores
痈肿疔疮 swollen welling-abscess and clove sores
痈疮疥癣 welling-abscesses, sores, scab, and lichen
痈疮溃烂 ulcerating welling-abscess and sores
痈脓 welling-abscess with pus
| plant name
蘹香 fennel [fruit]
| plant name
蘼芜 chuanxiong leaf
蠲饮 eliminate rheum
蠲痹汤 Impediment-Alleviating Decoction
蠲痹四物汤 Impediment-Alleviating Four Agents Decoction
| see 辘轳 {lu4 lu}
鲟鱼 sturgeon
鹬肉 sandpiper [flesh]
鼷穴 ST-01
鼷穴 Mouse Hole
| same as {nie4}
囓舌 tongue biting
loggerhead turtle
蠵龟血 loggerhead turtle's blood
蠵龟筒 loggerhead turtle's skin
髌骨 GB-30
髌骨 Kneecap
髌骨 patella
huso sturgeon
鳣鱼 huso sturgeon
鳣鱼肝 huso sturgeon's liver
| fish name
鳢鱼 snakehead mullet
鳢鱼血 snakehead mullet's blood
鳢鱼汤 Snakehead Mullet Soup
鳢鱼肠 snakehead mullet's intestines
鳢鱼胆 snakehead mullet's gallbladder
鳢肠草 eclipta
| fish name
nasal congestion
镵针 chisel needle
Reeve's pheasant
鸐雉 Reeves's pheasant [flesh]
鼍甲 alligator scales
鼍肉 alligator flesh
drinker's nose
+ halfbeak


发布于 2023-04-12 17:25:18