appearance 为 appear的名词形式,二者在法律英语中分别被译为名词和动词“出庭”或“上诉”。
指被告人同意接受法院管辖:以出庭、提交书面答辩等方式使自己参加诉讼,成为一方当事人。在英国高等法院的民事诉讼中申明应诉[entering an appearance] 是被告人在被送达传票后进行的一种正式程序,目的在于告知原告他将对原告的请求予以争辩。申明应诉应于限期内以书状呈交法院,并附具通知书由法院转告被告。现已被接受送达[acknowledgement of service] 的做法所取代.
例 The defendant's first opportunity to ask the court to appoint a lawyer is usually at his or her first court appearance, often called the arraignment.
【参考译文】被告人通常在其第一次出庭时有机会请求 法院为其指派一名律师,第一次岀庭常称为“传讯”。
例 In a divorce case in which the parties to the action have been represented by their agents ad litem, the parties themselves shall still appear in court in person, unless they are incapable of expressing their own will.
【参考译文】 离婚案件有诉讼代理人的,本人除不能表达 意志的以外,仍应出庭。(《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第62 条)
例 4 Grand jury that desires to request or to permit an accused to appear before it should consult with the government attorney.
【参考译文】 如果大陪审团希望请求或准许被告人前来应诉的话,应先与检察官进行协商。
笔者在此想要讲的是,尽管appeal与appearance都有“上诉”的含义,但二者在短语搭配上有着极大的区别。如:appeal bond 与 appearance bond。
appeal bond 上诉保函
appearance bond 保释担保书
指刑法领域,由保释担保人或被保释人签署,保证被保释人出庭受审,否则将承受经济上以及其他方面惩罚的文书,也称为bail bond。