Day 15 argument在法律英语中的含义及用法

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argument n.




④小前提(minor premise)

argument 在法律英语中含义丰富,除了我们常见的“争论,辩论”外,它还可以表示较为正式的opinion,译为“主张,理由”;此外,真伪推论过程中的“论证”一词,也常用argument表达;更为专业的是,它还可以表示三段论(syllogism)中的“小前提”(minor premise),详见例句:

例 Others have countered this argument by pointing out that since patenting based on the use of genetic resources is allowed under TRIPS, (subject to meeting patentability criteria), this does not support the objectives of the CBD because the criteria for patentability do not include prior informed consent or mutually agreed terms for benefit sharing.

【参考译文】另外一些人对这种观点表示反对,他们指出,因为根据《与贸易 有关的知识产权协议》允许以遗传资源的使用为基础获取专利权(需要符合专利获取标 准),而专利获取的标准并不包括事先的知情同意或共同同意的利益分享条款,所以这样 做并不支持《生物多样性公约》。

例 Local mission COE inspection teams have declined to accept the available quantity of HF radio sets in these units for reimbursement against selfsustainment for HF capability using the argument that these contingents need to have a sufficient quantity of HF radio sets with a ratio of 1:10 (1 HF radio per 10 troops), the ratio used in an infantry unit.

【参考译文】当地特派团特遣队所属装备检查组不接受这些单位中高频无线电台的现有数量 作为高频能力自我维持补偿的依据,理由是这些特遣队需要有足够数量的高频无 线电台,即应达到步兵部队使用的 1:10 比例(每 10 名士兵有 1 部高频无线电台)。

例 Additionally, a legal oral argument is quite different from the average debate with your housemate over who gets to choose what channel to watch.



argument、dispute 和 controversy 看似都有“争论”的含义,其实差别还是挺大的。




例 It is beyond argument that Japanese militarists had committed grave crimes against Chinese people.

【参考译文】日本军国主义对中国人民犯下的滔天罪行 是不容争辩的。

例 The two countries are in dispute over the boundaries of their coastal waters.


例The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.






发布于 2020-06-15 20:08:40