"Executory contract" 是一个法律术语,描述了一个合同在其主要条款和义务还没有完全履行的状态。
具体来说,当一个合同被称为 "executory" 时,这意味着合同的双方或至少一方仍有尚未履行的义务。换句话说,尚有一些承诺或行动尚未完成。
例如,如果A与B签署了一个购买和销售商品的合同,其中A agrees to deliver goods in a month, and B agrees to pay upon delivery,则在A交付商品并且B完成支付之前,这个合同是"executory"。
在中文中,"executory contract" 可以翻译为 "待执行合同" 或 "尚未履行的合同"。常见的executory contract有租赁协议、供货合同等。如:
An insurance contract is an executory contract in that the promises described in the insurance contract are to be executed in the future , and only after certain events ( losses ) occur.
Contracts are also classified according to their state of performance. A contract that has been fully performed on both sides is called an executed contract. A contract that has not been fully performed on either side is called an executory contract.