折旧额 = 余额 × 递减率
例如,如果一个固定资产的预计使用年限是5年,则递减率为 2/5=40。在第一年,折旧额为原始成本的40%。在第二年,折旧额为(原始成本 - 第一年的折旧)的40%,以此类推。
双倍余额递减法的英文表达是 "Double Declining Balance Method" 或简称 "DDB Method"。
The double-declining balance depreciation (DDB) method, also known as the reducing balance method, is one of two common methods a business uses to account for the expense of a long-lived asset. The double-declining balance depreciation method is an accelerated depreciation method that counts as an expense more rapidly (when compared to straight-line depreciation that uses the same amount of depreciation each year over an asset's useful life). Similarly, compared to the standard declining balance method, the double-declining method depreciates assets twice as quickly.
(参考译文:双倍余额递减法 (DDB),也被称为递减余额法,是企业用来核算长期资产费用的两种常见方法之一。双倍余额递减折旧法是一种加速折旧方法,与直线法(每年按资产预计使用年限均匀计提折旧)相比,它更快地计入费用。同样地,与标准的递减余额法相比,双倍递减法的折旧速度快了两倍。)