败诉方很简单,直接用“the losing party”即可,指诉讼双方当事人中,诉讼请求、主张或辩解被人民法院通过判决予以否定的一方。
而胜诉方则很少用“the winning party”来表示,而多用The prevailing party 胜诉方/胜诉当事人来表示,指在诉讼中全部或部分获胜的当事人。当事人胜诉,并非指其在诉讼各个阶段取得成功的程度,而是指在诉讼或其他程序终结时,其向对方提出的请求或答辩得到法庭的支持。依美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》(Federal Rules of Civil Procedure)的规定,胜诉当事人因诉讼支出的费用可获得补偿。
Whatever the decision of the High Court, the losing party would have a right of appeal to the Court of Appeal, and then there could be an appeal to the CFA.
These might include, for example, fee differentials that favour poor or non-profit inventors, pro bono systems, arrangements for recovery of legal fees by prevailing parties in litigation, or inclusion of appropriate IP implementation costs in technical assistance programmes.
发达国家应采取步骤,帮助发展中国家的发明人有效利用发达国家的知识产权制度,包括 有利于贫穷或非赢利性发明人的差别费率、免收使用费制度、案件胜诉方收回律师费的政策安排,及将适当知识产权实施费用计入技术协助计划等措施。
关于Prevail 的几层意思:
①奏效;生效;成功 ②盛行;通行; ③获胜;处于优势;占上风
【prevailing rate of wages】通行工资;现行工资。指同一行业的一般或平均工资水平
If there is any conflict between the clauses of any Schedule and these Terms, the provisions in the Schedule shall prevail.