原始证据(Original evidence)是指司法人员直接从原始出处获取的未经复制和转述的证据。司法人员直接从刑事被害人或民事诉讼当事人处获取的陈述,从目睹证人处得到的有关案情的证言,刑事被告人的供述,物证的原件,书证的原本等均为原始证据。原始证据未经过复制、转述,具有较强的证明力,但仍需审査核实,外国证据法一般均重视采用原始证据。英国证据法中原始证据属于最佳证据,除法定的例外情况,原则上排除传闻证据的采用。中国证据理论和司法实践中,一般认为,应当尽可能采用原始证据,但无法采用原始证据时,也不能排斥传来证据。
为了更好的理解该词,以下是其英文释义:Evidence of a statement made by a person other than the testifying witness, which is offered to prove that the statement was actually made rather than to prove its truth. Thus, if in an action for slander a witness testifies that he heard the defendant defame the claimant, his testimony is original evidence. The use of the term distinguishes such evidence from hearsay evidence.
与直接证据相对照的是传来证据(hearsay evidence),凡是不直接来源于案件事实,而是间接的非第一来源获得的证据材料,称为传来证据。运用传来证据时,除遵守一般的证明规律以外,还应该遵守以下相应的特殊规则:(1)来源不明的材料不能作为证据使用;(2)只有在原始证据不能取得或者确有困难时,才能用传来证据代替;(3)应采用距离原始证据最近的传来证据,即转述、复制次数最少的原始证据;(4)如果案件只有传来证据,没有任何原始证据,不得认定有罪。根据《证据规定》,原始证据的证明力一般大于传来证据。
(1)Create detailed reports and output them into native format, HTML, PDF, XML, RTF, and more - with links back to the original evidence.
创建详细的报告和他们到本机格式的输出,HTML格式,PDF格式的XML, RTF等更多的修改后回到原始证据。
(2)Furthermore, the legislation fails to distinguish between original evidence generated by computers and hearsay evidence stored by computers.
(3)The original evidence includes the testimony provided by the witness based on the facts he saw and heard, the victim’s statement about his own victimization, the criminal suspect and the defendant’s testimony about his crime, the original documents, the original physical evidence, etc.
(4)The rule against hearsay renders hearsay evidence inadmissible in criminal proceedings, unless it falls within one of the exceptions to the rule, including confession of an accused and statements of persons now deceased.