ST Shares
ST全称Special Treatment。ST Shares特殊处理的股票。股票前面被冠以ST,即表示“特别处理”的股票。如果哪知股票的名字前加上ST,就是给市场一个警示,该股票存在投资风险,起一个警告作用。
According to the announcement of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges on 22nd April 1998, they would give special treatment (ST) to the stocks of listed companies with abnormal financial conditions.
- ST Shares – the net profit of listed companies were negative in two consecutive fiscal years, that share is under special treatment.
- *ST Shares – the net profit of listed companies were negative in three consecutive fiscal years, that share is under delisting risk warning.
XD Shares
XD is the initial of ex-dividend, on the XD date, the price of shares will reduce to reflect the adjustment on the dividend paid.
XD是ex-dividend除息的简称,XD Shares指除息日股票。在除息日,股票的价格会相应减少,以体现针对派发的股息进行的调整。
XR Shares
XR is the initial of ex-rights, on the XR date, the shares price usually drops due to increase in no. of shares.