Computing power: Computing power refers to the capability of a computer system or device to perform computational tasks within a specific timeframe. It is a measure of the speed and efficiency with which a computer system can process and execute computations. Computing power encompasses factors such as processing speed, memory capacity, and overall system performance.
Computing power(计算能力):这是一个广义的术语,指的是计算机系统或设备的整体计算能力。它可以涵盖计算速度、处理器性能、存储容量等多个方面。计算能力通常是一个综合指标,用于描述整个计算系统的总体性能。
Computational power: Computational power is synonymous with computing power. It refers to the ability of a computer system or device to perform complex computational tasks efficiently. It encompasses factors such as processing speed, parallel computing capabilities, and computational accuracy.
Computational power(计算力):这个术语与"computing power"非常相似,两者通常可以互换使用。它强调计算机系统在执行复杂计算任务时的能力和效率,包括处理速度、并行计算能力、计算精度等方面。
Hash rate: Hash rate is a term commonly used in cryptography and specifically in the context of cryptocurrency mining, such as Bitcoin. It refers to the speed at which a mining device or network completes hash operations. Hash rate measures the computational power of the mining equipment or network and indicates how quickly it can solve hash functions or cryptographic puzzles. A higher hash rate signifies greater computational power, enabling faster mining and potentially higher chances of mining rewards.
Hash rate(哈希率):哈希率是指密码学中的一个概念,它用于衡量密码哈希函数执行的速度。在加密货币领域,特别是比特币和其他加密货币挖矿中,哈希率指的是挖矿设备完成密码哈希运算的速度。挖矿设备的哈希率越高,其计算能力越强,从而能够更快地解决哈希难题,获取加密货币奖励。
虽然这些术语在某些情况下可以互换使用,但在特定的上下文中,它们可能有略微不同的侧重点。总体而言,"computing power"和"computational power"是更一般和综合性的术语,而"hash rate"则更具体地涉及到加密货币挖矿中的计算能力。
拓展:对于算力中心的英文表达,常用的术语是 "Computing center" 或 "Data center"。算力中心描述了一个设备和系统集群,用于托管和管理大规模的计算和数据处理任务。它们是处理和存储大量数据以及执行计算任务的物理设施和基础架构。