薪酬委员会英美国家用Remuneration Committee还是Compensation Committee,哪一个是英美国家公司使用比较多的?

薪酬委员会英美国家用Remuneration Committee还是Compensation Committee,哪一个是英美国家公司使用比较多的?


在英美国家,"Remuneration Committee"和"Compensation Committee"这两个术语都被使用,但在具体情况下使用哪个术语可能有所不同。


A remuneration committee is a committee of a company’s board of directors that is responsible for setting the salaries and other forms of compensation for the company‘s executives, including the CEO and the senior leadership team.


Remuneration Committee(薪酬委员会):这个术语在英国较为常见。薪酬委员会负责制定和监督公司高级管理层(包括董事和高级管理人员)的薪酬政策和方案。其主要职责包括审查和决定高级管理人员的薪酬水平、奖金、股权激励计划、退休福利等。薪酬委员会还负责确保公司的薪酬政策与业绩目标相一致,并符合公司治理原则。


Compensation Committee refers to a board of independent directors who set the level of compensation and decide the payment rate for managers at the senior level. The committee also helps in the choosing of other compensation like profit sharing, bonuses, and stocks.


Compensation Committee(薪酬委员会):这个术语在美国较为常见。薪酬委员会在美国公司中扮演类似的角色,负责制定和监督高级管理层的薪酬政策和计划。它关注的范围包括董事、高级管理人员和其他关键员工的薪酬、奖金、股权激励和福利计划。薪酬委员会的目标是确保公司能够吸引、激励和留住高素质的人才,同时保持薪酬体系的公正性和可持续性。


总结来说,尽管在英美国家两个术语都被使用,但在英国更常见使用"Remuneration Committee",而在美国更常见使用"Compensation Committee"。这些委员会的职责主要涉及制定和监督公司高级管理层的薪酬政策和计划,以确保薪酬与绩效目标一致,并促进公司的长期成功和可持续发展。



Unless otherwise agreed by all the Remuneration Committee members (either orally or in writing), a meeting shall be called by at least seven days’ notice. Such notice shall be sent to each member of the Remuneration Committee, and to any other person invited to attend. Irrespective of the length of notice being given, attendance of a Remuneration Committee member at a meeting constitutes a waiver of such notice unless the Remuneration Committee member attending the meeting attends for the express purpose of objecting, at the beginning of the meeting, to the transaction of any business on the grounds that the meeting has not been properly convened.



The members of the Compensation Committee shall be appointed by the Board from time to time from among the Directors and shall consist of not less than three members, a majority of whom shall be independent non-executive Directors. The quorum of a Compensation Committee meeting shall be any two members of the Compensation Committee one of whom must be independent non-executive Director.

