


1 个回答

Commonwealth除了表示熟知的“英联邦国家”(the Commonwealth of Nations)外,在美国,也指代肯塔基州、马萨诸塞州、宾夕法尼亚州和弗吉尼亚州。查阅相关资料发现,Mass.gov介绍马萨诸塞州的历史时有提及“Commonwealth”的由来,如下所示:

“From 1776 to 1780 the words ‘State of Massachusetts Bay’ appeared on the top of all acts and resolves. In 1780, the Massachusetts Constitution went into effect. Part Two of the Constitution, under the heading ‘Frame of Government’ states: ‘that the people ... form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent body politic, or state by the name of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.’ Virginia (on June 29, 1776) and Pennsylvania (on September 25, 1776) adopted Constitutions which called their respective states commonwealths. Kentucky is also called a commonwealth in its full official state name (and in the Third Kentucky Constitution of 1850). Commonwealths are states, but the reverse is not true. The term ‘Commonwealth’ does not describe or provide for any specific political status or legal relationship when used by a state. Those that do use it are equal to those that do not. Legally, Massachusetts is a commonwealth because the term is contained in the Constitution.”





That in criminal prosecutions, the victim shall be accorded fairness, dignity and respect by the officers, employees and agents of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions and officers of the courts and, as the General Assembly may define and provide by law, may be accorded rights to reasonable and appropriate notice, information, restitution, protection, and access to a meaningful role in the criminal justice process. These rights may include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. The right to protection from further harm or reprisal through the imposition of appropriate bail and conditions of release;

2. The right to be treated with respect, dignity and fairness at all stages of the criminal justice system;

3. The right to address the circuit court at the time sentence is imposed;

4. The right to receive timely notification of judicial proceedings;

5. The right to restitution;

6. The right to be advised of release from custody or escape of the offender, whether before or after disposition; and

7. The right to confer with the prosecution.




1. 通过实施适当的保释和施加释放条件而获得免遭进一步伤害或报复的权利;

2. 在刑事司法系统的各个阶段受到尊重、尊严和公平对待的权利;

3. 宣判时向巡回法院陈述的权利;

4. 及时收到司法诉讼通知的权利;

5. 恢复原状的权利;

6. 无论是在处置之前还是之后,获知罪犯被释放或逃跑的权利;和

7. 与检方协商的权利。







