尽管profits通常译为“利润”,如net profit表示“净利润”,但此处译为“利润”确实不太合适。
mesne profits指两个既定期间的收益,如,侵占他人土地期间的收益,一般可以租金和收益计算,一般译为“中间收益”或“代租金”。在物业租赁中,业主可向擅自占用物业的人收取的补偿费用,通常是租客在租期过后仍占用物业,业主便可向该租客收取相等于市值租金的“mesne profits”。
All the District Lands Offices (DLOs) have been given clear instructions to tackle the related issues, such as time limit on writing off unrecoverable rent, approval authorities to make counter offer of settlement proposal of the tenant in the course of court proceedings, procedures for refunding deposits, and calculation of mesne profit.
If recovery of rent or mesne profit is included in the writ of possession, bailiffs are empowered to seize goods and chattels, up to the amount claimed plus the estimated cost of execution, including possession guard fees and expenses of auctioneers.
如收楼令载有收回租金或中间收益的条文,执达主任有权检取杂物用 品,价值最多为所追讨的数额,另加执行收楼令的预算费用,其中包括看守收楼现场人员的费用及拍卖开支。