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对于“人才”的翻译,不同的语境和应用场合会有所不同。这个词在中文中既可以指具备特定技能或才能的个人,也可以广泛指代在某一领域表现出众的群体。在英文中,这种概念通常译为“talent”,但也有可能使用“skilled person”、“talented personnel”“expert”、“professional”等不同表达。在一些特定情况下,“人才”还可以译为“human resources”。





We will encourage people-centered cultural creation and production of more outstanding works that inspire the people, and we will nurture a great number of writers and artists of both moral and artistic stature as well as a large contingent of talented personnel in culture and the arts.


未来总是属于年青人的。拥有一大批创新型青年人才,是国家创新活力之所在,也是科技发展希望之所在。“我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才。”广大院士不仅要做科技创新的开拓者,更要做提携后学的领路人。 摘自习近平:《在习近平在中国科学院第十七次院士大会、中国工程院第十二次院士大会上的讲话》,2014年6月9日.

The future belongs to the young. Innovative young people are the source of our creativity and the best hope for our scientific and technological development. “I beg Old Man Heaven to bestir himself, and send down talented people of more kinds than one.” Academicians should not only be pioneers in scientific and technological innovation, but also guides for young people. (Source:Xi Jinping: The Governance of China). Speech Index: Xi Jinping, Speech at the 17th General Assembly of the Members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 12th General Assembly of the Members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, June 9, 2014.


预计到2015年,中国人才资源总量将达到1.56 亿人,主要劳动年龄人口受过高等教育的比例将达到15%,人才资源对经济增长的贡献率将达到32%,可以为中国经济持续发展提供充足的优质劳动力。

It is estimated that by 2015 the number of skilled personnel will reach 156 million in China, 15% of the workforce will have received higher education, and the rate of contribution to economic growth by skilled people will reach 32%. This will ensure ample supply of quality labor force to sustain China’s economic development.




“We will make every effort to identify talented individuals, respect, value and utilize their skills and create a stimulating environment for their development. We will spot, nurture and retain capable people throughout the whole process of innovation. We will attract talent from around the world and enable them to display their full potential.” (Speech by Xi Jinping at the joint session of the National Conference on Scientific and Technological Innovation, the 18th Meeting of the Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 13th Meeting of Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the 9th National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology on May 30, 2016.)



China will step up efforts in cultivation of highly skilled talent to boost the country's core competitiveness and optimize employment, according to a guideline released by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council.



Cultivating a large workforce of high-quality talent who have both integrity and professional competence is of critical importance to the long-term development of China and the Chinese nation.



We should fully develop and utilize human resources both at home and abroad, and actively attract high-caliber personnel from overseas and turn them to good use.



Education, science and technology, and human resources are the foundational and strategic pillars for building a modern socialist country in all respects.



We must regard science and technology as our primary productive force, talent as our primary resource, and innovation as our primary driver of growth. We will fully implement the strategy for invigorating China through science and education, the workforce development strategy, and the innovation-driven development strategy. We will open up new areas and new arenas in development and steadily foster new growth drivers and new strengths.



We will integrate the urban and rural employment policy systems, remove institutional and policy barriers that impede the flow of labor and talent, and eliminate unjustified restrictions and discrimination that undermine equal employment. In this way, we will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to pursue a career through hard work.



to build a force of competent key officials and outstanding individuals



training of disease-control specialists

发布于 2024-07-08 07:49:20