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1. “制高点”


充分体现了中国从始至终是维护半岛和平最为坚定的积极力量,是半岛和平稳定不可取代的维护者和促进者,掌握了道义制高点与政治外交的主动权,与此同时也避免与美韩直接对抗。--《半岛又处关键节点 驻韩美军问题该落下帷幕》

It demonstrates that China has always been the irreplaceable defender and promoter who has put consistent effort to maintain the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. While having the moral high ground and the political and diplomatic initiative, China avoided direct confrontation with the United States and the ROK.--USFK issue should be solved at critical juncture on Korean Peninsula



We should improve the knowledge-based innovation system, and strengthen basic research, research in frontier technologies, and public benefit-oriented research and development; and we should improve research and our capacity for applying research results to production to ensure that we can obtain the leading strategic position in research and development.


2. 着力点



We responded to the crisis calmly, made timely and decisive adjustments to the focus of macro-control, adopted ten measures to increase domestic demand and promote steady and rapid economic growth, and implemented a comprehensive package plan.



The thrust of China’s response to the crisis is to expand domestic demand and stimulate the real economy, strengthen the basis for long-term development and make growth domestically driven.—Quoted from How China Plans to Reinforce The Global Recovery


3. 增长点


这里要明确,我们国家中介服务业与发达国家相比还有很大差距,发展空间很大,是新的经济增长点。——《简政放权 放管结合 优化服务 深化行政体制改革 切实转变政府职能》

Obviously, China's intermediary services fall far short of those in developed countries, an area that promises great potential as a new growth point. —Quoted from Streamline Administration, Delegate Power, Strengthen Regulation and Improve Service to Deepen Administrative Reform and Transform Government Functions


半个多世纪以来,在中非关系发展的每一个关键时期,我们双方都能登高望远,找到中非合作新的契合点和增长点,推动中非关系实现新的跨越。——《习近平谈治国理政》 ,2014:306

Over the past 50 years, at every crucial juncture of China-Africa relations, both sides were able to approach these relations with vision, identify new converging interests and growth areas for cooperation, and bring bilateral relations to new heights.—Quoted from XI JINPING The Governance of China, 2014:336

发布于 2024-07-08 07:51:15