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Interpretations of the Supreme People's Court on Certain Issues Concerning Application of Enforcement Procedure of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Shi [2008] No.13

Promulgating Date: 11/03/2008

Effective Date: 01/01/2009

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[2008]13号

颁布时间: 11/03/2008

实施时间: 01/01/2009



(Adopted at the 1452nd Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on 8 September 2008)



In order to enforce legally effective documents in an effective and timely manner, maintain the lawful rights and interests of parties concerned, in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Procedure Law") revised in October of 2007, in combination with the real situation of enforcement work of people's courts, the following interpretations are made with regard to certain issues concerning the application of law in the enforcement procedure:


   Article 1   An enforcement applicant that applies for enforcement with the people's court at the place where the property to be enforced is located shall provide materials certifying that there is property available for enforcement under the jurisdiction of that people's court.


     第一条 申请执行人向被执行的财产所在地人民法院申请执行的,应当提供该人民法院辖区有可供执行财产的证明材料。

   Article 2   With regard to an enforcement case over which two or more people's courts have jurisdiction, if a people's court discovers that another people's court with jurisdiction has initiated the case, it shall not initiate the same case.

After a court initiates a case, if it discovers that another people's court with jurisdiction has initiated the same case, it shall cancel the case. If enforcement measures have already been adopted, the property under its control shall be transferred to the court that has initiated the case first for handling.

     第二条 对两个以上人民法院都有管辖权的执行案件,人民法院在立案前发现其他有管辖权的人民法院已经立案的,不得重复立案。


   Article 3   After a people's court accepts an enforcement application, any party concerned that opposes the jurisdiction shall raise such oppositions within ten days from the date of receipt of the enforcement notice.

The people's court shall examine the oppositions raised by parties concerned. If the oppositions are tenable, the enforcement case shall be cancelled, and the parties concerned shall be notified to apply for enforcement with the people's court with jurisdiction. Oppositions that are not tenable shall be rejected by a ruling. The parties concerned that are dissatisfied with the ruling may apply with a people's court at the next higher level for reconsideration.

Enforcement shall not be suspended during the period of examination and reconsideration of oppositions against jurisdiction.

     第三条 人民法院受理执行申请后,当事人对管辖权有异议的,应当自收到执行通知书之日起十日内提出。



   Article 4   With regard to a case for which the people's court has adopted property preservation measures, if the enforcement applicant applies for enforcement with a people's court with jurisdiction other than the court that has adopted the preservation measures, the latter shall deliver the property under preservation to the enforcement court for handling.

     第四条 对人民法院采取财产保全措施的案件,申请执行人向采取保全措施的人民法院以外的其他有管辖权的人民法院申请执行的,采取保全措施的人民法院应当将保全的财产交执行法院处理。

   Article 5   During the process of enforcement, if the parties concerned or any interest parties believe that the enforcement act of the court violates the provisions of the law, they may raise oppositions pursuant to the provisions of Article 202 of the Civil Procedure Law.

When the enforcement court examines and handles oppositions against the enforcement, it shall make a ruling within 15 days after the date of receipt of the written opposition.

     第五条 执行过程中,当事人、利害关系人认为执行法院的执行行为违反法律规定的,可以依照民事诉讼法第二百零二条的规定提出异议。


   Article 6   Where the parties concerned or interested parties apply for reconsideration pursuant to the provisions of Article 202 of the Civil Procedure Law, written forms shall be adopted.

     第六条 当事人、利害关系人依照民事诉讼法第二百零二条规定申请复议的,应当采取书面形式。

   Article 7   Written materials submitted by the parties concerned and interested parties for reconsideration may either be forwarded through the enforcement court or directly submitted to the people's court at the next higher level.

The enforcement court shall, within five days after receipt of the reconsideration application, submit the case files required for the reconsideration to the people's court at the next higher level. The people's court at the next higher level shall, upon receipt of the reconsideration application, notify the enforcement court to submit case files required for the reconsideration within five days.

     第七条 当事人、利害关系人申请复议的书面材料,可以通过执行法院转交,也可以直接向执行法院的上一级人民法院提交。


   Article 8   The people's court at the next higher level shall form a collegiate panel to examine the reconsideration application filed by the parties concerned or interested parties.

     第八条 上一级人民法院对当事人、利害关系人的复议申请,应当组成合议庭进行审查。

   Article 9   Where the parties concerned or interested parties apply for reconsideration pursuant to the provisions of Article 202 of the Civil Procedure Law, the people's court at the next higher level shall finish the examination within 30 days after receipt of the reconsideration application, and make a ruling. An extension that is required due to special circumstances may be permitted upon approval of the president of that court, provided that the extension does not exceed 30 days.

     第九条 当事人、利害关系人依照民事诉讼法第二百零二条规定申请复议的,上一级人民法院应当自收到复议申请之日起三十日内审查完毕,并作出裁定。有特殊情况需要延长的,经本院院长批准,可以延长,延长的期限不得超过三十日。

   Article 10   Enforcement shall not be suspended during the examination of opposition against the enforcement or the period of reconsideration.

Where the person subject to enforcement and the interested parties provide sufficient and effective security to request suspension of the corresponding disposal measures, the people's court may grant permission. Where the enforcement applicant provides sufficient and effective security to request resumption of enforcement, the enforcement shall be resumed.

     第十条 执行异议审查和复议期间,不停止执行。


   Article 11   According to the provisions of Article 203 of the Civil Procedure Law, under any of the following circumstances, the people's court at the next higher level may, based on the application of the enforcement applicant, order the enforcement court to effect the enforcement within a specified time limit or change for a different enforcement court:

(1) The person subject to enforcement has property available for enforcement when the creditor applies for enforcement, and the enforcement court fails to complete the enforcement of such property within six months after receipt of the written application for enforcement;

(2) With regard to the property of the person subject to enforcement available for enforcement that is discovered during the process of enforcement, the enforcement court fails to complete the enforcement of such property within six months after discovery thereof;

(3) With regard to enforcement of acts and obligations determined in legal documents, the enforcement court fails to take corresponding enforcement measures within six months after receipt of the written application for enforcement in accordance with the law; or

(4) Other circumstances where conditions for enforcement are available, but enforcement is not effected within six months.

     第十一条 依照民事诉讼法第二百零三条的规定,有下列情形之一的,上一级人民法院可以根据申请执行人的申请,责令执行法院限期执行或者变更执行法院:





   Article 12   Where the people's court at the next higher level orders the enforcement court to effect enforcement within the specified time limit pursuant to the provisions of Article 203 of the Civil Procedure Law, it shall issue a supervision and urge order for enforcement, and notify the enforcement applicant of the relevant situation in writing.

Where the people's court at the next higher level decides to effect the enforcement by itself or designates another people's court under its jurisdiction to effect the enforcement, it shall make a ruling and serve the same on the parties concerned and notify the relevant people's court.

     第十二条 上一级人民法院依照民事诉讼法第二百零三条规定责令执行法院限期执行的,应当向其发出督促执行令,并将有关情况书面通知申请执行人。


   Article 13   Where the people's court at the next higher level orders the enforcement court to effect the enforcement within a specified time limit, and the enforcement court fails to do so within the specified time limit without justifiable reasons, the people's court at the next higher level shall make a ruling to effect the enforcement by itself or designate another people's court under its jurisdiction to effect the enforcement.

     第十三条 上一级人民法院责令执行法院限期执行,执行法院在指定期间内无正当理由仍未执行完结的,上一级人民法院应当裁定由本院执行或者指令本辖区其他人民法院执行。

   Article 14   The period of six months as specified in Article 203 of the Civil Procedure Law shall not include the period of public notice, period of expert evaluation, period of resolving dispute over jurisdiction, period of negotiating dispute over enforcement, period of stay of enforcement, and period of enforcement suspension.

     第十四条 民事诉讼法第二百零三条规定的六个月期间,不应当计算执行中的公告期间、鉴定评估期间、管辖争议处理期间、执行争议协调期间、暂缓执行期间以及中止执行期间。

   Article 15   An outside party that claims ownership to the enforcement subject matter or claims other substantive right that is sufficient to prevent transfer or delivery of the enforcement subject matter may, pursuant to the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law, raise oppositions to the enforcement court.

     第十五条 案外人对执行标的主张所有权或者有其他足以阻止执行标的转让、交付的实体权利的,可以依照民事诉讼法第二百零四条的规定,向执行法院提出异议。

   Article 16   During the period of examination of oppositions raised by an outside party, the people's court shall not dispose of the enforcement subject matter.

Where the outside party provides sufficient and effective security to request lift of the seal-up, detainment, freezing of the disputable subject matter, the people's court may grant permission. If the enforcement applicant provides sufficient and effective security to request resumption of enforcement, the enforcement shall be resumed.

If the outside party's provision of security to lift the seal-up, detainment, freezing is at fault, thereby rendering it impossible to enforce the concerned subject matter, the people's court may directly enforce the secured property. If the enforcement applicant's provision of security to request resumption of enforcement is at fault, thereby causing losses to the other party, compensations shall be made.

     第十六条 案外人异议审查期间,人民法院不得对执行标的进行处分。



   Article 17   Where an outside party files an action pursuant to the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law, claims substantive right to the enforcement subject matter, and requests to suspend the enforcement of the said subject matter, the enforcement applicant shall be deemed as the respondent. If the person subject to enforcement opposes the outside party's claim of substantive right to the subject matter, the person subject to enforcement and the enforcement applicant shall be deemed as co-respondents.

     第十七条 案外人依照民事诉讼法第二百零四条规定提起诉讼,对执行标的主张实体权利,并请求对执行标的停止执行的,应当以申请执行人为被告;被执行人反对案外人对执行标的所主张的实体权利的,应当以申请执行人和被执行人为共同被告。

   Article 18   An action filed by an outside party pursuant to the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law shall be under the jurisdiction of the enforcement court.

     第十八条 案外人依照民事诉讼法第二百零四条规定提起诉讼的,由执行法院管辖。

   Article 19   With regard to an action filed by an outside party pursuant to the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law, the enforcement court shall try the case in accordance with the litigation procedures. If, after trial, the reasons are found untenable, a judgment shall be made to reject the litigation request. If the reasons are tenable, a corresponding judgment shall be made according to the litigation request of the outside party.

     第十九条 案外人依照民事诉讼法第二百零四条规定提起诉讼的,执行法院应当依照诉讼程序审理。经审理,理由不成立的,判决驳回其诉讼请求;理由成立的,根据案外人的诉讼请求作出相应的裁判。

   Article 20   If an outside party files an action pursuant to the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law, the enforcement shall not be suspended during the period of litigation.

If the litigation request of the outside party is indeed reasonable or the outside party provides sufficient and effective security to request suspension of enforcement, a ruling shall be made to suspend the disposal of the enforcement subject matter. If the enforcement applicant provides sufficient and effective security to request resumption of enforcement, the enforcement shall be resumed.

If the outside party's request to suspend enforcement or to lift the seal-up, detainment, or freezing, or the enforcement applicant's request to resume the enforcement is at fault, thereby causing losses to the other party, compensation shall be provided.

     第二十条 案外人依照民事诉讼法第二百零四条规定提起诉讼的,诉讼期间,不停止执行。



   Article 21   Where the enforcement applicant files an action pursuant to the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law to request to enforce the subject matter, the outside party shall be deemed as the respondent. If the person subject to enforcement opposes the enforcement applicant's request, the person subject to enforcement and the outside party shall be deemed as co-respondents.

     第二十一条 申请执行人依照民事诉讼法第二百零四条规定提起诉讼,请求对执行标的许可执行的,应当以案外人为被告;被执行人反对申请执行人请求的,应当以案外人和被执行人为共同被告。

   Article 22   An action filed by the enforcement applicant pursuant to the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law shall be under the jurisdiction of the enforcement court.

     第二十二条 申请执行人依照民事诉讼法第二百零四条规定提起诉讼的,由执行法院管辖。

   Article 23   Where the people's court makes a ruling to suspend the enforcement of disputable subject matter pursuant to the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law, and the enforcement applicant fails to file an action within 15 days after the ruling is served, the people's court shall make a ruling to lift the enforcement measures that have been adopted.

     第二十三条 人民法院依照民事诉讼法第二百零四条规定裁定对异议标的中止执行后,申请执行人自裁定送达之日起十五日内未提起诉讼的,人民法院应当裁定解除已经采取的执行措施。

   Article 24   Where the enforcement applicant files an action in accordance with the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Procedure Law, the enforcement court shall try the case according to the litigation procedures. If, after trial, the reasons are found untenable, a judgment shall be made to reject the litigation request. If the reasons are tenable, corresponding judgment shall be made according to the litigation request of the enforcement applicant.

     第二十四条 申请执行人依照民事诉讼法第二百零四条规定提起诉讼的,执行法院应当依照诉讼程序审理。经审理,理由不成立的,判决驳回其诉讼请求;理由成立的,根据申请执行人的诉讼请求作出相应的裁判。

   Article 25   If more than one creditor applies for enforcement against the same person subject to enforcement or applies for distribution of the enforced property, the enforcement court shall prepare a property distribution plan and serve it on the creditors and the person subject to enforcement. Any creditor or person subject to enforcement who opposes the distribution plan shall raise written oppositions with the enforcement court within 15 days after the date of receipt of the distribution plan.

     第二十五条 多个债权人对同一被执行人申请执行或者对执行财产申请参与分配的,执行法院应当制作财产分配方案,并送达各债权人和被执行人。债权人或者被执行人对分配方案有异议的,应当自收到分配方案之日起十五日内向执行法院提出书面异议。

   Article 26   If any creditor or person subject to the enforcement raises written oppositions against the distribution plan, the enforcement court shall notify the creditors or person subject to enforcement who have not raised oppositions.

If the creditors and persons subject to enforcement who have not raised oppositions do not raise any opposing opinions within 15 days as of receipt of the notice, the enforcement court shall revise the distribution plan according to the opinions of the party that has raised the oppositions and then carry out the distribution. If opposing opinions are raised, the party that has raised the oppositions shall be notified. The party that has raised the oppositions shall, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the notice, file an action with the enforcement court against the creditor or person subject to enforcement that has raised opposing opinions. If the party that has raised the oppositions does not file an action within the specified time limit, the enforcement court shall distribute the property according to the original distribution plan.

If distribution is made during the litigation period, the enforcement court shall place an amount corresponding to the disputable creditor's right in escrow.

     第二十六条 债权人或者被执行人对分配方案提出书面异议的,执行法院应当通知未提出异议的债权人或被执行人。



   Article 27   Within the last six months of the time period for applying for enforcement, if claims cannot be exercised due to force majeure or other obstructions, the time period for applying for enforcement shall be suspended. The time period shall resume when the causes for the suspension are eliminated.

     第二十七条 在申请执行时效期间的最后六个月内,因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求权的,申请执行时效中止。从中止时效的原因消除之日起,申请执行时效期间继续计算。

   Article 28   If the enforcement applicant and the parties concerned reach a reconciliation agreement, or one party concerned proposes performance conditions or agrees to perform the obligation, the time period for applying for enforcement shall be suspended. The time period for applying for enforcement shall be calculated anew from the time of the said suspension.

     第二十八条 申请执行时效因申请执行、当事人双方达成和解协议、当事人一方提出履行要求或者同意履行义务而中断。从中断时起,申请执行时效期间重新计算。

   Article 29   If legally effective documents specify that the debtor bear proscriptive duties, the time period for applying for enforcement shall be calculated from the date when the debtor violates the proscriptive duties.

     第二十九条 生效法律文书规定债务人负有不作为义务的,申请执行时效期间从债务人违反不作为义务之日起计算。

   Article 30   The enforcement personnel that immediately adopts compulsory enforcement measures pursuant to Article 216 of the Civil Procedure Law may, either at the same time or within three days after the compulsory enforcement measures are adopted, send the enforcement notice.

     第三十条 执行员依照民事诉讼法第二百一十六条规定立即采取强制执行措施的,可以同时或者自采取强制执行措施之日起三日内发送执行通知书。

   Article 31   Where the people's court orders the person subject to enforcement to report on its property status pursuant to the provisions of Article 217 of the Civil Procedure Law, it shall send a property report order to the latter. The property report order shall state the scope of property to be reported, time period for reporting property, and legal consequences for refusing to report or for making a false report, etc.

     第三十一条 人民法院依照民事诉讼法第二百一十七条规定责令被执行人报告财产情况的,应当向其发出报告财产令。报告财产令中应当写明报告财产的范围、报告财产的期间、拒绝报告或者虚假报告的法律后果等内容。

   Article 32   According to the provisions of Article 217 of the Civil Procedure Law, the person subject to enforcement shall report the following property status in writing:

(1) Income, bank deposit, cash, negotiable securities;

(2) Land use right, housing, and other real property;

(3) Transportation vehicle, equipment, products, raw material, and other movable property;

(4) Creditor's right, equity right, investment rights and interests, funds, intellectual property, and other property right;

(5) Other property that shall be reported.

The person subject to enforcement shall report any change to his present property that occurs within one year prior to receipt of the enforcement notice.

If the person subject to enforcement performs all the debts during the property report period, the people's court shall rule to terminate the report procedure.

     第三十二条 被执行人依照民事诉讼法第二百一十七条的规定,应当书面报告下列财产情况:








   Article 33   After the person subject to enforcement reports on its property, changes occur to the status of the property, thereby affecting the enforcement applicant's realization of its creditor's rights, a supplementary report shall be made to the people's court within ten days after the change occurs.

     第三十三条 被执行人报告财产后,其财产情况发生变动,影响申请执行人债权实现的,应当自财产变动之日起十日内向人民法院补充报告。

   Article 34   If the enforcement applicant requests to inquire into the property status reported by the person subject to enforcement, the people's court shall grant permission. The enforcement applicant shall keep confidential the inquired property status of the person subject to enforcement.

     第三十四条 对被执行人报告的财产情况,申请执行人请求查询的,人民法院应当准许。申请执行人对查询的被执行人财产情况,应当保密。

   Article 35   With regard to the property status reported by the person subject to enforcement, the enforcement court may carry out investigations to verify it on an application by the enforcement applicant or in accordance with its powers.

     第三十五条 对被执行人报告的财产情况,执行法院可以依申请执行人的申请或者依职权调查核实。

   Article 36   If the person subject to enforcement is restricted from leaving the country in accordance with the provisions of Article 231 of the Civil Procedure Law, a written application shall be submitted by the enforcement applicant to the enforcement court. The enforcement court may, when necessary, make a decision according to its powers.

     第三十六条 依照民事诉讼法第二百三十一条规定对被执行人限制出境的,应当由申请执行人向执行法院提出书面申请;必要时,执行法院可以依职权决定。

   Article 37   If the person subject to enforcement is an organization, its legal representative, person directly responsible or person subject to direct liability for affecting the performance of debts may be restricted from leaving the country.

If the person subject to enforcement is a person having no or limited capacity for civil conduct, its agent ad litem can be restricted from leaving the country.

     第三十七条 被执行人为单位的,可以对其法定代表人、主要负责人或者影响债务履行的直接责任人员限制出境。


   Article 38   During the period when the person subject to enforcement is restricted from leaving the country, if the person performs all the debts determined in the legal document, the enforcement court may lift the measure of restricting him from leaving the country. Such restriction may also be lifted if the person subject to enforcement provides sufficient and effective security or the enforcement applicant agrees.

     第三十八条 在限制出境期间,被执行人履行法律文书确定的全部债务的,执行法院应当及时解除限制出境措施;被执行人提供充分、有效的担保或者申请执行人同意的,可以解除限制出境措施。

   Article 39   According to the provisions of Article 231 of the Civil Procedure Law, the enforcement court may, according to its powers or according to the application of the enforcement applicant, publicize the information that the person subject to enforcement fails to perform the obligation determined in the legal document through newspaper, radio, television, the Internet, and other media.

The relevant expenses incurred from the publicizing shall be borne by the person subject to enforcement. If the enforcement applicant applies to publicize such information on the media, the applicant shall advance relevant payment.

     第三十九条 依照民事诉讼法第二百三十一条的规定,执行法院可以依职权或者依申请执行人的申请,将被执行人不履行法律文书确定义务的信息,通过报纸、广播、电视、互联网等媒体公布。


   Article 40   If any judicial interpretations promulgated by the Supreme People's Court prior to the implementation of these Interpretations, these Interpretations shall prevail.

     第四十条 本解释施行前本院公布的司法解释与本解释不一致的,以本解释为准。


中英双语-最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》执行程序若干问题的解释-(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-22 18:39:49