Full custody和Sole custody的含义和区别

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在了解这两个法律术语前,我们需要了解什么是“监护权”,监护权是监护人对于未成年人和精神病人等无民事行为能力人和限制行为能力人的人身权益、财产权益所享有的监督、保护的身份权。而Full custody就表示“完全监护权”,指在父母双方分居或离婚的情况下,仅由一方父母享有对子女的生活监护权(physical custody)和法定监护权(legal custody),而另一方父母享有对子女的探视权(visitation right)的子女抚养安排。参考例句:We can take him to the lawyer's office and you can sign over full custody to us. 我们可以带他去律师的办公室,你可以把监护权完全转移给我们。I have full custody of my child and I'm able to live on my own without any support. 我自己一个人养活儿子,我能独立生活,不需要别人的帮助。Sole Custody的英文释义为:An arrangement by which one parent has full control and sole decision-making responsibility — to the exclusion of the other parent — on matters such as health, education, religion, and living arrangements.即在健康、教育、宗教和生活安排等问题上,父母中的一方拥有完全的控制权和唯一的决策责任,而另一方除外。表示单独监护权,如:The girl's father was awarded sole custody. 女孩的父亲获得了单独监护权。如果上述一方获得了完全监护权,即获得了单独监护权,单独监护与共同监护(joint custody)相对,共同监护又可称为shared custody。

参考例句:It is unlikely that the Conakry court would have granted Mr. Kaba sole custody without mentioning it in the divorce decree, or in another written judgement of which the author would probably have received a copy.


发布于 2022-01-24 16:51:25