Meritorious原意为“优异的;高素质的”,在法律英语中,则表示“有法律价值的,有权利的,实质性的”,比如meritorious cause of action是权利性诉因或有价值的诉因,此表述有时适用于下列情况,即诉因起始于某人或随其转移。如某女婚前具有诉因在其结婚后由丈夫和她共同起诉。meritorious consideration为道义上的对价,指建立在道义上或人类天性及感情基础上的对价,通常不足以强制执行某合同。它是有价值的第二级的对价,具体如捐款、还债、扶养妻儿等。meritorious defense则为实质性答辩,指就案情实质所作的答辩,区别于延诉答辩(dilatory defense)或技术性的抗辩。
参考例句:The General Assembly may wish to consider the utility of introducing a similar mechanism to enable the Appeals Tribunal to address non-meritorious appeals more expeditiously.
The principle must always be to maintain equal access to legal aid regardless of the nature of the cases save in very exceptional circumstances as provided under the current section 5AA of the Legal Aid Ordinance so that only people with meritorious cases who pass the means and merits test will receive funding support.