1.答辩,辩护;辩词;答辩理由,指民事诉讼中被告对原告起诉状中的主张和请求,或者刑事诉讼中被告人对控诉方的指控所作的否认、反驳,以及支持被告人反驳主张的理由、证据等;如:The defence was that the records of the interviews were fabricated by the police.答辩词是警察捏造了访谈纪录。
2.辩护方;(被告对指控的)答辩;被告律师;The lawyer or lawyers whose job is to prove in court that a person did not commit a crime.
3.(对非法暴力行为的)反击;防御;防卫。如self-defence即为自卫,The man later told police that he was acting in self-defence.事后那人告诉警察,他当时是出于自卫。
Affirmative defense,翻译为“肯定性答辩;积极的答辩”,A defendant's assertion of facts and arguments that, if true, will defeat the plaintiff's or prosecution's claim, even if all the allegations in the complaint are true. 根据元照词典,肯定性答辩是指被告并不否认原告所主张之事实的真实性,而是提出其他的理由来说明为什么自己不应承担责任的答辩。因此,它并不反驳原告诉求之真实性,而只是否认原告在法律上有起诉的权利。根据联邦及大多数州的民事诉讼规则,所有的肯定性答辩都必须在应答书状〔responsive pleading〕即答辩状〔answer〕中提出,且被告对其所提之事由负证明责任。这些事由包括和解和清偿〔accord and satisfaction〕、自担风险〔assumption of risk〕、混合过失〔contributory negligence〕、胁迫〔duress〕、时效、不容否认〔estoppel〕等。在刑事诉讼中,构成肯定性答辩的事由包括精神失常、醉酒、自卫、无意识行为〔automatism〕、不在犯罪现场〔alibi〕、受胁迫等。
Capacity defense,翻译为“能力欠缺抗辩”A defense based on the defendant's inability to be held accountable for an illegal act or the plaintiff's inability to prosecute a lawsuit,刑事责任能力欠缺辩护指欠缺可构成诉讼的基本能力。例如,某人因受胁迫而欠缺合同的意思能力,后如因此合同而被起诉,则其可提出能力欠缺抗辩。
①For example, this may include experience in the following areas: the defence of those charged with serious and complex crimes at the domestic level, such as terrorism, homicide, manslaughter, trafficking and complex white-collar crimes; the defence of cases with international dimensions, such as those involving international judicial assistance, complex immigration issues or supranational crime; and the defence of those charged with war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
②One of the challenges ahead is to extend the tailored capacity-building, which currently reaches judges and prosecutors, to other professional groups of the criminal justice system such as defence lawyers, attorneys representing victims and correctional officers.
③It was his delegation’s understanding that the agenda item on assistance in mine action was intended neither to universalize the two conventions for States parties nor to impugn the “legality” of a State that used landmines in legitimate self-defence.