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著作者的精神权利(moral rights)、人身权或人格权是在欧陆法系及部分普通法系中赋予创作者对自己原创作品享有独立于著作权的另一系列权利,换言之这个权利是不会因为原作者已经放弃其作品的复制或持有权(无法从其获得经济上的直接利益如版税)而丧失。

《保护文学和艺术作品伯尔尼公约》(Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works),简称《伯尔尼公约》,是关于著作权保护的国际条约,1886年9月9日制定于瑞士伯尔尼。1992年10月15日中国成为该公约成员国。伯尔尼公约第六条之二:

Independent of the author's economic rights, and even after the transfer of the said rights, the author shall have the right to claim authorship of the work and to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of, or other derogatory action in relation to the said work, which would be prejudicial to the author's honor or reputation.



1、署名权(right of authorship),即在作品上署名,表明或放弃表明身份的权利;

2、发表权(right of publication),即决定作品是否公之于众的权利;

3、修改权(power of amendment)和保护作品完整权;

4、其他精神权利(other moral rights)。









However, their legal status is defined through copyright law, which is not the subject of the Guidelines; one key distinction of works which have fallen into the public domain is that the protection of moral rights of their authors may still be in force for such works under the national law.


However, when User Content is posted, the user is considered to (a) grant the Agency the perpetual right (including the right to sublicense to a third party) to use the User Content worldwide without any charge and on a non-exclusive basis (including the right to reproduce, disclose, transmit, distribute, transfer, lease, translate, and adapt), (b) agree not to exercise the moral rights of the author against the Agency; and (c) permit other users to download and browse the User Content within the range of the Terms and to use User Content for private and non-commercial purposes.


However, their legal status is defined through copyright law, which is not the subject of the Guidelines; one key distinction of works which have fallen into the public domain is that the protection of moral rights of their authors may still be in force for such works under the national law.


发布于 2022-04-27 16:27:40