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Estoppel一词的英文释义为:a rule of evidence whereby a person is barred from denying the truth of a fact that has already been settled


(1)禁止反言,禁止翻供,即指禁止当事人提出与其以前的言行相反的主张;即对于当事人先前的行为、主张或否认,禁止其在此后的法律程序中反悔。它分为三种:因立有契据而不容否认〔estoppel by deed〕、因已记录在案而不容否认〔estoppel by record〕和因既有行为而不容否认〔estoppel in pais〕,其中,前两种又称为普通法上的不容否认〔legal estoppel〕,后一种称为衡平法上的不容否认〔equitable estoppel〕。 

(2)再诉禁止;既判事项不容否认 禁止对同一当事人之间相同或不同争点再次争讼 



According to the Federal Circuit panel presiding over the intial appeal the effect of these arguments, even in a proceeding that had not reached any final determination, was an irretrievable estoppel – once Marine Polymer had filed it’s papers with the USPTO in the reexamination, nothing that later happened in that proceeding (or in any parallel proceedings in the litigation) could reverse the effect of those statements.

负责最初上诉的联邦巡回法院审判小组称,这些论据即使在尚未达 成 任何 最终 决议的流程中也属于无法收回的禁止反言——一旦 Marine Polymer 在复查过程中向美国专利商标局提交文件,此后复查(或所有同时进行的诉讼流程)中发生的一切均不能改变这些 声明的效果。

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发布于 2022-06-29 16:53:01