AI:人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。
IoT:物联网(Internet of Things),是指通过各种信息传感器、射频识别技术、全球定位系统、红外感应器、激光扫描器等各种装置与技术,实时采集任何需要监控、 连接、互动的物体或过程,采集其声、光、热、电、力学、化学、生物、位置等各种需要的信息,通过各类可能的网络接入,实现物与物、物与人的泛在连接,实现对物品和过程的智能化感知、识别和管理。物联网是一个基于互联网、传统电信网等的信息承载体,它让所有能够被独立寻址的普通物理对象形成互联互通的网络。
AIoT 行业产业链可分为四个层级∶感知层、传输层、平台层、应用及服务层。
3、平台层:作用是存 储数据和分析数据;
Companies adhering to the " 20 years of North America networking experience, combined with China's actual conditions, to concentrate the development of specifically for the Chinese market RFID chip and system products; using cloud computing technology and networking development of key technology service system software, to help and solve on the market all sorts of system scheme, reduce the program deployment difficulty and shorten the implementation cycle, reduce implementation cost, can effectively help simplify the process of vertical integration and enable the user to focus on improvement and innovation of business processes, closer to the user and the Internet of things technology distance.
公司秉承了20年北美物联网实践 经验,结合中国实际情况,专注开发针对中国市场的RFID芯片及系统产品;利用云计算关键技术 和 物联网 关 键 技术研发系统服务软件,以帮助和解决市场上各种系统方案,降低方案部署难度及缩短实施周期,降低实施成本,能有效帮助简化垂直整合过程而使用户专注于改善和创新商务流程,拉近用户 与 物联网 技 术 的距离。
In the aspect of the application mode of products, we combine the manual intelligent technique with the embedded technique to develop the integrated product of "hardware, software and resources", and realize the breakthrough of computer service products in forms and service connotation, specifically, on the basis of the application mode of the original software and hardware, computers are endued with corresponding resources (or knowledge) and certain intelligence (individual tools pack) to form embedded intelligent information service products.
在产品的应用模式方面,我们结合 人工智能 技 术 和嵌入式技术,研制开发了“硬件+软件+资源”的集成产品,实现了计算机服务产品形式上和服务内涵上的突破,即在原有软硬件应用模式的基础上赋予计算机相应的资源(或知识)以及一定的智能(个性化的工具包),形成嵌入式智能型信息服务产品。
The solution integrates a medical cloud platform, the Internet of Things, sensor technology, diversified medical devices, 3G mobile communications and other advanced technologies.
该方案集成医疗云平台、物联网、传 感技术、多样化的医疗终端、3G移动通讯等先进技术,将信息化技术带入传统医疗行业,提升了医疗服务的效率和专业度,为普通民众提供触手可及的医疗服务。