了解“Year in Review”的含义和用法

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Year in Review可以翻译为“年度回顾;一年回顾;年终总结;全年综述”等。指的是对本年度的工作等的回顾和总价。如:

2010 Digital Year in Review 数字年回顾

Clinical year in review III 临床年度回顾三


Week in review,一周评述,指的是对周内的工作等的回顾和总价

Month in review,本月总结,指的是对月度的工作等的回顾和总价


Production and package of video materials, features and programmes related to the work of the Organization, including “United Nations in Action”, “21st Century”, “Year in Review”, and ad hoc co-productions with United Nations system agencies and other organizations (8); television coverage of General Assembly, Security Council and other meetings, and other events and activities, including those featuring the Secretary-General, for distribution to news organizations (1).

制作与本组织的工作有关的整套视频材料、专题和节目,包括“联合国在行动”、“21世纪”和“全年综述”,与联合国系统各机构和其他组织共同制作特别节目(8);对大会、安全理事会和其他会议以及其他事件和活动,包括秘书长的活动进行电视报道,并将电视报道发送给新闻组织(1);i.联合国电视频道向世界各地的观众播放来自联合国总部的现场报道以及联合国 电视台、联合国系统各机构和基金录制的叙述性节目(1)。

The United Nations Information Centre in Rio de Janeiro in 2009 produced the Portuguese version of the videos “Year in Review 2008” and “End Poverty: Millennium Development Goals 2015.


The Department’s annual publication, entitled “United Nations peace operations 2010: year in review”, presented a look back at current United Nations peacekeeping operations and special political and peacebuilding missions throughout the world.

新闻部的年刊“联合国维持和平行动:2010 年综述”回顾了当前在世界各地联合国维和行动、特别政治特派团以及建设和平特派团的情况。

During the year in review the Subcommittee has identified a number of issues in the course of its visits which it wishes to highlight, and upon which it is reflecting.


发布于 2022-09-28 10:05:19