法律英语中的Burden of Proof

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Burden of Proof表示:the task or responsibility of proving that sth is true 可翻译为“举证责任;证明责任;提供证据之责任”

Burden of Proof是指当作为裁判基础的法律要件事实在诉讼中处于真伪不明的状态时,一方当事人因此而承担的诉讼上的不利后果。《民诉法司法解释》对证明责任作出了明确的规定,即当事人对自己提出的诉讼请求所依据的事实或者反驳对方诉讼请求所依据的事实有责任提供证据加以证明。没有证据或者证据不足以证明当事人的事实主张的,由负有举证责任的当事人承担不利后果。



given that the Government has indicated that there are practical difficulties in relaxing the relevant restriction in part (a), including the difficulties in confirming if the machinery or plant was solely used on the Mainland for manufacturing goods sold to the Hong Kong enterprise concerned, if the machinery or plant has been sold and if the depreciation allowances concerned have been claimed by others, whereas there are provisions in the IRO stipulating that under certain circumstances the burden of proof shall rest on the taxpayers, whether the Government will allow taxpayers to provide evidence in this respect to address such difficulties, so that the legislative intent of section 39E will not be violated when this section is enforced?


The Chair of the meeting invited speakers to focus their contributions on the following specific issues regarding the criminalization of cultural property: (a) the availability of statistical data at the national level; (b) the existence of specific legislation on trafficking in cultural property and potential challenges in developing specific legislation; (c) the imposition of strong penalties for trafficking in cultural property; (d) the existence of penalties directed at specific stakeholders or sectors; (e) the question of reversing the burden of proof; (f) criminal law measures criminalizing those requesting and purchasing illicit cultural property; and (g) the use of new technologies in the fight against trafficking in cultural property and the criminalization of such use when done for illicit purposes.


发布于 2022-09-30 16:38:42