股东优先认缴权 Right of First Offer
股东优先认缴权(Right of First Offer)是指公司在发行新股时,投资方作为原始股东可以按照原持有的股份数量的一定比例优先于他人进行认购股权的权利。《中华人民共和国公司法》第34条规定:“股东按照实缴的出资比例分取红利;公司新增资本时,股东有权优先按照实缴的出资比例认缴出资。但是,全体股东约定不按照出资比例分取红利或者不按照出资比例优先认缴出资的除外。”
A right of first offer (ROFO) is a contractual obligation that allows the holder to purchase an asset before the owner tries to sell it to someone else. If the right holder is no longer interested in the property, the seller can then sell it to a third party. Rights of first offer are most commonly used in the real estate industry and the sale of businesses. 具体例句如下,可供参考:
A right of first offer is usually written into a contract such as a lease agreement or business partnership. It is triggered when the owner wants to sell the asset or real property. Under the terms of the contract, the owner is obliged to give the holder of the right of first offer the first chance to buy the property. The right holder has a specific amount of time to make an offer before the right expires. The seller is free to accept or reject the offer.
Sellers typically include landlords and business owners, while right holders are generally tenants and investors. It is common in commercial real estate for the owner of commercial office space to provide a right of first offer to whomever is occupying the space being considered for future sale.
The most common situation where a right of first offer is used is in real estate between a landlord and tenant. The tenant may want a right of first offer from the landlord to avoid being forced to relocate in the event of a sale of the property. The tenant may wish to make a reasonable offer on the property. Meanwhile, the landlord may consider the offer to make a quick sale and minimize legal and brokerage fees.
The right of first offer is also used when a business is being sold off. A business owner may give the right of first offer to partners or investors before putting it on the general market to sell to a third party.
1. 保护股东的比例性利益。向股东赋予新股优先认缴权是按照原有股东持股比例进行分配,防止股权被稀释。如果公司增资时,不赋予股东优先认购权,原有股东的股权比例将会被稀释,不但会影响其财产性权利,而且会影响其非财产性权利,例如可能会丧失董事会原有席位,不能有效地参与公司日常治理,打击原有股东投资积极性。
2. 保护中小股东权益。为了保护中小股东的弱势地位,需要赋予中小股东新股优先认购权,以此来制约大股东通过认购新股来强化其控股地位的目的。
3. 提高公司融资效率。通过将新股分配给原股东,可以免去对新股东尽职调查的时间,提高融资效率;对股东优先认缴权的时间限制,可以督促股东及时行使权利,提高公司整体融资效率。
1. 原则
2. 例外
1. 行使期限
2. 优先认缴出资比例的限制