了解法律英语中的Restraint of trade的含义

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Restraint of trade表示“限制从业”。

Trade 一词在此表示:

1、a particular type of business 行业;职业;生意

The building trade 建筑业

The food trade 食品业

The tourist trade 旅游业

2、a particular area of business and the people or companies that are connected with it 同业;同行;同人

Trade magazine/journal 行业杂志╱期刊

Trade representative 行业代表

【限制从业】(Restraint of trade)的情况,主要出现在雇佣关系(employment relationship)上。很多时候,雇主会在雇佣合约上加上条款,限制雇员在离职以后,往别处地方工作或限制雇员在某特定时间内为其它雇主工作。这些限制有可能因地域或时间长短等而被法庭裁定无效。


The Bill also imposes restrictions on the enforcement of overseas judgements for multiple damages and certain judgements in restraint of trade.


He highlighted the unique opportunity that the Commission afforded members for debate on how to better protect the health of consumers worldwide and ensure fairer practices in food trade. codexalimentarius.org


Strikes on board or ashore, lockout, stoppages, or restraint of trade or labour, desertion or revolt of crew, barratry, industrial actions or labour difficulties, disturbance or conflicts, or shortages from whatever cause, whether partial or general and whether or not the Carrier be party thereto starcruises.com


A trade representative sought advice on the way in handling perishable food that was detected with pesticide falling outside the scope of the proposed Regulation or not covered by the list of MRLs/EMRLs but the level of residue detected did not exceed the regulatory level.


The main impacts of the current multilateral trade regime on the right to food include: (a) increased dependency on international trade which may lead to loss of export revenues when the prices of export commodities go down, threats to local producers when low-priced imports arrive on the domestic markets, against which these producers are unable to compete, and balance of payments problems for the net food-importing countries when the prices of food commodities go up; (b) potential abuses of market power in increasingly concentrated global food supply chains and further dualization of the domestic farming sector; and (c) potential impacts on the environment and on human health and nutrition, impacts that are usually ignored in international trade discussions, despite their close relationship to the right to adequate food.


发布于 2023-01-04 22:02:19