Lemon(柠檬):a thing that is useless because it does not work as it should 在美国俚语中是“残次品;无用的东西;蹩脚货;废物”。
Lemon law,柠檬法,是一种美国的消费者保护法,主要是在保障汽车买主的权益。柠檬法的名称起源于美国经济学家乔治·阿克罗夫(George A. Akerlof)所发表的一篇经济学论文,因为这缘故,对于出厂后有瑕疵问题的汽车,通常也会称呼其为柠檬车(Lemon Car)或直接就称为柠檬(Lemons)。
Lemon law:statutes adopted in some states to mak e it easi er for a buyer of a new vehicl e to sue for damages or replacement if the deal er or manufacturer cannot mak e it run properly after a reasonabl e number of attempts to fix the car.
Lemon Market 或The Market for Lemons,柠檬市场,也称次品市场,也称阿克洛夫模型。是指信息不对称的市场,即在市场中,产品的卖方对产品的质量拥有比买方更多的信息。在极端情况下,市场会止步萎缩和不存在,这就是信息经济学中的逆向选择。柠檬市场效应则是指在信息不对称的情况下,往往好的商品遭受淘汰,而劣等品会逐渐占领市场,从而取代好的商品,导致市场中都是劣等品。其中,二手市场(Secondary Market),是柠檬市场的一个特例。
As for the question raised by Miss CHAN regarding whether young people will make investments in this regard, in addition to the supply of small units or the 250 000 HOS flats offered on the secondary market as mentioned by me just now, we can certainly take care of them through the Waiting List should such need arise, because our policy is to concentrate resources to take care of the people most in need.
陈议员刚才问究竟年青人会否在这方面投资,除了小单位的供应 或我刚才提到由第二市场提供的 25 万个居屋外,如果他们有需要的话,我 们当然亦可透过公屋轮候册照顾他们,因为我们的政策是集中资源照顾最有需要的人。
if in the opinion of the Lead Manager there shall have been, since the date of the Subscription Agreement, any change, or any development involving a prospective change, in national or international monetary, financial, political or economic conditions (including any disruption to trading generally, or trading in any securities of the Issuer on any stock exchange or in any over-the-counter market) or currency exchange rates or foreign exchange controls such as 5 would in its view, be likely to prejudice materially the success of the Bond Issue and distribution of the Convertible Bonds or dealings in the Convertible Bonds in the secondary market; and
如果上述任何一项先决条在截止认购日或期权终止日(视属何情况而定)之前仍未达成或未获牵头经办人豁免; (iii) 如果牵头经办人认为自认购协议立约之日起,在本国或国际性的货币、金融、政治或经济状况上,或在外汇汇率或外汇管制措施上,已出现牵头经办人认为可能会重大地有损债券发行及分销 可换股债券的成功进行,或可换股债券在二级市场的买卖的任何转变或可能导致该等转变的事态 发展(包括对普遍的证券买卖,或对发i行人证券在任何交易所或场外交易市场 的 买卖 造成 的扰乱);以及
Coordination and hold-out problems are exacerbated by the presence of vulture creditors, who buy the debt at a deep discount on the secondary market with the intention of litigating, after the majority of creditors have reached a settlement with the defaulting country daccess-ods.un.org
协调和抵制的问 题因趁火打劫的债权人的存在而进一步加剧,这种债权人 在 二 级 市 场 上以 极大 的 折扣买下债务,目的是在大多数债权人与违约的国家达成解决办法之后,进行诉 讼;(c) 国家在债务重组过程中无法获得私 人临 时融资,因为这种融资的资历并