A formal notice filed with a court or officer to suspend a proceeding until filer is given a hearing.
如:a caveat filed against the probate of a will
A warning that particular things need to be considered before sth can be done
如:a warning against certain acts
Caveat seller 卖者当心
Caveat buyer 买主当心
Caveat imptor 买方责任
Caveat venitor 卖方责任
Caveat venture 卖方承担的保险
Caveat emptor 货物出门概不退换原则;买受人自负其责原则
Caveat emptor:the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made.
I believe in these cases there should be a presumption toward? Caveat emptor? - buyer beware.
There was one caveat: he was not to enter into a merger or otherwise weaken the Roche family's control of the firm.
When non-price criteria are involved in the determination of the successful submission, paragraph (1)(c) requires that such criteria must be quantifiable and capable of expression in monetary terms (e.g., figures, percentages): this provision overrides the caveat in article 11 that the expression in monetary terms should be made “where practicable” [**hyperlink**].
This general caveat leads to a number of more specific requirements, such as refraining from monopoly claims for State supported dialogue projects, respecting the voluntary nature of participation, observing the principle of State neutrality and doing justice to the idea of conceptual inclusiveness.
Following a discussion and noting the caveat that the final phase of the study should not exceed the bounds of an evaluation, the Executive Committee took note of the information provided, including the proposed evaluation issues and approach for the final phase of the evaluation of methyl bromide projects (decision 66/13).
在经过一番讨论和指出须注意研究的最后阶段不应该超越评价的范围后,执行委员会注意到提供的信息,包括提议的评价问题以及甲基溴评价的最后阶段的办法(第 66/13 号决定)。
The only caveat placed on the role of the public information function has been the requirement to keep some information out of the public domain owing to concerns for security and diplomatic sensitivity.