法律术语之Challenge for Cause

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Challenge for Cause,有因回避

Challenge for Cause:to ask that a member of the jury panel be excused because there appears to be a specific reason,set out in the court rule,that one is not legally qualified to act as a juror in this case.









Peremptory challenge 无因反对

Challenge of judge 要求法官回避的请求

Challenge to the favor 以偏见为由的回避请求

Challenge for cause 对陪审团的组成表示反对或提出异议

to question the qualifications of an entire panel summoned for jury duty, usually because of alleged partiality or some deficiency in the manner by which the panel was selected and summoned.


They can challenge jurors either for cause or using what are called peremptory challenges.


Instead, the company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not: challenge the constitutionality of Vermont’s rules in the federal court, as part of a desperate effort to keep its Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant running.


The Buyer, if he establishes his identity, has the right to question the Seller to obtain confirmation that personal data concerning him are or are not subjected to this treatment, information on for purposes of processing, the categories of personal data processed and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data are disclosed, where appropriate, information on transfers of personal data considered destined for a non-member State European Community, the communication in an accessible form of personal data concerning him and any available information on the origin thereof, of information to know and challenge the logic- the automatic processing where a decision taken on the basis thereof and producing legal effects in respect of the individual. en.

买方,如果他确定他的身份,有权向卖方索取有关的个人资料,证实关于他的或不受到这种待遇,信息加工用途,个人资料的处理和类别的受助人或受助会员国类别该等资料披露,在适当的转移,个人资料数据认为注定非欧洲共 同体,数据通信在个人可访问的形式到有关他的任何现有资料的来源及其信息,要 知道 , 挑战 逻 辑 在自 动处

发布于 2023-02-02 17:09:20