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环境、社会和公司治理 ESG, Environment, Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance

ESG,即环境、社会和公司治理,(Environment、Social Responsibility、Corporate Governance)包括信息披露、评估评级和投资指引三个方面,是社会责任投资的基础,是绿色金融体系的重要组成部分。ESG体系主要包括三个方面:ESG信息披露标准,对企业ESG表现的评估评级方法,以及ESG评级结果对投资的指引和参考作用。国际经验表明,ESG信息披露是前提条件,ESG评估评级提供了具体方法论,两者共同从系统化、流程化以及定量和可比的角度,为关注社会责任投资(SRI)的投资者提供更为明确的投资信号,是一个互相衔接、不可分割的整体。

ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) is a framework designed to be embedded into an organization’s strategy that considers the needs and ways in which to generate value for all of organizational stakeholders (such as employees, customers and suppliers and financiers). ESG corporate reporting can be used by stakeholders to assess the material sustainability-related risks and opportunities relevant to an organization. Investors may also use ESG data beyond assessing material risks to the organization in their evaluation of enterprise value, specifically by designing models based on assumptions that the identification, assessment and management of sustainability-related risks and opportunities in respect to all organizational stakeholders leads to higher long-term risk-adjusted return. Organizational stakeholders include but not limited to customers, suppliers, employees, leadership, and the environment. 以下为相关例句,供参考:


ESG is a framework that helps stakeholders understand how an organization is managing risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance criteria (sometimes called ESG factors). ESG is an acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance. ESG takes the holistic view that sustainability extends beyond just environmental issues.



Environmental, social and governance (ESG) is a term used to represent an organization's corporate financial interests that focus mainly on sustainable and ethical impacts. Capital markets use ESG to evaluate organizations and determine future financial performance. While ethical, sustainable and corporate governance are considered non-financial performance indicators, their role is to ensure accountability and systems to manage a corporation's impact, such as its carbon footprint.



As a result, investors want to use their money to finance companies committed to these practices. ESG investing, also known as sustainable investing, has seen exponential growth as investors seek to provide capital for companies whose values on environmental sustainability and social responsibility align with their own.



Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is a strategic framework for identifying, assessing, and addressing organizational objectives and activities ranging from the company’s carbon footprint and commitment to sustainability, to its workplace culture and commitment to diversity and inclusion, to its overall ethos regarding corporate risks and practices.




一是ESG框架体系的构建充分借鉴了国际评级机构的经验、结合国内绿色信贷和风险识别的 实践,保证了评级体系的可靠性和针对性。整个框架体系涵盖三个层级,其中第一层级采用国际通用的概念框架,包括环境表现(E)、社会责任(S)和公司治理(G)三类大项;第二、第三层级,则充分借鉴了传统的绿色信贷和风险识别经验,并广泛征求国内外专家意见,筛选确定了17个维度和32个关键指标。



四是同时开发了指数运行管理系统和数据来源系统。为了配合ESG 评级和指数项目的开发和应用,需要开发一套系统,以实现数据的自动提取和运算,评价结果的结构化展示和输出,以及对重点行业的项目立项、运营关键数据进行录入收集,包括环境、能效等关键指标数据,为ESG评级在所有客户的应用准备相关数据,将进一步提升企业环境数据的真实性和可得性。

五是评价结果对银行识别客户和引导可持续投资均具有较好的应用价值。ESG 评级作为传统信用评级的有效补充,为银行识别、选择客户提供了重要工具,有助于防范环境和社会风险,推动银行资产负债表的绿色化。此外,课题组基于企业ESG 评级分别开发了绿色投资指数和绿色发展指数,前者为关注可持续发展的投资者提供了资产配置的依据,能发挥引导绿色投资的作用;后者能为监管者判断相关行业的可持续发展变化走势,以及制定相应的行业政策导向提供参考。


随着绿色投资理念受到资本市场追捧,越来越多的机构开始研发基于ESG 信息的评级产品,其中影响力较大的包括明晟(MSCI)、彭博(Bloomberg)、意大利ECPI 和标准普尔公司等。据统计,MSCI公司每年基于全球5 500 多家上市公司编制了100 多只ESG 指数以满足不同责任投资人的需要,欧洲斯托克指数(Stoxx)也与ESG 研究服务机构Sustainalytics 合作,开发了基于ESG 评级的指数系列。

除了针对特定企业的ESG 评级之外,MSCI、Sustainalytics 等机构还开发了针对特定国家和特定行业的评级产品,为地区和行业的可持续发展提供评价依据。虽然目前有部分机构已经开始进行ESG 评级方法研究及指数产品研发工作,但从总体来看全球ESG 评级研究的进展尚处在初级阶段:第一,由于各个机构对于可持续发展评价理解的不同,绿色评级指标体系存在一定的差异;第二,绿色评级指标的构建和评价结果均受到企业信息披露质量的限制;第三,不同机构ESG 评级的方法学存在一定差异。

发布于 2023-02-03 14:41:42