法律术语之Status Offense

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Status Offense,法律术语,身份犯罪。

Status Offense:a violation of the juvenile code by a minor that would not be considered a violation of the law if committed by an adult. Examples: runaway, school truancy, incorrigibility,etc.



Has been found in violation by a hearing officer, discipline panel, or tribunal of one of the following offenses; or has received a change in placement for committing one of the following offenses: threatening, striking, or causing bodily harm to a teacher or school employee; possession or selling drugs or alcohol on school property or at a school-sponsored event; possessing or using a weapon on school property or at a school-sponsored event; committing any sexual offense or causing substantial physical or visible bodily harm to or seriously disfiguring another person, including another student.


发布于 2023-02-28 17:35:15