Unjust Enrichment,法律术语,不当得利。
Unjust Enrichment:profit unjustly obtain by a wrongdoer. To obtain reimbursement, the plaintiff must show an actual benefit to the defendant, a corresponding loss to the plaintiff and the absence of a legal reason for the defendant's enrichment.
Nicaragua further indicates that it “reserves the right to claim compensation for elements of unjust enrichment consequent upon Colombian possession of the Islands of San Andrés and Providencia as well as the keys and maritime spaces up to the 82 meridian, in the absence of lawful title”.
尼加拉瓜还表示,它“保留就哥伦比亚在没有合法所有权的情况下占有圣安德烈斯岛和普罗维登西亚岛以及直至 82 度经线以内的礁群和海洋空间而获取的各项不当利益提出索赔的权利”,并且“保留就尼加拉瓜国籍渔船或尼加拉瓜发照的船只受到的干预提出索赔的权利”。
Until such withdrawal, the licensee has to pay for the use of the licensed intellectual property on the basis of the principle of unjust enrichment an amount equal to the royalties owed under the licence agreement that was rejected.
The Government explained that there had been no acts of unjust enrichment with the award of the contract and that any breaches of the procurement rules were inadvertent and arose from a need to meet a 20 December 2007 deadline imposed by the new Government for the supply of electricity to Freetown.
An Shin then filed a lawsuit to the court and confirmed that TCIFI did not own the creditor’s right and required TCIFI to pay back the unjust enrichment of $3,595 thousand.