临时再保险 Facultative Reinsurance
这种再保险业务,通常用于保险公司的承保金额超过其自留额及合约再保险金额的总和时,才有必要。其分保的金额,通常为其超过部分的全数。临分业务所付保费的数额一般要较合同分保高,这是因为双方没有预先订立合约的原因。 临时分保的保险条件、承担的责任及费率等,分保公司需逐笔详细地通知再保公司。再保公司对保险条件可以提出异议,并对最终的临时分业务可以表示接受与否或接受的数额(或一定的百分比)。
Facultative reinsurance is coverage purchased by a primary insurer to cover a single risk—or a block of risks—held in the primary insurer's book of business. Facultative reinsurance is one of two types of reinsurance (the other type of reinsurance is called treaty reinsurance). Facultative reinsurance is considered to be more of a one-time transactional deal, while treaty reinsurance is typically part of a long-term arrangement of coverage between two parties.
Facultative reinsurance allows the reinsurance company to review individual risks and determine whether to accept or reject them. The profitability of a reinsurance company depends on how wisely it chooses its customers. In a facultative reinsurance arrangement, the ceding company and the reinsurer create a facultative certificate that indicates that the reinsurer is accepting a given risk.
Insurance companies looking to cede risk to a reinsurer may find that facultative reinsurance contracts are more expensive than treaty reinsurance. This is because treaty reinsurance covers a “book” of risks. This is an indicator that the relationship between the ceding company and the reinsurer is expected to become a long-term relationship (versus if the reinsurer only wants to cover a single risk in a one-off transaction).
Facultative reinsurance contracts are much more focused in nature. They cover individual underlying policies, and they are written on a policy-specific basis. A facultative agreement covers a specific risk of the ceding insurer. A reinsurer and ceding insurer must agree on terms and conditions for each individual contract. Facultative reinsurance agreements often cover catastrophic or unusual risk exposures.
With facultative reinsurance transactions, the ceding company can offer an individual risk or a defined package of risks to a reinsurer. The reinsurer retains the right to accept or reject the risk, just like the primary insurer has the right to decide whether to insure a policyholder. Under a facultative arrangement, the reinsurer will perform its own underwriting for some or all of the policies to be reinsured, and each policy is considered a single transaction.