法律术语辨析之Death Benefit和Death Grant

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Death Benefit和Death Grant均是指给死者之受益人的费用。

Death Benefit是指:


(2)在保险中,因投保人(insurance applicant)死亡由保险公司向受益人赔付的费用,有些类似人寿保险金,称为 “死亡保险金”。 死亡保险,又称遗属保险,是指被保险人供养亲属在被保险人死亡之后,或者被保险人在其供养亲属死亡后,从社会上获得物质帮助的一种社会保险制度。

Death Grant:(in the British National Insurance scheme) a grant payable to a relative, executor, etc, after the death of a person (英国国家社会保险计划中的)“丧葬补助金”,可翻译为“丧葬费”。


Concerning the establishment of a survivors’ lump-sum benefit in the event of the death of serving members of the International Court of Justice, the General Assembly, in its resolution 40/257 C, approved the recommendation of the Advisory Committee to establish, in addition to the existing pension scheme, a death-benefit scheme for the members of the Court.

关于确定国际法院在职法官亡故时的一次总付遗属恤金问题,大会在第40/257 C号决议中,核可咨询委员会的建议,为法院法官制定了除现有养恤金计划之外的亡故恤金计划。

If the deceased is an HA employee, his/her surviving family will receive a death benefit of 12 months' basic salary or his/her accrued provident fund balance/accrued contract gratuity (for contract staff), whichever is the greater.


No changes in the procedure of paying the funeral benefit (death grant) have been made in comparison to the previous report, although the size of the benefit has increased.


Current or short-term employee benefits include payroll and allowances, death grant, education grant and home leave.

流动或短期职工福利包括工资和津贴 、死亡补助金、 教育补助金和回籍假。 

发布于 2023-04-28 17:55:55