不方便法院“Forum non conveniens” 是指在国际私法案件中,有几个国家的法院都有管辖权,原告选择起诉的管辖法院对被告应诉有诸多困难,而且如在其他法院诉讼比在原告选择的法院中处理更为合理时的原告选择管辖法院可能驳回原告之诉。通常,在一起国际私法案件中,有法院管辖权的国家越多,则可供原告选择的法院也越多,也就可争取更有利的地位。但在原告处于可选择有利法院的主动优势时:(1)可能造成被吿应诉时的多种困难;(2)衡量种种事实和相关因素,在其他法院进行诉讼比在原告所选定的法院进行诉讼,更为合宜。从而原告所选定的管辖法院,即可成为不方便法院。
不方便法院,有时也称为“非便利法院”或“非适宜法院 ”(“inappropriate (inconvenient) court”)。我国民事诉讼法没有规定该原则,在实践中,如果人民法院根据我国法律规定对某涉外商事案件具有管辖权,但由于双方当事人均为外国当事人,主要案件事实与我国没有任何联系,人民法院在认定案件事实和适用法律方面存在重大困难且判决结果需要到外国申请执行的,人民法院不必一定行使管辖权,可以适用该原则放弃行使司法管辖权。
为了更好的理解该词,以下是该词的英文释义:Forum non conveniens (Latin for “an inconvenient forum”) (FNC) is a mostly common law legal doctrine whereby a court “acknowledges that another forum or court is more appropriate and sends the case to such a forum. A change of venue, where another venue is more appropriate to adjudicate a matter, such as the jurisdiction within which an accident occurred and where all the witnesses reside.”
The Borrower irrevocably and unconditionally waives any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the choice of Hong Kong as the venue of any legal action arising out of or relating to this Deed and agrees not to claim that any court thereof is not a convenient or appropriate forum. The Borrower also agrees that a final judgment against it in any such legal action shall be final and conclusive and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction, and that a certified or otherwise duly authenticated copy of the judgment shall be conclusive evidence of the fact and amount of its indebtedness.