"Book building" 是证券发行中的一个过程,通过这个过程,投资银行或承销商收集机构或零售投资者对新发行证券的兴趣和投标价格。基于收到的投标,确定最终的证券发行价格。这个过程有助于更准确地反映市场对证券的需求和估值。
中文中,"Book building" 通常被翻译为“簿记建档”或“询价发行”。
During the book building process, the underwriters actively solicit interest and bids from institutional and large investors to gauge the demand and price for the new securities.
The advantage of book building is that it provides a more market-driven mechanism for price discovery, ensuring that the securities are neither underpriced nor overpriced at the time of issuance.
The company opted for the book building method over the fixed price method, believing that it would better capture the true market sentiment and generate a more favorable response from investors.