“法律效益”和“法律效力”,虽然一字之差,但是所表达的意思截然不同。据百度百科解释,法律效益是指通过立法、执法、诉讼、守法过程中对法律权利资源的最优配置,除去各种成本耗费后,进而实现法律资源使用价值在质上的极优化程度和量上的极大化程度及其所得到的综合效果。而法律效力是指法律所具有或者赋予的约束力,有时还指某种行为或事实在法律上的效果,即能够获得肯定性法律后果,例如一份依法成立的合同具有法律效力,能够获得法律的保护。有时会看见合同条款被翻译为“本合同附件与本合同具有同等法律效益”,这是不对的,此处应该是“法律效力”。“法律效益”的英文可以用“benefit of law”表示,而“法律效力”通常用“legal effect/force”表示。
Design-arounds are considered to be one of the benefits of patent law. By providing monopoly rights to inventors in exchange for disclosing how to make and use their inventions, others are given both the information and incentive to invent competitive alternatives that design around the original patent. In the field of vaccines, for example, design-arounds are considered fairly easy. It is often possible to use the original patent as a guide for developing an alternative that does not infringe the original patent.
Where a party does not accept a people's court's first-instance judgment , it has the right to file an appeal with the people's court at the higher level within fifteen days after the service of the written judgment. Where a party does not accept a people's court's first-instance ruling, it has the right to file an appeal with the people's court at the higher level within ten days after the service of the written ruling. Where no timely appeal is raised, the first-instance judgment or ruling of the people's court shall take legal effect.