赊销一般用英文Credit Sales来表示,它是信用销售的俗称。赊销是以信用为基础的销售,卖方与买方签订购货协议后,卖方让买方取走货物,而买方按照协议在规定日期付款或以分期付款形式付清货款的过程。赊销使商品的让渡和商品价值的实现在时间上分离开来,使货币由流通手段转变为支付手段(见货币的职能)。它实质上是提供信用的一种形式。赊销商品使卖者成为债权人,买者成为债务人,这种债务关系是在商品买卖过程中产生的。
Credit Sales refer to sales in which customer or purchaser is allowed to make payment at a later date instead of making payment at the time of purchase. In this type of sales, the customer is getting adequate time for making payment.
在一般的赊销协议中,有两项条款比较关键,分别是Credit Limit 赊销额度(Credit limit is the maximum amount up to which the company can sell his material to a particular customer as credit sales.),包括企业总体上的赊销额度和某一具体客户的赊销 额度两方面内容。企业总体赊销额度,是指企业基于自身情况和外 部环境而确定的可对外提供赊销的规模,并以此作为指导和控制企业的赊销总额。
及Credit Period(Credit period refers no. of days under which the customer has to make payment to the seller or when payment will be due for credit sales.)赊销期,指顾客支付货款的最大日期。
甲方向乙方提供的赊销额度为人民币11000元整(大写金额:人民币壹万壹仟元整),折合设备数量为100套,其他配件为 套/盒,未结金额达到额度后乙方购买商品时应即时结算,否则甲方有权拒售。
The credit line offered by Party A to Party B is RMB 11,000 (In Words: RMB Eleven Thousand Yuan), covering 100 sets of equipment, and _____ sets/boxes of other parts; after unsettled amount reaches the credit line, Party B shall pay for any commodities purchased by it; otherwise, Party A may refuse to sell.
The Parties agree to settle one month after this delivery, that is, June 13, 2018. At that time, Party B shall make full payment for this batch of goods to Party A.