“Court of appeal”怎么翻译啊?对应的中文是什么?

“Court of appeal”怎么翻译啊?对应的中文是什么?


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Court of appeal 上诉法院

〈英〉最高法院〔Supreme Court of Judicature〕的一部分,由1873年《司法组织法》〔Judicature Act〕创设,行使以前财政署内室法庭〔Court of Exchequer Chamber〕、衡平上诉庭、枢密院在各自范围内的相关上诉管辖权,由历任御前大臣、高等法院王座分庭首席大法官〔Lord Chief Justice〕、上诉法院民庭庭长〔Master of the Rolls〕、高等法院家事庭庭长及上诉法官〔 Lords Justices of Appeal〕组成,上议院常任上诉法官〔Lords of Appeal〕和高级法官〔puisne judges〕亦可被邀请参加开庭。上诉法院一般由上诉法院民庭庭长和另两名上诉法官组成普通庭,也可由总共5名法官组成全席庭〔full court〕。1966年刑事上诉庭〔Court of Criminal Appeal〕被取消,自此,上诉法院作为民事上诉分庭或刑事上诉分庭开庭。刑事上诉分庭组成人员必须是单数,至少为3人,其中之一通常为高等法院王座分庭的法官,并经常由王座分庭首席大法官主持,一般受理来自刑事法院〔Crown Court〕的上诉,也处理内政部提交的案件。民事上诉分庭对来自高等法院和郡法院的案件有上诉管辖权。另外每个分庭都可以同时开设数个相关法庭。

The Court of Appeal is the highest court in the province. It hears appeals from the Supreme Court, from the Provincial Court on some criminal matters, and reviews and appeals from some administrative boards and tribunals. The Court of Appeal is constituted by the Court of Appeal Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 77. The Court of Appeal Act provides for a Chief Justice and 14 other justices, as well as for supernumerary justices. Thus, the Court of Appeal actually has more than 15 judges. The Chief Justice of British Columbia heads the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal has a registrar who, in addition to other administrative duties, hears matters related to the settling of orders and bills of costs. 以下为相关例句,可供参考:


The Court of Appeal is the highest court within the Senior Courts of England and Wales, and deals only with appeals from other courts or tribunals. It is divided into two Divisions, criminal and civil, and is based at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. The judges of the Court of Appeal are the Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls, the President of the Queen’s Bench Division, the President of the Family Division, the Chancellor of the High Court and the Lord or Lady Justices (currently 38 in number).



The Court of Appeal of the High Court of Hong Kong is the second most senior court in the Hong Kong legal system. It deals with appeals on all civil and criminal cases from the Court of First Instance and the District Court. It is one of two courts that makes up the High Court of Hong Kong (which was formerly known as the Supreme Court of Hong Kong).

