DOA一般主要有两层意思:1. 到达即死,这是一个美国术语,用来描写那些希望获救的人在救护车刚到达,要抢救他们时,他们就死了。2. 到货即损。
很明显,协议中的DOA取第二种意思到货即损,是英文Dead On Arrival的缩写。电子产品的行业内用语。经销商收到厂家的货后,开箱就是坏的,就可以退货和更换,但是这是有个期限的(一般7天到60天不等)。如果超过DOA期限,就属于RMA:坏品维修期限过了,是不能退货的。Short for dead on arrival, DOA is a term used to describe a computer or computer hardware component that is bad when it is first received.
如果超过DOA期限,就属于RMA。这里的RMA是Return Material Authorization的英文缩写,即退料审查。是处理用户不良产品退货、换货的主要流程。当用户所使用某产品或部件不能正常工作时,将发起一个RMA流程,首先用户必须填写RMA申请单,然后RMA的处理人员将对该RMA申请进行审查,例如是否在保修期内等,然后分配一个RMA号给该申请单。A return merchandise authorization (RMA), return authorization (RA) or return goods authorization (RGA) is a part of the process of returning a product to receive a refund, replacement, or repair during the product's warranty period.
Dead on Arrival (DOA) means the product carton is opened and the system, visual or option product has obvious physical damage, fails to power up during configuration fails diagnostics or a major component within the system configuration is missing.