“forum shopping”中的shopping怎么理解啊?

“forum shopping”中的shopping怎么理解啊?


1 个回答

“shopping”原意为“searching for or buying goods or services购物”,但在这里和forum搭配时意思引申为search for court,因此“forum shopping”即“选择法院”,指的是一方当事人选择某一特定法院进行诉讼,以为获得最有利的裁判。Forum shopping is a colloquial term for the practice of litigants having their legal case heard in the court thought most likely to provide a favorable judgment. Some jurisdictions have, for example, become known as "plaintiff-friendly" and so have attracted litigation even when there is little or no connection between the legal issues and the jurisdiction in which they are to be litigated. (From Wikipedia)


一般来说,当对原告或被告的案件具有管辖权(Jurisdiction refers to the right of a court to hear a given case.)的法院达到两个以上时,原告和被告就可以决定由哪个法院审理案件对其更有利,这时就会出现“选择法院”的情况。比如说,如果一家公司在佛罗里达和纽约两个州做生意,那么佛罗里达州和纽约州均对其有管辖权,那么若有人想要起诉该公司,则可在佛罗里达或纽约任意一州提起诉讼。在美国,还有可能出现“选择法院”的情况的原因就是当某一州的法庭和联邦法庭同时有权审理案件时(联邦法庭审理案件的前提是:案件是因联邦法律引起的或案件涉及的原告和被告来自不同的州以及案件标的金额达到10,000美元以上)。



Although there are enterprise groups where separate insolvency proceedings may be a feasible option because there is a low degree of integration in the group and group members are relatively independent of each other, for many groups cooperation may be the only way to reduce the risk of piecemeal insolvency proceedings that have the potential to destroy going concern value and lead to asset ring-fencing, as well as asset shifting or forum shopping by debtors.



(c) whether the common law rule for prevention of forum shopping should be stipulated in the Bill (a Privy Council case which affirmed the common law rule was mentioned).

(c) 应否在条例草案中订明防止选择诉讼地的普通法规则(曾提及一宗确认此普通法规则的枢密院案件)。

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