如何区别award/judgment /ruling /verdict 判决裁决等的翻译?

如何区别award/judgment /ruling /verdict 判决裁决等的翻译?





The Company is currently considering and reviewing its options with respect to the Arbitration Award, including exploring ways to work together with First Concept on payment arrangements that are practical to and are in best interests of both parties. In any event, if SGS fails to satisfy the Arbitration Award, First Concept may apply to enforce the Arbitration Award against SGS through judicial measures in courts of Mongolia or in other applicable jurisdiction(s). The Company will provide further updates on the status of this matter as appropriate.

本公司目前正在考虑及审视其处理仲裁裁决之不同选择,包括与First Concept就付款安排共同探索实际可行及符合双方最佳利益之方法。在任何情况下,倘SGS未能实现仲裁裁决,First Concept可能于蒙古或其他适用的司法管辖区的法院申请透过司法措施向SGS执行仲裁裁决。本公司将适时就此事项之状况提供进一步最新情况。


The substantive hearing of the Originating Summons took place on 19 March 2021 before Mr. Justice Coleman sitting in the High Court of Hong Kong. On 31 March 2021, Mr. Justice Coleman handed down the written judgment (the “Judgment”). According to the Judgment, Mr. Justice Coleman dismissed the Originating Summons issued by Mr. Kwok in its entirety and awarded legal costs in favor of the Company and the Company’s Directors.

原诉传票之聆讯已于二零二一年三月十九日在香港高等法院进行,由高浩文法官 审理。于二零二一年三月三十一日,高浩文法官发出书面判决(「判决书」)。根据判决书,高浩文法官判处郭先生败诉并且撤销郭先生发出之原诉传票,并判处郭先生需向本公司及本公司董事支付法律费用。


If the Ministry of Commerce were to find the dumping accusation in its preliminary ruling in the affirmative, it will take provisional anti-dumping measures against the imported products under investigation from the date of the announcement of the preliminary ruling. The importers, when importing products under investigation originating from the US, Japan and South Korea, must provide a cash security deposit accordingly to the PRC customs authority on the basis of the extent of the anti-dumping determined in the preliminary ruling.



Parties obliged to make monetary payment, if fail to perform their obligation to pay within the period specified in this verdict, shall pay double interests for the debt for the period of deferred performance according to Article 253 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.


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