首先需要指出的是,“正当防卫”、“无过当之防卫”和“过度防卫”属于大陆法系(civil law)的刑法概念,在英美法系(common law)中是没有这一说法的。比如说,美国法律中仅存在right of self-defense。因此,翻译的时候是无法直接在英文中找到对应的表达的。
我们先来看一下英美法中对self-defense的解释:Self-defense is defined as the right to prevent suffering force or violence through the use of a sufficient level of counteracting force or violence.
由此可见,这里的sufficient level其实是和我们中文里的正当基本对应的,因而英美法中的self-defense其实本身就有正当防卫之意思。因此,使用self-defense来表示正当防卫也是可以的。
但鉴于“正当防卫”属于大陆法系(civil law)的刑法概念,因此为与英美法系中的概念区分,也可用justifiable一词来表示正当这一意思(Justifiable :An action, situation, emotion, or idea that is justifiable is acceptable or correct because there is a good reason for it. )从而将“正当防卫”译为Justifiable defense。
这一概念也是英美法中所不存在的。不过英美法系中有一个不退让法(stand your ground laws),与之类似。比如说,佛罗里达州关于不退让法是如此规定的:
“a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony”
此外,还可以用惯常使用的“boundless defense”来表示“无过当之防卫”。