年报中的“sinking fund depreciation method”指的是什么?

年报中的“sinking fund depreciation method”指的是什么?


Sinking fund指偿债基金、累计基金。具体而言,它有两层意思:1. 由债务人,通常是公司或公共机构为了在其发行的债券或其他长期债务到期予以清偿而定期存储并逐步累积的基金;2(会计)为折旧财产的更新等特定目的而划拨并累积形成的基金。A sinking fund is a fund containing money set aside or saved to pay off a debt or bond. A company that issues debt will need to pay that debt off in the future, and the sinking fund helps to soften the hardship of a large outlay of revenue.


Depreciation method是会计中经常会用到的折旧法,如常见的有:accelerated depreciation method加速折旧法(计算折旧的一种方法,指在资产有效使用期内的前几年允许较大的折旧费用扣减,以后则逐年减少。此种方法与直线折旧法相比,可在资产的最初几年收回较多的成本。加速折旧法包括余额递减折旧法、双倍余额递减折旧法和年限总额折旧法等。)


因此,“sinking fund depreciation method”即指的是偿债基金折旧法。


这种折旧方法是按期提存一定的金额,并将它作为一项年金,在折旧期末时,年金的价值等于资本的购置成本。从理论来看,这种折旧方法比较合理,因为它所提存的折旧费不仅包括每期的折旧费,而且还包括期初累计折旧应计的利息,因此可以充分地保证固定资产的更新。但它在会计实务中却很少使用。The sinking Fund Method will provide us with an amount of depreciation as well as provide funds for the replacement of this asset when an asset needs replacement like the end of life of an asset. Under this method, we charged depreciation on the value of the asset but will not be credited to the asset account instead we will credit it to the sinking fund account. This account will be shown on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet(Because it is a funds account) and an asset will be shown on the original value on the assets side of the Balance Sheet.



The estimated useful lives, residual values and sinking fund depreciation method are reviewed at the end of each reporting period, with effect of any changes in estimate accounted for on a prospective basis.



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