You understand that this matter may require a substantial expenditure of your time in reviewing documents, preparing for hearings and trial and participating in the discovery and pre-trial process.
You understand that this matter may require a substantial expenditure of your time in reviewing documents, preparing for hearings and trial and participating in the discovery and pre-trial process.
“discovery”是民事诉讼中的一种审前程序,一般译为“披露”。一方当事人可以通过该程序从对方当事人处获得与案件有关的事实与信息,以助于准备庭审。Pretrial Discovery is a stage in civil and some criminal actions where parties exchange information on the evidence that will be presented in court. The broad purpose of pretrial discovery is to ensure that parties in a lawsuit have mutual knowledge and access to all relevant facts that are essential to litigation. This makes certain that lawsuits are decided on the basis of the facts themselves, rather than whether facts have been concealed.
根据美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕的规定,要求披露的方式包括:书面证词〔deposition〕、书面质询〔written interrogatories〕、请求承认〔requests for admissions〕、请求出示文件〔requests for production〕等。在英国,任一方当事人经法庭许可并预交诉讼费用保证金后,可以书面质询的方式要求对方披露有关事实和文件,对方应经宣誓后作出回答,其回答的内容在庭审时可作为证据使用。刑事诉讼中的披露程序侧重于强调辩护方有权获得对其辩护所必要的证据,如美国《联邦刑事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure〕规定,被告人可以通过披露程序获得其所作的书面或被记录下来的陈述或有罪供认、检查与测试的结果、在大陪审团面前所作的证词、控诉方的专家证人的证词,并有权查阅控方的文件、照片、证物等。