英文合同里,有一个专门的术语叫 order of precedence,即:优先顺序,常用来定义文件的优先次序。因为在做一个大型项目时,很多时候偶会需要签很多合同、协议、意向书、规格、图纸等等,但人无法避免会犯错,会导致这些文件之间可能会有冲突的地方,所以,就需要提前定义好如果出现冲突时,应以哪份文件为准。
In the event of an inconsistency between documents, the following order of precedence shall apply:
1. (State contract name and number e.g. MOBIS CONTRACT GS-10F-XXXXX)
2. Task Order Statement of Work
3. Task Order Attachments, drawings, etc. associated with the Statement of Work
4. Contractor's Task Order Quote
If the chairman of the House Committee will not be present to move the motion referred to in subrule (2), the deputy chairman of the House Committee shall give notice and move that motion and in the event that both of them will not be present, the Member who will be present at the Council meeting referred to in subrule (2) and has the highest precedence in the order of precedence of Members as determined in accordance with Rule 1A (Precedence of Members) shall do so.
如内务委员会主席不会出席有关会议动议第(2)款所提述 的议案,内务委员会副主席须作出预告及动议该议案;如主席和副主 席均不会出席有关会议,将会出席第(2)款所提述的立法会会议的议员 中根据本议事规则第1A条 ( 议员的排名) 而定的议员排名序排名最先者须作出预告及动议该议案。