“without prejudice to”在法律文件中怎么翻译比较好?

“without prejudice to”在法律文件中怎么翻译比较好?




Without prejudice to the generality of the power of the Corporation to cancel any permit under by-law 41H, all permits [...] which were issued by the KCRC before the Merger Date and which continue to have effect from the Merger Date until their expiry by virtue of section 3(2)(b) of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (Suspension of Bylaws) Bylaw 2007 (L.N. of 2007) shall from the Merger Date be regarded as permits issued by the Corporation under this Part.


在不损害港铁公司根据第 41H 条取消许可证的权力的一般性的原则下,所有由九铁公司在合并日期前发出的、而凭借 《2007 年九广铁路公司(附例暂时中止实施)附例》(2007 年第 号法律公告)第 3(2)(b)条自合并日期起继续有效直至其有效期届满的许可证,自合并日期起,须被视为由港铁公司根据本部发出的许可证。


此句“without prejudice to”译为“不损害...”


The Constitution accordingly attaches particular importance to this freedom, guaranteeing to every citizen the right to express views freely, to receive and disseminate information, and to access the press, without prejudice to security, safety or public morals.

《宪法》因此极为重视这一自由,保障每一公民有权自由表达看法,接 受和传播信息,获取新闻 ,但不得妨碍安全、治安或公共道德。


此句“without prejudice to”译为“不妨碍...”


The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, make any provisions as to the issue and allotment of such shares including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, a provision that [...] the new shares or any of them shall be offered in the first instance to all the holders for the time being of shares of any class in proportion to the number of the shares held by them respectively but in default of any such determination, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capital of the Company existing prior to the issue of the same.

于发行任何新股份前,本公司可以普通决议案作出任何有关发行及配发该等 股份的规定,包括(但在不影响前述条文的一般性的原则下)规定新股份(或其 任何部分)须先行按当时任何类别股份的所有持有人各自持有的股份数目所 占的持股比例发行予彼等,惟倘未有如此厘订,则有关股份可视作于有关股份发行前本公司现有股本中的部分般处置。


此句“without prejudice to”译为“不影响...”


笔者翻译经验了了,但从以上翻译实例中可得出“without prejudice to”可译为“不损害...”、“不妨碍...”、“不影响...”,欢迎补充。


附网上大神的总结:without prejudice to这个短语的功能相当于without affecting., 通常在后面跟一个直待某项法律条款的名词.但是对有关事物或者条款的规限程度,与 “subject to…”的句法结构相同,跟在“without prejudice to”这个短语之后的通常是一个指代某项法律条款的名词。但对有关事物或条款的规限程度,没有前者那么强硬。前者规限的程度是必须“符合”或“依照”有关条款或规定,后者指不要影响或损害其规限的事物。

在汉语中,其意思相当于“在不损害……的原则下”、“在不影响……的情况下”、“…… 不受影响”、“ 不妨碍……”、以及“不规限……”等等。例:


Without prejudice to section 24, the following shall be treated as properly executed



Without prejudice to your powers and discretions, we hereby authorize you or your agents to take any actions including but not limited to the following:



Without prejudice to the rights of the Attorney General every complainant or informant shall be at liberty to conduct the complaint or information respectively and to have the witnesses examined and cross-examined by him or by counsel on his behalf.

