Actual notice,中文翻译为“实际通知”,实际通知是一种法律通知,它以某种方式直接送达收件人,以确保此人确实收到了通知。指使实际知悉或直接告知某一特定事实、请求、程序等,也称明示通知(express notice)。
If his appointor is for the time being absent from Hong Kong or otherwise not available or unable to act (as to which a certificate by the alternate shall in the absence of actual notice to the contrary to other Directors be conclusive), his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor.
倘其委任人当时不在香港或未能抽空出席或未能履行其职 务(就此而言,在并无向其他董事发出相反内容的实际通知的情况下,则候补董事发出的证明文件具有决定性),则其就有关董事的任何书面决议的签署应如其委任人的签署般有效。
A person other than the director, controlled body corporate, or connected entity, for whom the transaction or arrangement was entered into acquired rights in good faith, for value, and without actual notice of the contravention, and those rights would be affected by the avoidance.