“人身保护令”在法律英语中,有其对照的术语,即:habeas corpus。
habeas corpus 源自拉丁语,意思即“You have the body”。在《英美法术语双解》一书中,该词有如下释义:
habeas corpus——Latin for "you have the body", the name of a writ used to bring a person before a court or judge. Generally, the writ is addressed to an offical or person who holds another. It commands him or her to produce the detained person in court so that the court may determine whether that person is being denied his or her freedom lawfully.
Therefore, domestic legislative frameworks should not allow for any exceptions from habeas corpus, operating independently from the detaining authority and from the place and form of deprivation of liberty.
因此,国内法律框架不得允许对人身保护令作任何 例外处理,这些框架的运作应独立于实行拘留的主管当局,并独立于剥夺自由的场所与形式。
His application for habeas corpus at first instance was heard within six days and decided two days later, whereas the appeal was decided within three weeks. daccess-ods.un.org
来文提交人首次要求人身保护令的申诉在六天内得 到审讯并在两天之后作出裁决,而上诉是在三星期内作出裁决的。