请问什么是godfather offer?

请问什么是godfather offer?


1 个回答


《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》中,对godfather offer给出了如下释义:

godfather offer

a takeover bid pitched so high that the management of the target company is unable to dissuade shareholders from accepting it 无法拒绝的高额公司兼并要约




A Godfather offer is an irrefutable takeover bid made to a target company by an acquirer. Typically, the offer is priced at an extremely generous premium compared with the target's prevailing share price, making it difficult for management to reject the bid without angering shareholders and being accused of breaching their fiduciary duty.


A Godfather offer is named after the Francis Ford Coppola movie of the same title. More specifically, the name refers to the film's famous line, "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." This line has gone on to become one of the most celebrated quotations in cinema.


由上可看出,Godfather offer来源电影Godfather,尽管无“无法拒绝的高额公司兼并要约”的相关中文释义的使用,从英文释义来看,确实是要表达的这个含义,理解上还可以参考如下案例:

Example of a Godfather Offer


Company A is a promising, up-and-coming developer of new, niche technologies. Its solutions could revolutionize how the world operates, leading some larger companies to sniff around and inquire about taking it over.


Company A's management team privately rebuffs all proposals, claiming it has no interest in selling and handing over all its potential to another firm. That strategy helps to keep the predators at bay for a few months until one of them turns hostile.


Company C, an industry juggernaut with significant financial resources, eventually gets tired of Company A's reluctance and responds by tabling a generous Godfather offer directly to shareholders. A bid of $70 per share is lodged, representing a 75% premium on Company A's current market price.


Company A's board is livid and maintains it does't want to sell at any cost, while the shareholders it is elected to represent voice support for the deal and refuse to take no for an answer. Suddenly, things turn messy. Disgruntled shareholders engage in a proxy fight, joining forces in an attempt to seize control and get the takeover approved. They also threaten to sue senior management for failing to act in their best interests.










