通俗来说, 无名合同,是相对于有名合同的法律概念。又称为非典型合同,是法律上尚未确定一定的名称与规则的合同。
即合同法明确规定的买卖合同,供用电、水、气、热力合同,赠与合同,借款合同,租赁合同,融资租赁合同,承揽合同,建设工程合同,运输合同,技术合同,保管合同,仓储合同,委托合同,行纪合同,居间合同之外的其他合同。 如旅游、美容、法律服务合同等。
无名合同对应英文中的Innominate contract。
An innominate contract is also termed as innominate real contract. In Roman & Civil law, innominate contract refers to a contract which is not classifiable under any particular name. In an innominate contract, the law supplies nothing in addition to the express agreement of the parties. This type of contract was developed late in classical Roman law. The agreements did not become operational without at least part performance, even if the agreements were reciprocal.